// ==UserScript== // @name 视频网HTML5播放小工具 // @description 三大功能 。启用HTML5播放;万能网页全屏;添加快捷键:快进、快退、暂停/播放、音量、下一集、切换(网页)全屏、上下帧、播放速度。支持视频站点:油管、TED、优.土、QQ、B站、西瓜视频、爱奇艺、A站、PPTV、芒果TV、咪咕视频、新浪、微博、网易[娱乐、云课堂、新闻]、搜狐、风行、百度云视频等;直播:斗鱼、YY、虎牙、龙珠、战旗。可增加自定义站点 // @homepage https://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-2093014-1-1.html // @include https://*.qq.com/* // @exclude https://user.qzone.qq.com/* // @include https://www.weiyun.com/video_* // @include https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_* // @include https://vku.youku.com/live/* // @include https://video.tudou.com/v/* // @include https://www.iqiyi.com/* // @include https://live.bilibili.com/* // @include https://www.bilibili.com/* // @include https://www.ixigua.com/* // @include https://www.acfun.cn/* // @include http://v.pptv.com/show/* // @include https://v.pptv.com/show/* // @include https://www.miguvideo.com/* // @include https://tv.sohu.com/* // @include https://film.sohu.com/album/* // @include https://www.mgtv.com/* // @version 1.8.2 // @include https://pan.baidu.com/* // @include https://yun.baidu.com/* // @include https://*.163.com/* // @include https://*.icourse163.org/* // @include https://*.sina.com.cn/* // @include https://video.sina.cn/* // @include http://k.sina.* // @include https://k.sina.* // @include https://weibo.com/* // @include https://*.weibo.com/* // @include https://pan.baidu.com/* // @include https://yun.baidu.com/* // @include http://v.ifeng.com/* // @include https://v.ifeng.com/* // @include http://news.mtime.com/* // @include http://video.mtime.com/* // @GM_info // @include https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=* // @include https://www.ted.com/talks/* // @noframes // @include https://www.yy.com/* // @include https://www.huya.com/* // @include https://v.douyu.com/* // @include https://www.douyu.com/* // @include http://star.longzhu.com/* // @include https://star.longzhu.com/* // @include https://www.zhanqi.tv/* // @run-at document-start // @include */play* // @include *play/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/7036 // @downloadURL none // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; const w = unsafeWindow || window; const { host, pathname: path } = location; const d = document, find = [].find; let v, _fp, _fs, by; // document.body const observeOpt = {childList : true, subtree : true}; const noopFn = () => {}; const q = (css, p = d) => p.querySelector(css); const delElem = e => e.remove(); const $$ = function(c, cb = delElem, doc = d) { if (!c || !c.length) return; if (typeof c === 'string') c = doc.querySelectorAll(c); if (!cb) return c; for (let e of c) if (e && cb(e)=== !1) break; }; const cookie = (name, value, options) => { let k, s; if (typeof value !== void 0) { options = options || {}; if (value == null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; } s = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) { let date; if (typeof options.expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); } else { date = options.expires; } s += '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); } //options: expires,path,domain,secure delete options.expires; for (k in options) s += '; ' + k + '=' + options.k; document.cookie = s; } else { if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { let cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (k of cookies) { s = k.trim(); if (s.startsWith(name + '=')) { return decodeURIComponent(s.substring(name.length + 1)); } } } } }; const gmFuncOfCheckMenu = (title, saveName, defaultVal = true) => { const r = GM_getValue(saveName, defaultVal); if (r) title = '√ '+ title; GM_registerMenuCommand(title, () => { GM_setValue(saveName, !r); location.reload(); }); return r; }; const r1 = (regp, s) => regp.test(s) && RegExp.$1; const log = console.log.bind(console, '%c脚本[%s] 反馈:%s\n%s', 'color:#c3c;font-size:1.5em', GM_info.script.name, GM_info.script.homepage); const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); /* const onceEvent = (ctx, eName) => new Promise(resolve => ctx.addEventListener(eName, resolve)); const promisify = (fn) => (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { args.push(resolve); fn.apply(this, args); }); */ const hookAttachShadow = (cb) => { try { const _attachShadow = Element.prototype.attachShadow; Element.prototype.attachShadow = function(opt) { opt.mode = 'open'; const shadowRoot = _attachShadow.call(this, opt); cb(shadowRoot); return shadowRoot; }; } catch (e) { console.error('Hack attachShadow error', e); } }; const getStyle = (o, s) => { if (o.style[s]) return o.style[s]; if (getComputedStyle) { const x = getComputedStyle(o, ''); s = s.replace(/([A-Z])/g,'-$1').toLowerCase(); return x && x.getPropertyValue(s); } }; const doClick = e => { if (typeof e === 'string') e = q(e); if (e) { e.click ? e.click() : e.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')) }; }; const clickDualButton = btn => { // 2合1 按钮 !btn.nextSibling || getStyle(btn, 'display') !== 'none' ? doClick(btn) : doClick(btn.nextSibling); }; const intervalQuery = (cb, condition, stop = true) => { const fn = typeof condition === 'string' ? q.bind(null, condition) : condition; const t = setInterval(() => { const r = fn(); if (r) { stop && clearInterval(t); cb(r); } }, 300); return t; }; const goNextMV = () => { const s = location.pathname; const m = s.match(/(\d+)(\D*)$/); const d = +m[1] + 1; location.assign(s.slice(0, m.index) + d + m[2]); }; const firefoxVer = r1(/Firefox\/(\d+)/, navigator.userAgent); const isEdge = / Edge?\//.test(navigator.userAgent); const fakeUA = ua => Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', { value: ua, writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: true }); const getMainDomain = host => { const a = host.split('.'); let i = a.length - 2; if (/^(com?|cc|tv|net|org|gov|edu)$/.test(a[i])) i--; return a[i]; }; const ua_chrome = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36'; class FullScreen { constructor(e) { let fn = d.exitFullscreen || d.webkitExitFullscreen || d.mozCancelFullScreen || d.msExitFullscreen || noopFn; this.exit = fn.bind(d); fn = e.requestFullscreen || e.webkitRequestFullScreen || e.mozRequestFullScreen || e.msRequestFullScreen || noopFn; this.enter = fn.bind(e); } static isFull() { return !!(d.fullscreen || d.webkitIsFullScreen || d.mozFullScreen || d.fullscreenElement || d.webkitFullscreenElement || d.mozFullScreenElement); } toggle() { FullScreen.isFull() ? this.exit() : this.enter(); } } //万能网页全屏, 参考了:https://github.com/gooyie/ykh5p class FullPage { constructor(container, onSwitch) { this._isFull = !1; this._onSwitch = onSwitch; this.container = container || FullPage.getPlayerContainer(v, true); GM_addStyle( `.gm-fp-body .gm-fp-zTop { position: relative !important; z-index: 2147483647 !important; } .gm-fp-wrapper, .gm-fp-body{ overflow:hidden !important; } .gm-fp-wrapper .gm-fp-innerBox { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } .gm-fp-wrapper { display: block !important; position: fixed !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; background: #000 !important; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }` ); } static getPlayerContainer(video, isAddClass) { let e = video, p = e.parentNode; const { clientWidth: wid, clientHeight: h } = e; do { isAddClass && e.classList.add('gm-fp-innerBox'); e = p; p = e.parentNode; } while (e.nodeName == 'DIV' && p.clientWidth-wid < 5 && p.clientHeight-h < 5); //e 为返回值,在此之后不能变了 while (p !== by) { p.nodeType == 1 && isAddClass && p.classList.add('gm-fp-zTop'); p = p.parentNode || p.host; } return e; } static isFull(e) { return w.innerWidth - e.clientWidth < 5 && w.innerHeight - e.clientHeight < 5; } toggle() { const cb = this._onSwitch; if (!this._isFull && cb) cb(true); by.classList.toggle('gm-fp-body'); this.container.classList.toggle('gm-fp-wrapper'); this._isFull = !this._isFull; if (!this._isFull && cb) setTimeout(cb, 199, !1); } } const u = getMainDomain(host); const events = { on(name, fn) { this[name] = fn; }, undo(name) { delete this[name]; }, handle(name, ...a) { return this[name] && this[name].apply(this, a); } }; const app = { isLive: !1, disableDBLClick: !1, multipleV: !1, //多视频页面 isNumURL: !1, //网址数字分集 disableKeys: [], shellEvent() { const fn = ev => { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); _fp ? _fp.toggle() : clickDualButton(this.btnFP); }; this.mvShell.addEventListener('mousedown', ev => { this.checkMV(); if (!this.isLive && 1==ev.button) { ev.stopPropagation(); v.currentTime += 5; } }); !this.disableDBLClick && this.mvShell.addEventListener('dblclick',fn); }, setShell() { const e = this.getDPlayer() || this.getVjsPlayer() || (this.shellCSS && q(this.shellCSS)) || FullPage.getPlayerContainer(v, !1); if (e && this.mvShell != e) { this.mvShell = e; this.shellEvent(); } }, checkMV() { if (this.vList) { const e = this.findMV(); if (e != v) { v = e; this.btnPlay = this.btnNext = this.btnFP = this.btnFS = _fs = _fp = null; if (!this.isLive) { v.playbackRate = localStorage.mvPlayRate || 1; v.addEventListener('ratechange', ev => { localStorage.mvPlayRate = v.playbackRate; }); } this.setShell(); } } this.checkUI(); return v; }, getDPlayer() { const e = v.closest('.dplayer'); if (e) { this.btnFP = q('.dplayer-full-in-icon > span', e); this.btnFS = q('.dplayer-full-icon', e); e.closest('body > *').classList.add('gm-dp-zTop'); } return e; }, getVjsPlayer() { const e = v.closest('.video-js'); if (e) { this.btnFS = q('.vjs-control-bar > button.vjs-button:nth-last-of-type(1)'); this.webfullCSS = '.vjs-control-bar > button.vjs-button[title$="全屏"]:nth-last-of-type(2)'; } return e; }, hotKey(e) { const t = e.target; if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || t.contentEditable=='true' || /INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT/.test(t.nodeName)) return; if (e.shiftKey && ![13,37,39].includes(e.keyCode)) return; if (this.disableKeys.includes(e.keyCode)) return; if (this.isLive && [37,39,78,88,67,90].includes(e.keyCode)) return; if (!this.checkMV()) return; if (events.handle('keydown', e)) return; if (!e.shiftKey && this.mvShell && this.mvShell.contains(t) && [32,37,39].includes(e.keyCode)) return; let n; switch (e.keyCode) { case 32: //space if (this.btnPlay) clickDualButton(this.btnPlay); else v.paused ? v.play() : v.pause(); e.preventDefault(); break; case 37: n = e.shiftKey ? -20 : -5; //left 快退5秒,shift加速 //right 快进5秒,shift加速 case 39: n = n || (e.shiftKey ? 20 : 5); v.currentTime += n; break; case 78: // N 下一首 if (this.btnNext) doClick(this.btnNext); else if (this.isNumURL) goNextMV(); break; case 38: n = 0.1; //加音量 case 40: n = n || -0.1; //降音量 n += v.volume; if (0 <= n && n <= 1) v.volume = +n.toFixed(1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 13: //回车键。 全屏 if (e.shiftKey) { _fp ? _fp.toggle() : clickDualButton(this.btnFP); } else { _fs ? _fs.toggle() : clickDualButton(this.btnFS); } break; case 27: //esc if (FullScreen.isFull()) { _fs ? _fs.exit() : clickDualButton(this.btnFS); } else if (FullPage.isFull(v)) { _fp ? _fp.toggle() : clickDualButton(this.btnFP); } break; case 67: n = 0.1; //按键C:加速播放 +0.1 case 88: n = n || -0.1; //按键X:减速播放 -0.1 n += v.playbackRate; if (0 < n && n <= 16) v.playbackRate = +n.toFixed(2); break; case 90: //按键Z:正常速度播放 v.playbackRate = 1; break; case 70: n = 0.03; //按键F:下一帧 case 68: n = n || -0.03; //按键D:上一帧 v.currentTime += n; v.pause(); break; default: return; } e.stopPropagation(); }, checkUI() { if (this.webfullCSS && !this.btnFP) this.btnFP = q(this.webfullCSS); if (this.btnFP) _fp = null; else if (!_fp) _fp = new FullPage(this.mvShell, this.switchFP); if (this.fullCSS && !this.btnFS) this.btnFS = q(this.fullCSS); if (this.btnFS) _fs = null; else if (!_fs) _fs = new FullScreen(v); if (this.nextCSS && !this.btnNext) this.btnNext = q(this.nextCSS); if (this.playCSS && !this.btnPlay) this.btnPlay = q(this.playCSS); }, switchFP(toFull) { if (toFull) { for (let e of this.vSet) this.viewObserver.unobserve(e); } else { for (let e of this.vList) this.viewObserver.observe(e); } }, onGrowVList() { if (this.vList.length == this.vCount) return; if (this.viewObserver) { for (let e of this.vList) { if (!this.vSet.has(e)) this.viewObserver.observe(e); } } else { const config = { rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 0.9 }; this.viewObserver = new IntersectionObserver(this.onIntersection.bind(this), config); for (let e of this.vList) this.viewObserver.observe(e); } this.vSet = new Set(this.vList); this.vCount = this.vList.length; }, onIntersection(entries) { if (this.vList.length < 2) return; const entry = find.call(entries, k => k.isIntersecting); if (!entry || v == entry.target) return; v = entry.target; _fs = new FullScreen(v); _fp = new FullPage(null, this.switchFP); events.handle('switchMV'); }, bindEvent() { $$(this.adsCSS); by = d.body; log('bind event\n', v); events.handle('foundMV'); if (!this.isLive) { v.playbackRate = localStorage.mvPlayRate || 1; v.addEventListener('ratechange', ev => { localStorage.mvPlayRate = v.playbackRate; }); } const fn = ev => { events.handle('canplay'); v.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', fn); }; v.addEventListener('canplaythrough', fn); by.addEventListener('keydown', this.hotKey.bind(this)); this.mvShell ? this.shellEvent() : this.setShell(); this.checkUI(); if (this.multipleV) { new MutationObserver(this.onGrowVList.bind(this)).observe(by, observeOpt); this.vCount = 0; this.onGrowVList(); } }, init() { this.switchFP = this.multipleV ? this.switchFP.bind(this) : null; this.vList = d.getElementsByTagName('video'); const fn = e => this.cssMV ? e.matches(this.cssMV) : e.offsetWidth > 9; this.findMV = find.bind(this.vList, fn); const timer = intervalQuery(e => { v = e; this.bindEvent(); }, this.findMV); hookAttachShadow(async shadowRoot => { await sleep(600); events.handle('addShadowRoot', shadowRoot); if (v) return; if (v = q('video', shadowRoot)) { log('Found MV in ShadowRoot\n', v, shadowRoot); if (!this.shellCSS) this.mvShell = shadowRoot.host; clearInterval(timer); this.bindEvent(); this.vList = null; this.findMV = noopFn; } }); } }; let router = { ted() { app.fullCSS = 'button[title="Enter Fullscreen"]'; app.playCSS = 'button[title="play video"]'; if (!gmFuncOfCheckMenu('TED强制高清', 'ted_forceHD')) return; const getHDSource = async () => { const pn = r1(/^(\/talks\/\w+)/, path); const resp = await fetch(pn + '/metadata.json'); const data = await resp.json(); return data.talks[0].downloads.nativeDownloads.high; }; const check = async (rs) => { if (!v.src || v.src.startsWith('http')) return; $$(app.vList, e => { e.removeAttribute('src') }); // 取消多余的媒体资源请求 try { v.src = await getHDSource(); } catch(ex) { console.error(ex); } }; events.on('foundMV', () => { new MutationObserver(check).observe(v, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['src'] }); check(); }); }, youtube() { app.playCSS = 'button.ytp-play-button'; app.fullCSS = 'button.ytp-fullscreen-button'; app.shellCSS = '#player'; app.disableKeys = [32,70]; events.on('keydown', ev => { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 69: //E,替换F键 v.currentTime += 0.03; v.pause(); return true; } }); }, qq() { app.disableKeys = [32]; app.nextCSS = '.txp_btn_next'; app.webfullCSS = '.txp_btn_fake'; app.fullCSS = '.txp_btn_fullscreen'; }, youku() { events.on('keydown', ev => { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 32: //空格 ev.preventDefault(); v.paused ? v.play() : v.pause(); return true; } }); if (host.startsWith('vku.')) { events.on('canplay', () => { app.isLive = !q('.spv_progress'); }); app.fullCSS = '.live_icon_full'; } else { cookie('cna', null, {domain: '*'}); events.on('foundMV',() => { by.addEventListener('keyup', e => e.stopPropagation()); }); app.shellCSS = '#ykPlayer'; app.webfullCSS = '.control-webfullscreen-icon'; app.fullCSS = '.control-fullscreen-icon'; app.nextCSS = 'span.icon-next'; } }, bilibili() { app.isLive = host.startsWith('live.'); if (app.isLive) return; const isSquirtle = path.startsWith('/bangumi'); if (!isSquirtle) app.disableKeys = [32]; app.shellCSS = '.player'; // #bilibili-player app.nextCSS = isSquirtle ? '.squirtle-video-next' : '.bilibili-player-video-btn-next'; app.webfullCSS = isSquirtle ? '.squirtle-video-pagefullscreen' : '.bilibili-player-video-web-fullscreen'; app.fullCSS = isSquirtle ? '.squirtle-video-fullscreen' : '.bilibili-player-video-btn-fullscreen'; const danmu = gmFuncOfCheckMenu('弹幕', 'bili_danmu'); const danmuCSS = isSquirtle ? '.bpx-player-dm-switch input' : '.bilibili-player-video-danmaku-switch input'; events.on('canplay', () => { intervalQuery(e => {if (e.checked != danmu) e.click()}, danmuCSS); }); const fn = async (ev) => { events.canplay(); app.btnFS = app.btnFP = app.mvShell = v = null; await sleep(300); app.mvShell = q(app.shellCSS); }; const fName= isSquirtle ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState'; const rawFn = history[fName]; //二方法不触发onpopstate事件 history[fName] = function(...args) { rawFn.apply(this, args); fn(); }; w.addEventListener("pageshow", fn); w.addEventListener("popstate", fn); }, iqiyi() { app.fullCSS = '.iqp-btn-fullscreen'; app.webfullCSS = '.iqp-btn-webscreen'; app.nextCSS = '.iqp-btn-next'; }, pptv() { app.fullCSS = '.w-zoom-container > div'; app.webfullCSS = '.w-expand-container > div'; app.nextCSS = '.w-next'; }, mgtv() { app.fullCSS = 'mango-screen'; app.webfullCSS = 'mango-webscreen > a'; app.nextCSS = 'mango-control-playnext-btn'; }, ixigua() { app.fullCSS = '.xgplayer-fullscreen'; app.webfullCSS = '.xgplayer-cssfullscreen'; app.nextCSS = '.xgplayer-playNext'; events.on('foundMV', () => { v.addEventListener('keydown', app.hotKey.bind(app)); }); }, miguvideo() { app.playCSS = '.play-btn'; app.nextCSS = '.next-btn'; }, weibo() { app.multipleV = path.startsWith('/u/'); }, acfun() { app.nextCSS = '.btn-next-part .control-btn'; app.webfullCSS = '.fullscreen-web'; app.fullCSS = '.fullscreen-screen'; }, ['163']() { app.multipleV = host.startsWith('news.'); GM_addStyle('div.video,video{max-height: 100% !important;}'); return host.split('.').length > 3; }, sohu() { app.nextCSS = 'li.on[data-vid]+li a'; app.fullCSS = '.x-fullscreen-btn'; app.webfullCSS = '.x-pagefs-btn'; }, fun() { app.nextCSS = '.btn-item.btn-next'; }, le() { events.canplay = events.foundMV = ev => { if (v.offsetWidth>9) return; const ss = v.attributes; for (let i=ss.length - 1;i>=0;i--) if (v.getAttribute(ss[i].name) === void 0){ v.removeAttribute(ss[i].name); break; } }; const rawFn = history.pushState; history.pushState = function(...args) { rawFn.apply(this, args); setTimeout(events.foundMV, 1e3); }; }, agefans() { events.on('keydown', ev => { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 78: //N location.href = location.href.replace(/\d+$/, s => ++s); return true; } }); }, dililitv() { app.nextCSS = `a[href="${path}"]+a`; GM_addStyle('.dplayer-loaded{ background-color:orange !important; }'); } }; // www.dililitv.cc,www.hmtv.me,imeiju.io,www.lzvod.net router.lzvod = router.hmtv = router.imeiju = router.dililitv; if (!router[u]) { //直播站点 router = { douyu() { app.adsCSS = 'a[href*="wan.douyu.com"]'; app.isLive = !host.startsWith('v.'); if (app.isLive) { app.cssMV = '.layout-Player video'; app.webfullCSS = 'div[class|=wfs]'; app.fullCSS = 'div[class|=fs]'; app.playCSS = 'div[class|=play]'; path != '/' && events.on('foundMV', () => { q('#js-player-aside-state').checked = true; }); } else events.on('addShadowRoot', function(r) { if (r.host.matches('#demandcontroller-bar')) { app.btnFP = q('.ControllerBar-PageFull', r); app.btnFS = q('.ControllerBar-WindowFull', r); this.undo('addShadowRoot'); } }); }, yy() { app.isLive = !path.startsWith('/x/'); if (app.isLive) { app.fullCSS = '.yc__fullscreen-btn'; app.webfullCSS = '.yc__cinema-mode-btn'; app.playCSS = '.yc__play-btn'; } }, huya() { if (firefoxVer && firefoxVer < 57) return true; app.disableDBLClick = !0; app.webfullCSS = '.player-fullpage-btn'; app.fullCSS = '.player-fullscreen-btn'; app.playCSS = '#player-btn'; app.adsCSS = '#player-subscribe-wap,#wrap-income'; intervalQuery(doClick, '.login-tips-close'); localStorage['sidebar/ads'] = '{}'; localStorage['sidebar/state'] = 0; localStorage.TT_ROOM_SHIELD_CFG_0_ = '{"10000":1,"20001":1,"20002":1,"20003":1,"30000":1}'; }, longzhu() { app.fullCSS = 'a.ya-screen-btn'; }, zhanqi() { localStorage.lastPlayer = 'h5'; app.fullCSS = '.video-fullscreen'; } }; if (router[u]) { app.isLive = app.isLive || !host.startsWith('v.'); (!w.chrome || isEdge) && fakeUA(ua_chrome); } } Reflect.defineProperty(navigator, 'plugins', { get() { return { length: 0 } } }); GM_registerMenuCommand('脚本功能快捷键表' , alert.bind(w, `双击:切换(网页)全屏 鼠标中键:快进5秒 左右方向键:快退、快进5秒; +shift: 20秒 上下方向键:音量调节 ESC:退出(网页)全屏 空格键:暂停/播放 N:播放下一集 回车键:切换全屏; +shift: 切换网页全屏 C:加速0.1倍播放 X:减速0.1倍播放 Z:正常速度播放 D:上一帧 F:下一帧(youtube.com用E键)` )); if (!router[u] || !router[u]()) app.init(); if (!router[u] && !app.isNumURL) app.isNumURL = /[_\W]\d+(\/|\.[a-z]{3,8})?$/.test(path);