/* ==UserStyle== @name Flickr WideScreen - BigONE v.316 (USw) @namespace flickr.com @version 3.160.00 @author decembre @description Flickr using at its maximum a WideScreen @icon https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/blog.flickr.net.ico @license unlicense @downloadURL none ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("www.flickr.com"), domain("flickr.com"), domain("secure.flickr.com"), domain("flickrprints.com") { /* A - FLICKR - Ac - Flickr WideScreen - Dark & Grey v.316 ==== */ /* LAST UPDATE ON USERSTYLES.org > v.232 - 4k installs */ /* ============== ============= ================ */ /* ============== ============= ================ */ /* ============== DIVERS COLORS ================ */ /* ============== ==== COLOR DIVERS ==== ================ */ /* ============== ============= ================ */ /* (new313) COLOR - USER / POOLS - GENERIC ICON - GRAYSCALE */ [style*="/bbuddyicon"][style*="_m.png"] , /* style='background-image: url("//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/bbuddyicon05_r.png#14858277@N21");' */ /* background-image: url(//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/bbuddyicon01_r.png#45262201@N03); */ [style*="/bbuddyicon"][style*="_r.png"] , .avatar.group.thumbnail[style*="/bbuddyicon"][style*="_r.png"] , /* background-image: url(//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/bbuddyicon01.png#45262201@N03); */ a[style*="/bbuddyicon"][style*=".png"] , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .photo-page-sidebar-view .sidebar-main-container a[style*="/bbuddyicon"][style*=".png"].avatar.person.medium , .tiny[style*="/pw/images/buddyicon"] , .group-top-contributors-dropdown-view.ui-dropdown.top-contribs > ul .avatar , [src^="https://s.yimg.com/pw/images/buddyicon"] , .context-list>li a[style^='background-image: url("//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon'] , a[style^='background-image: url("//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon'] , *[style^='background-image: url("//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon'] , .avatar.group.tiny.tiny[style*="/pw/images/buddyicon"] , *[style*="background-image: url(//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon"][style*=".png"] , *[style*="https://s.yimg.com/pw/images/buddyicon"] , [style^='background-image: url(https://combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon'][style*=".png"] , a[style*=".png"][style*="https://combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon"] , [style^='background-image: url("https://s.yimg.com/pw/images/buddyicon'] , img[src*=".png"][src^="https://flimg.flickr.com/?"][src*="buddyicon"] , a[style*="/buddyicon"][style*=".png"] , img[src*=".png"][src*="buddyicon"] , .avatar.person[style*=".png);"] , [src^='https://ec.yimg.com/ec?url=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fpw%2Fimages%2Fbuddyicon'] { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); filter: grayscale(1); } .sub-photo-view .attribution-view.photo-attribution .avatar.person.medium[style^="background-image: url(//combo.staticflickr.com/pw/images/buddyicon"] { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); filter: grayscale(1); } /* GENERIC ICON - STAFF */ .staffPost img[alt="Flickr Staff"] { filter: invert(.8) grayscale(1) saturate(48) sepia(1) ; } /* STRANGE same user : ===== */ .logo[src^="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2921/buddyicons/"]{ -webkit-filter: grayscale(1) !important; filter: grayscale(1) !important; } .attribution-view .avatar.person[style^='background-image: url(//live.staticflickr.com/2921/buddyicons/'] { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1) !important; filter: grayscale(1) !important; } .fluid .avatar.person[style^="background-image: url(//live.staticflickr.com/2921/buddyicons/"] { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1) !important; filter: grayscale(1) !important; } /* BUDDY HOVER */ .person_hover_img[src^="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2921/buddyicons/126418148@N08.jpg?1406014425#126418148@N08"] { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1) !important; filter: grayscale(1) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - CHECKED - POOL ADM TROTTLE */ input:not([name="magic_cookie"]):checked + label { padding: 0 3px !important; border-radius: 3px !important; color: white !important; background: green !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - IMAGE - SVG BACKGROUND WHITE - https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157713635219992/#reply72157713639041541 === */ img.notsowide { background: white !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - DISABLED PHOTO CHOICE */ .photo-list-photo-view .interaction-view.disabled:not(.disabled-selected) .disabled-overlay { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.88) !important; } .photo-list-photo-view .interaction-view.disabled-selected .disabled-overlay, .photo-list-photo-view .interaction-view.disabled .disabled-overlay { background-color: black !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PHOTO - TOP INFO RIGHT */ .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-right-row1 { border-bottom: 1px solid #303030 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - ADD TO GROUP - POPUP INVITATION + RULE VIOLATION - === */ .add-to-dialog.add-to-group { border: 1px solid red !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.70) !important; } .add-to-dialog.add-to-group .hd { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20) !important; } .add-to-dialog.add-to-group .bd { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.60) !important; } .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li strong.item-name { border-top: 1px solid gray !important; } .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li:hover { background: rgba(36, 36, 37, 0.83) !important; } .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li.item.group.item-selected.administered , .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li.item.group.item-disabled.administered.invited { background: rgba(142, 52, 8, 0.51) !important; } .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li.item.group.item-selected.administered:hover , .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li.item.group.item-disabled.administered.invited:hover { background: rgba(142, 52, 8, 0.91) !important; } .rule-violation .bd { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) !important; border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.25) !important; } .rule-violation .msg { background: rgba(255, 255, 213, 0.16); } ul.pool-restrictions { border-bottom: 1px solid peru !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - RIGHT SIDEBAR - INVIT POOL ICON - FROM THIS POPUP - === */ .yui3-popover-hidden #options-menu ul .option-invite-to-group span { border-right: 3px solid gray !important; border-bottom: 2px solid gray !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important; } .yui3-popover-hidden #options-menu ul .option-invite-to-group span:hover { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - TOOLTIPS - ALL */ #global-dialog-container { background-color: transparent !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - FOR ALL LUNGUAGES) - == */ .invite-content .button-container input.DeleteButt { background: #E40600; } .ui-dialog-cta.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-cta .scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-modal.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-modal .scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-alert.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-alert .scrappy-dialog, .fluid-modal-view.scrappy-dialog, .fluid-modal-view .scrappy-dialog { color: peru !important; background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.81) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PHOTO - DIALOGUE POPUP / TOOLTIP - DELETE PCTURE - === */ .ui-dialog-modal .confirmation-dialog-view { color: red !important; background: #333 !important; } .album-selection { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } .modal.subview-modal.fluid-album-modal.scrappy-dialog .body , .modal.subview-modal.fluid-album-modal.scrappy-dialog .body .content .album-selection ol { border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important; } .ui-dialog-wrapper .ui-dialog-body .album-selection input { border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9) !important; } .ui-dialog-wrapper .ui-dialog-body .album-selection input::-moz-placeholder { border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9) !important; text-shadow: none !important; } .album-selection .album-selection-list-item { border: 1px solid gray !important; } .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album { border: 1px solid peru !important; } .album-selection-list-item:hover { border: 1px solid peru !important; color: tomato !important; background-color: #333 !important; } .album-selection-list-item:hover span { color: tomato !important; } .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album:hover { background-color: black !important; } .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album:hover span { color: gold !important; } .album-selection-buttons { box-shadow: none !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - FLUID - THUMBNAIL META HOVER */ .photo-list-photo-interaction:hover .interaction-bar { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74) !important; border-top: 1px solid #5a5a5a !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - NEW DESIGN - BLOCK USER */ .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li.block:hover { background: rgba(251, 6, 6, 0.88) !important; color: gold !important; transition: all ease 0.7s ; } .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li.block:hover a{ color: gold !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - TOGGLE POOL BETA - SUPP TXT "GO BACK POOL NEW EXPERIENCE" - === */ .opt-out-bug button { color: gray !important; } .opt-out-bug button:before { color: white ; background: peru ; } .opt-out-bug button:after { color: white ; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.61) ; } .opt-out-bug button:hover:after { color: white ; background-color: rgba(8, 249, 38, 0.43) ; } .opt-out-bug button:hover { color: gold !important; background: #333 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - TOOLTIP - GALLERIE / ALBUM - === */ .popover-position-marker + .personmenu.personmenu-hidden + .global_dialog_spinner + div.global_dialog.global_dialog.default #global-dialog-container { box-shadow: -3px 4px 5px 4px black ; } .reorder-widget + .button-container { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) ; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PROFILE ABOUT - === */ .coverphoto-content.fluid-centered .followers.truncate>a { color: peru !important; } .coverphoto-content.fluid-centered .followers.truncate>a:visited { color: tan !important; } .view.gallery-selection-dialog-view.flickr-view-root-view.album-selection-dialog-view .album-selection-list-item.album-selection-create-switch .album-selection-list-item-labels { background: #333 !important; } .view.album-engagement-view , .album-header-view.justified-transitions > .album-header-content > .album-stats-view { background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.48) ; } /* COLOR DIVERS - POOL MANAGE MEMBERS / ACCOUNT SETTINGS - === */ h3.Tab { border-bottom: 4px solid red !important; } .TabIn { border: 1px solid gold !important; border-bottom: 4px solid gold !important; background: #111 !important; } span.TabOut { background: #333 !important; } span.TabOut a { color: gray !important; } span.TabOut:hover { color: white !important; border-bottom: 4px solid gold !important; background-color: green !important; } span.TabOut a:hover, span.TabOut a:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white !important; background-color: transparent !important; } table.contact-list-table th, table.contact-list-table td { border-bottom: 1px solid #777777 !important; } #MemberList tr[id^="member_"] { background: #1A1919 !important; } #MemberList tr td:nth-child(n+3) a { background: black !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - POOL - "YOUR CONTACTS NEW UPLOAD" + FAVs - JUSTIFIED THUMBNAILS - === */ .photo-display-container .row .photo-display-item { border-color: #222 !important; } .result-card .sizer-cropper , .search-photos-unified-page-view .search-subnav.using-slender-advanced-panel , .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .reply, .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .topic { border-bottom: 1px solid gray !important; } .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .reply, .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .topic { color: gray; } .result-card .button-content { box-shadow: none !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - COLOR DIVERS - GM - "FLICKR FUNCTIONAL SUITE" - NORMAL POPUP MENU - === */ #CatFlickrSuitePopUp.ToolTip { border-color: gray #222 #222 gray !important; box-shadow: 10px 10px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important; } a.simple_butt, a.simple_butt:link, a.simple_butt:visited { background: transparent !important; color: peru !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - GM (choice) - "FLICKR FUNCTIONAL SUITE" - PHOTO PAGE - POPUP - CHOOSE OUR COLOR FLAGS - === */ .SetColor:not(:hover) { border-top: 3px solid black !important; border-bottom: 3px solid black !important; } .SetColor:hover { color: gold !important; border-top: 3px solid violet !important; border-bottom: 3px solid violet !important; } .SetColor:hover em { color: gold !important; background: black !important; border: 1px solid violet !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - GM - "FLICKR FUNCTIONAL SUITE" - POPUP POSITION - PHOTO PAGE - === */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view #CatFlickrSuitePopUp.ToolTip{ border-color: gray #222 #222 gray !important; background-color: #333 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - GM - BUDDY INTERSTING - IMG VISITED */ .popup ul li a img { outline: 1px solid grey !important; } .popup ul li a:visited img { outline: 1px solid gold !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - SEARCH - PHO INTERSTING - IM VISITED */ .fluid.html-search-photos-unified-page-view .photo-list-tile-view > a .photo { outline: 1px solid #222 !important; } .fluid.html-search-photos-unified-page-view .photo-list-tile-view > a:visited .photo { outline: 1px solid violet !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - GALLERY - IMG VISITED */ #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item.clearfix .gallery-photos span.photo_container a { outline: 1px solid #222 !important; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item.clearfix .gallery-photos span.photo_container a:visited { outline: 1px solid violet !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - TESTIMONIAL - BUDDY ICON - VISITED */ .testimonial .user-infos a.avatar.person.small { outline: 1px solid grey !important; } .testimonial .user-infos a.avatar.person.small:visited { outline: 1px solid violet !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - POOL NO BETA - VISITED */ .photo-list-photo-interaction a.overlay { outline: 1px solid #222 !important; } .photo-list-photo-interaction a.overlay:visited { outline: 1px solid green !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - ICON - OPACITY */ .super-liquid .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a.comments-icon img, .super-liquid .hoverzoom .meta a.comments-icon img { opacity: 0.5; } /* COLOR DIVERS - ACKGROUND IMAGE */ /* BACKGROUND IMAGE - WHITE ICON */ /* RELATION - "X" */ .sub-photo-left-view > .attribution-view.photo-attribution > .attribution-info .relationship .dialog-tooltip .following-unfollow .ui-icon-tiny-unfollow { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("https://combo.staticflickr.com/ap/build/images/sprites/icons-cc4be245.png") no-repeat scroll -90px -415px; height: 18px; width: 18px; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BORDER - DIVIDER - COLOR */ .share-options-list li.divider span span { border-color: #333 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - APPS PAGES - TAGS - === */ .RHS #thetags ul.rhs-data li.Stats a { color: gold !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - INVITED IMAGE IN FLUID - === */ .photo-list-photo-interaction a.overlay { outline: 1px solid #222 !important; } .photo-list-photo-interaction a.overlay:visited { outline: 1px solid green !important; } /* ============================================== */ /* ============ BUDDY ICON MENU ================= */ /* ============== COLOR DIVERS ================= */ /* ============================================== */ /* COLOR DIVERS - BUDY ICON ??? - === */ #TopBar .NavBar td li[class="menu_li hover hover_left"] img.nav_button_caret { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; background-color: #aaaaaa !important; border-color: #222 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - ORGANIZE MENU */ .tabl .top_form_div .candy_menu { color: gray !important; border: 1px solid black !important; background-color: #2C2C2C !important; } .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a, .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a:link { font-size: 15px !important; color: gray !important; } .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a:hover, .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a:link:hover { color: gold !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BUDY ICON WITH MENU - === */ #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu { color: gray !important; border-left: 1px solid #777777 !important; background-color: #2C2C2C !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd , #personmenu_down_menu { box-shadow: 7px 7px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important; border: 2px solid #333 !important; background: #222 !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd-border-blocker , #personmenu_border_blocker { background-color: #222 !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li a.personmenu-item , #personmenu_down_menu #person_menu_other_div a.block { color: peru !important; } #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu p { color: #E4E4E4 !important; } #personmenu_contact_link>strong { color: gold !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li a:hover, #personmenu_down_menu #person_menu_other_div a.block:hover { color: #b9d56e !important; background-color: #333 !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li a.personmenu-item:visited , #personmenu_down_menu #person_menu_other_div a.block:visited { color: red !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li.personmenu-block a , #personmenu_block_link { color: tomato !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li.personmenu-block a:visited , #personmenu_block_link:visited { color: red !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BUDY ICON WITH MENU - PENDING / MAIL - === */ #personmenu_block_link { text-align: center !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - USER BUDY MENU - === */ .personmenu personmenu-closed .personmenu-hd { /* background-color: #100F0F !important; */ background-color: red !important; border: 1px solid #565656 !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-hd .personmenu-arrow { background-color: #2F2E2E !important; } .personmenu-closed .personmenu-arrow span { border-color: #F5F1F1 #373737 #373737 !important; border-width: 4px 4px 0 !important; } .personmenu-open .personmenu-hd .personmenu-arrow span, .personmenu-spinning .personmenu-hd .personmenu-arrow span { border-color: #373737 #373737 #F5F1F1 !important; border-width: 0 5px 7px !important; } #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu div.menu_item_lines_around { border-top: 1px solid #5E5D5D !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #5E5D5D !important; } #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu div.menu_item_line_above { border-top: 1px solid #5E5D5D !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-bd ul li.personmenu-sep-bottom { border-bottom: 1px solid #5E5D5D !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-hd , #person_hover { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; border : 1px solid #222 !important; background-color: #333 !important; } .personmenu , #person_hover #person_hover_inner { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; border : 1px solid #222 !important; background-color: #333 !important; } #personmenu_button_bar { background: #222 !important; } #personmenu_down_button { cursor: pointer; opacity: 0.50 !important; } .personmenu .personmenu-hd-shadow , #person_hover div#person_hover_shadow { background-color: #222 !important; } #person_hover_inner { background-color: red !important; border: 2px solid #262525 !important; } .tt-options { background-color: #575757 !important; } /* END ========================================== */ /* ============ BUDDY ICON MENU ================= */ /* ============== COLOR DIVERS ================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* =============== BUTTONS =================== */ /* ============== COLOR DIVERS ================== */ /* ============================================== */ .Butt, .SmallButt, .Butt:hover, .SmallButt:hover { background-color: transparent !important; } .DeleteButt , .SmallDeleteButt { color: gray !important; } .DeleteButt:hover, .SmallDeleteButt:hover { color: black !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - POOL - LEAVE */ #group-sidebar .DeleteButt:hover { color: white !important; background-color: red !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - POOL - JOIN - AGREE BUTTON */ #groups-about .about form p input.Butt { border: 1px solid red!important; color: gold !important; background: GREEN !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - FOLLOW BUTTON - === */ .subnav-refresh .person .character-name-holder .add-button , #main .follow-butt, #Main .follow-butt , .follow-butt.is-following { border: 1px solid gray !important; color: #FFFFFF !important; background: #333333 !important; } /* END ========================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* =============== BUTTONS =================== */ /* =============== COLOR DIVERS ================= */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* =============== INPUTS =================== */ /* =============== COLOR DIVERS ================= */ /* ============================================== */ input:not(.autosuggest-selectable-item), textarea, #nav-selecta-field { /* background-color: #333333 !important; */ /* background-color: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) !important; */ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) !important; } input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]):not(.autosuggest-selectable-item):not(.search-icon-button):not(.search-icon), input[type="textarea"], input[type="text"], input[type="select"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], textarea { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; color: gray !important; /* color: black !important; */ } input[type="button"]:not([type="checkbox"]):hover, input[type="button"]:not([type="checkbox"]):focus, button:not([type="checkbox"]):active, input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="text"]:hover, input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="text"]:active { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; /* background-color: rgba(204,204,204, 0.2) !important; */ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); } #gallery-comments #comments #reply.comment-block.add-comment-form.adding-comment #comment-form > .hide-during-preview textarea#message , #gallery-comments:hover #comments #reply.comment-block.add-comment-form.adding-comment #comment-form > .hide-during-preview textarea#message { color: white !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.59) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PHOTOSTREAM EDITABLE - INPUT */ .meta-field.edit-meta-field.edit-photo-title.show-editable { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; color: black !important; } /* END ========================================== */ /* =============== INPUTS =================== */ /* =============== COLOR DIVERS ================= */ /* ============================================== */ /* =========================================== */ /* =============== PAGINATOR ================= */ /* ============== COLOR DIVERS =============== */ /* COLOR DIVERS - PAGINATOR - PREV/START - === */ .Paginator .AtEnd { border-color: #272727 !important; color: #202020 !important; background-color: #222222 !important; } .AtStart { color: SlateGray !important; background-color: #222222 !important; } .Paginator .AtStart { border-color: #6F6C6C !important; color: gray !important; } .Paginator .this-page { border-color: #999999 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PAGINATOR - PREV/NEXT etc - === */ .Next, .Prev { background-color: #222222 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PAGINATOR) - === */ .Paginator a , .Paginator span.break { background-color: #222222 !important; border-color: #777777 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - PAGINATOR FAVORITS - JUST UTIL PAGE when FULL LOADING - === */ body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .pages a[href*="/favorites/page21/"] , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .pages a[href*="/favorites/page16/"] , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .pages a[href*="/favorites/page11/"] , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .pages a[href*="/favorites/page6/"] , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .pages a[href*="/favorites/page1/"] { color: peru !important; background-color: red !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND ================= */ /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - BACKGROUND-ZEBRA - BORDER DOTTED (new300)========== */ ul.IgnoreList li:nth-child(odd) , .fluid.html-photo-page-lightbox-scrappy-view .comment-list li:nth-child(odd) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-modal-view.flickr-view-root-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout .photo-faves-list-view li:nth-child(odd) , .contact-list-table>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd) , .contact-list-table.contact-list-table-default>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd) , #group-sidebar .discussions .topic:nth-child(odd) , .testimonial:nth-child(odd) , .suggestions li:nth-child(odd) , .TopicListing>tbody>tr:nth-child(even) , .camera-table tr:nth-child(odd) , .TopicReply>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd) { border-bottom: 1px dotted gray !important; border-top: 1px dotted gray !important; background: #141414 !important; } ul.IgnoreList li:nth-child(even) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-modal-view.flickr-view-root-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout .photo-faves-list-view li:nth-child(even) , #group-sidebar .discussions .topic:nth-child(even) , .suggestions li:nth-child(even) , .camera-table tr:nth-child(even) , .TopicReply>tbody>tr:nth-child(even) { background: black !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - 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BACKGROUND - PHOT - POOL / GAL / ALB - ADD */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout .content.subview .add-to-stuff-view ul li.selected { background: green !important; color: white !important; border: 1px solid red !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout .content.subview .add-to-stuff-view ul li.selected span { color: white !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .join-subview::before { background: none !important; } .album-header-view.justified .album-header-content .album-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .album-title, .album-header-view.justified .album-header-content .album-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .edit-meta-field.edit-album-title , .album-header-view.justified > .album-header-content > .album-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .edit-meta-field.edit-album-desc { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18) !important; } .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container .remark-container.present::before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.78) !important; } .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container .remark-container.present:hover::before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.58) !important; } .gallery-page-view .action-bar , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .action-bar { background-color: rgba(14, 14, 14, 0.95); border-bottom: 1px solid red; } .pool-photo.photo-display-item.inline-commenting #comments.comments-popover { background: tomato !important; border: 1px solid red !important; } .pool-photo.photo-display-item.inline-commenting #comments.comments-popover + .popover-shim { border: 1px dashed red !important; background: blue !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - FEED - POOL - USER HEADER HOVER */ .photo-card-view .photo-card .photo-card-header-view .photo-card-header.theme-overlay { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - PHOTOSTREAM EDITABLE */ .html-photostream-edit-page-view .interaction-view .photo-list-photo-edit-interaction .interaction-bar { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important; } .html-photostream-edit-page-view .interaction-view .photo-list-photo-edit-interaction .interaction-bar:hover { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important; } .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound , .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .photo-list-photo-view.edit , .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .photo-list-photo-view.edit .interaction-bar .view.sub-photo-title-desc-view.photostream-edit.editing , .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .photo-list-photo-view.edit .interaction-view-placeholder{ background-color: #222 !important; } .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .photo-list-photo-view.edit.portrait:hover .interaction-bar > .tools , .fluid.html-photostream-edit-page-view .photo-list-photo-view.edit.portrait:hover .interaction-bar .view.sub-photo-title-desc-view.photostream-edit { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important; color: white !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - SPRITE - DOWN CARET WHITE */ .interaction-view .photo-list-photo-edit-interaction .interaction-bar .tool.privacy-area .down-caret { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("https://combo.staticflickr.com/ap/build/images/sprites/icons-cc4be245.png") no-repeat scroll -526px -92px !important; height: 6px; opacity: 0.4; width: 12px; margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 5px; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - FEED */ .preview-overlay-view .feed-preview { background-color: #000000 !important; } .feed-page-view .activity-card.batch-photo-card div.activity-card-photos .activity-card-photo:not(:only-of-type) { background-color: rgba(21, 21, 21, 0.11) !important; outline: 1px solid #222 ; } .feed-page-view .activity-card.batch-photo-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo:only-of-type:after { content: attr(title) !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) !important; } .feed-page-view .activity-card.batch-photo-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo:hover:only-of-type:after { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; } .feed-page-view .activity-card.single-photo-card div.activity-card-content .activity-card-title { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - FEED - PREVIEW - BACKGROUND + SPRITE */ .preview-overlay-view .close-preview-container .close-preview { background: #222 url("https://combo.staticflickr.com/ap/build/images/sprites/icons-796ebcad.png") no-repeat scroll -558px -108px !important; } .preview-overlay-view .close-preview-container { background: #222 !important; } .preview-overlay-view .navigate { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) !important; } .preview-overlay-view .navigate .prev-arrow-icon { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("https://s.yimg.com/uy/build/images/sprites/icons-36c2f8d6.png") no-repeat scroll -419px -53px !important; } .preview-overlay-view .navigate .next-arrow-icon { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("https://s.yimg.com/uy/build/images/sprites/icons-36c2f8d6.png") no-repeat scroll -415px 0 !important; } .preview-overlay-view .navigate .prev-arrow-icon , .preview-overlay-view .navigate .next-arrow-icon { height: 52px !important; width: 20px !important; } #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item > .act-content:only-of-type { background: #A92929 !important; } #Main p#admin_intro { background-color: #555555 !important; } .view.group-selection-dialog-view.flickr-view-root-view.album-selection-dialog-view , .modal.subview-modal.fluid-album-modal.scrappy-dialog .body .content .album-selection { background: transparent !important; } .fluid .butt, .fluid button { background-color: #555555 !important; } html body #main #activityFeed .card.micro-card , .imgContainer.topRightLandscapeContainer .imgWrapper , .imgContainer.bottomRightLandscapeContainer .imgWrapper , .leftPortraitContainer .imgWrapper , .rightPortraitContainer .imgWrapper , #activityFeed .card-a .imgWrapper { background-color: #171717 !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - BACKGROUND - BACKGROUND + BOX SHADOW - MENU / MODAL DIVERS ======= */ .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound.auto-size.big-shadow.notifs-droparound .body .content.subview , .modal.subview-modal.modal-restyle { color: gold !important; box-shadow: -5px 5px 6px 7px black !important; background: #333 !important; } .modal.subview-modal.modal-restyle .body .content.subview .view.fluid-share-panel-view.restyle { color: white !important; background: #222 !important; } #global-nav #gn-wrap .nav.small-logo .toplink > a + .panel .bd { color: gold !important; box-shadow: -5px 5px 6px 7px black !important; background: #333 !important; } .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown ul { background-color: #222; border: 1px solid red; box-shadow: -5px 5px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); } table.contact-list-table td.contact-list-name a:first-of-type + span:before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ; color: gold ; } .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context.sub-photo-context-groups .context-list li:last-of-type:before { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.47) ; color: peru ; } .vjs-progress-holder.vjs-slider.vjs-slider-horizontal:after { background: #333 ; color: white ; } .vjs-progress-holder.vjs-slider.vjs-slider-horizontal:before { background: green ; color: white ; } #findr_mover_div { background-color: #d4d4d4; } .fluid.html-album-page-view .album-header-content .attribution-view .avatar.person.medium b { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } .popup ul + a:hover { background-color: #BA1212 !important; border: 1px solid red !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - MENU POPUP - BOX SHADOW - LEFT / BOTTOM - BLACK - ALL */ .ui-dialog-cta.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-cta .scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-modal.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-modal .scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-alert.scrappy-dialog, .ui-dialog-alert .scrappy-dialog, .fluid-modal-view.scrappy-dialog, .fluid-modal-view .scrappy-dialog , .yui3-popover-content , .subnav-refresh .sn-dropdowntarget ul.sn-dropdown , .fluid .droparound .body .content.menu { border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important; box-shadow: -10px 10px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) , 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important; } /* COLOR DIVERS - FILTER INVERT === */ /* COLOR DIVERS - FILTER - GALL EMPTY */ .galleries-list-page-view .empty-galleries-list-container .background .bg { filter: invert(0.8); } /* END ========= ============== ================ */ /* ============== ============= ================ */ /* ============== DIVERS COLORS ================ */ /* ============== COLOR DIVERS ================ */ /* ============== ============= ================ */ /* START ======== ================ ================ */ /* ====== COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND COLOR ========= */ /* ============== ================ ================ */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND COLOR - WHITE - === */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .fluid-droparound-view:hover .content.subview > .person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper .following-unfollow , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view body script + .fluid-droparound-view:hover .content.subview > .person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper .following-unfollow { background-color: white !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - GRAY */ .fluid .fluid-magic-tools-view , #mostviewed div div { background: gray !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - PERU */ .sub-photo-container.centered-content .sub-photo-title-desc-view + #FCR_main:not(:hover):after , .GroupsResults .Stats a[href^="/groups_join.gne"]:link , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .opt-out-widget .optout-toggle , .fluid.html-group-discussions-list-page-view .opt-out-widget .optout-toggle , .opt-out-widget .optout-toggle { background: peru !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - TAN */ #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p a + b:not(:hover) , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item > a + b , #DiscussTopic .Preview:before , #DiscussTopic .Preview:after { background: tan ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - BLUE */ #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b , .act-data>div:first-of-type b + b , .fluid.html-album-page-view body .fluid-droparound-overlay.transparent:not(.transparent) , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view body .fluid-droparound-overlay:not(.transparent) , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b { background: blue !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - RED */ .first.group-count.pool-pending label[title="delete all photos from group pool?"][style^="display: inline; visibility: visible;"] , .photo-tags-autotags-view , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_friends.gne?user_id"][ href*="&format=atom"]:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_friends.gne?user_id"][ href*="&format=rss_200"]:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/?g="]:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_discuss.gne"][ href*="&format=atom"]:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_discuss.gne"][ href*="&format=rss_200"]:before , .act-data>div:first-of-type b + b , .act-item > .act-data > div b , .first.group-count.pool-pending:not([style="white-space: nowrap;"]):hover { background: red ; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .fluid-droparound-view:not(:hover) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view body script + .fluid-droparound-view:not(:hover){ background-color: red !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - RED + COLOR */ li.personmenu-sep-bottom span.personmenu-item , #MemberList tr[id^="member_"] form { background: red !important; color: gold !important; } .modal.subview-modal.photo-selector.gallery-coverphoto-selector .close-x { border: 3px solid red !important; background-color: red !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - GREEN */ .groups-you-admin-listing-view li.selected-item, .fluid .droparound .body .content.menu li.selected-item , .groups-you-admin-listing-view li.selected-item , table.contact-list-table td.contact-list-name a:first-of-type + span , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p a + b:not(:hover):before , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b:before { background: green ; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b:before , li.act-detail-item.f-fave.f-your-photo-their-fave.tt-first > a:first-of-type:before , li.act-detail-item f-fave.f-your-photo-their-fave tt-first:before , li.act-detail-item.f-note.f-their-photo-their-note>p > a:before , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item.f-comment .act-content > a:not(.pro-badge-new):before , ul.tt-activity ul.act-details li.act-detail-item > a:first-of-type:before , .flickrfixrwebextension .sub-photo-right-view > .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-column-2:hover .c-charm-item-location .location-data-container:hover > a[href^="//www.google.com/maps/search/?"]:before , .flickrfixrwebextension t .sub-photo-right-view > .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-column-2:hover .c-charm-item-location .location-data-container:hover > a[href^="https://www.google.com/maps/search/?"]:before, .flickrfixruserscript .sub-photo-right-view > .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-column-2:hover .c-charm-item-location .location-data-container:hover > a[href^="//www.google.com/maps/search/?"]:before , .flickrfixruserscript .sub-photo-right-view > .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-column-2:hover .c-charm-item-location .location-data-container:hover > a[href^="https://www.google.com/maps/search/?"]:before { background-color: green ; color: white ; } .context-slider-scrappy-view .context-slider.big-slider > .wrapper .slider .context-thumb.emptyImage:first-of-type[href*="/in/"]:before { background: green ; color: gold ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - GOLD + TXT RED */ .fluid.html-photostream-page-view #photostream a[id^="CFS_"] span:hover:after , .fluid.html-favorites-page-view #photostream a[id^="CFS_"] span:hover:after , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_friends.gne?user_id"][ href*="&format=atom"]:hover:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_friends.gne?user_id"][ href*="&format=rss_200"]:hover:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/?g="]:hover:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_discuss.gne"][ href*="&format=atom"]:hover:before , #feedlinks>a[ href^="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_discuss.gne"][ href*="&format=rss_200"]:hover:before { background: gold ; color: red ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - YELLOW */ #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name:hover + p b:not(:hover) { background: yellow !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - 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BLACK */ #group-sidebar .pending.sec:hover , .context-slider-scrappy-view.hover , .context-slider-scrappy-view , #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic table.TopicReply tbody tr:last-of-type td:not(.Said):not(.Who):hover , .TopicReply>tbody>tr:last-of-type td:not(.Said):not(.Who):hover , .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a:hover, .zoomer .meta a:hover , #groups-list .Sets .setText:hover , .groups-list-item .group-members , .video-wrapper , .gallery-item:target , #main > #subnav-refresh + script#subnav-template-photopicker + script#subnav-template-positionmask + h2 , #sidebar[style^="position: absolute;"] , #sidebar[style^="position: fixed;"] , body .insitu-editing .buttons , #basicInvites[style="display: block;"] + #advancedInvites:hover , #GoodStuff p.NoResult + ul , #GoodStuff p.Confirm + ul , .tt-block .closed-content p , ul.tt-activity li.act-item.hover, ul.tt-activity li.act-item:hover , .super-liquid.extras #sidebar.wide-sidebar #sidecar , .super-liquid.extras #sidebar.wide-sidebar #photo-sidebar-tags , #photo-details.clearfix #arse form[name="sfcommentform"] , #groups-list .groups-sidebar:before , #photo-sidebar-tags:hover , #sidecar:hover , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content:hover a + b , #Hint + #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type tbody tr h4 a + span + b , #DiscussTopic table.TopicReply tr h4 b:before , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Who:first-of-type +.Said h4 , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Who:first-of-type + .Said h4 > a:last-of-type + b , #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic .TopicReply .Said h4 b , #MemberList tr td+td b:not(:hover):before , #MemberList tr td+td b , a.fpmLink:hover:before , /* BACKGROUND - BLACK */ #additional-info-expanded ul.icon-left:not(.machinetags-extras-list ) li:hover , #mostviewed div div a , #mostviewed div div a:visited , .c-account-menu .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-body , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc form span , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc:hover:before , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc:before , .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li:last-of-type , .act-item:not(.f-contacted) >.act-thumb+ .act-data > div:not(.tt-item-options):not(.clearfix):hover , .act-thumb , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type > .act-thumb , #view-holder +script + #paginator-module .Paginator span .this-page , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span .this-page , .zoomer .meta a:hover , /* BACKGROUND - BLACK */ #pool-photos.ju ~#paginator-module .Paginator span .this-page , .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a:hover, .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a:hover, .contact-list-table + #paginator-module.Pages .Results , .char_search +#MemberList tr td:nth-child(2) small a , /*#Main #top-about + #col-left + #col-right ,*/ #Main #top-about + #col-left , a[data-track="Account-flickrmail-menu"] , #pool-photos #empty-state p , #pool-photos #empty-state h2 , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint p , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint h4 , .subnav-refresh .stats .stat , .DiscussionResults .Who , .GroupsResults .Stats , .groups-list-header , .flickr-dialog .bd , .subnav-middle>span , #albumTeaser:hover , .gn-subnav-item , .group-subhead , .AboutResults , #tagslist > p , .act-thumb p , h3#Tertiary , #tagspanid , .groupsList , .Locked { background: black !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - BLACK + COLOR / BORDER */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - TXT WHITE */ #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .vsDescription { background: black !important; color: white !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - TXT GRAY */ .events-page-view .events-home-page-container .group-event-card .group-card-content-container , #pp-additional-info , .fluid .modal .head .title , .TopicListing tr:first-of-type , .sub-photo-additional-info-view .add-meta-permission + li .safety-label , .sub-photo-additional-info-view .add-meta-permission .meta-permissions-label , .sub-photo-additional-info-view .commenting-permission .commenting-label , .sub-photo-additional-info-view li > .safety-label , .sub-photo-additional-info-view li span.privacy-label { background: black !important; color: gray !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - TXT GOLD */ h1#Tertiary + .Tab + .NoResult , .group-topics .ThinCase , #FQMG-quit-button.CancelButt , .person>h1>span + span , #DiscussTopic a[href*="/albums/"]:after , #groups-about a[href*="galleries/"]:after , #DiscussTopic a[href*="/galleries/"]:after , .popup a[href="javascript:;"]:before , .popup a[href="javascript:;"] , #personmenu_down_menu #tag_person_link[href="javascript:;"]:before , #personmenu_down_menu #tag_person_link[href="javascript:;"] , #groups-list .SetsContainer.GroupsCenterContainer .SortOptions , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .sub-photo-date-view:hover > .date-taken , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .sub-photo-date-view > .date-taken:hover { background: black !important; color: gold ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - TXT DIVERS */ .act-details .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:last-of-type a , .act-details .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type a { background: black ; color: #FF0000 ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - BORDER RED */ #camera-finder-content h3 , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name:hover + p b , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a:hover + span.pro-badge-new + b , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a + span.pro-badge-new + b:hover , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a:hover + .pro-badge + b , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a + .pro-badge + b:hover , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a + b:hover , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-content a:hover + b { background: black !important; border: 1px solid red ; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND BLACK - BORDER DIVERS */ .no-nonsafe-banner { background: black !important; border: 1px solid red; } #DiscussTopic .TopicReply form { background: black !important; border: 1px solid #404040; } #GoodStuff .Preview , #DiscussTopic .Preview { background: black !important; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; box-shadow: -7px 7px 2px black ; } .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section .description .read-less-button, .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section .description .read-more-button { background: black !important; border: 1px solid #222 ; } /* (new306) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - BLACK - === */ .getting-started ol li, #pp-group-rules-content:hover .pp-rules-content-box , #pp-group-rules-content .pp-rules-content-box:hover , .fluid-droparound-view .droparound.html.auto-size.dialog-tooltip li:hover , #gray_set_button_bar ~ #ViewSet #setThumbs + p + div , .gPendDesc .gPendWho:hover > b , .popup ul + a , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.menu , #DiscussTopic a[href*="/albums/"] , #groups-about a[href*="galleries/"] , #DiscussTopic a[href*="/galleries/"] , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .view.photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-notes-scrappy-view.box-hovered:hover:after , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .view.photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD.box-hovered:hover:after , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller > .navigate-target > span , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller > .navigate-target > span , .view.global-nav-view .view.notifications-menu-view:hover , .view.global-nav-view:hover .view.notifications-menu-view , .view.notifications-menu-view , /* BACKGROUND-COLOR - BLACK - === */ .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller > .navigate-target > span:hover , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller > .navigate-target.navigate-prev , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller > .navigate-target.navigate-next , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller > .navigate-target > span:hover , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller > .navigate-target.navigate-prev , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller > .navigate-target.navigate-next , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container:not(:hover) .remark-container.present , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container:hover remark-container.present , .album-header-view > .album-header-content , .delete-x-inline.remove-from-context:hover img , .ju .row .FCO-gradient:hover { background-color: black !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - BLACK + COLOR + BORDER === */ #gallery-comments #comments , .html-feed-new-page-view .feed-new-page-content-container .info-column , .fluid .view.global-nav-view:hover .gn-tools > li.gn-search-box + li + li.gn-signin .gn-title:hover , .view.featured-banner-view:hover , #global-nav.styleguide-global-nav:hover .toplink .gn-signup:hover { background-color: black !important; border: 1px solid red !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .attribution-view .avatar.person.medium > b { background-color: black !important; color: red !important; outline: 1px solid red ; } #gray_set_button_bar ~ #ViewSet #setThumbs + p + div + .vsDescription:hover:after , .view.photo-notes-scrappy-view::after, .photo-notes-scrappy-view-.box-hovered::after, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view.requiredToShowOnServer + .photo-notes-scrappy-view::after, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view + .photo-notes-scrappy-view::after , .view.photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD::after, .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD.box-hovered::after, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD.requiredToShowOnServer + .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD::after, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD + .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD::after { background-color: black !important; color: white !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - BLACK LIGHT - #111 */ .events-page-view .events-home-page-container .section-row-header , #pool-photos.sm .photo-display-item , .eol-banner , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-modal-view.flickr-view-root-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout .photo-faves-list-view , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .gallery-photo-remark .photo-comments.with-emoji-picker.scrollable , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .scrollable-comment-list-view .comment-list-container ol , #Main > h1 + table > tbody , #pp .pp-box , .fluid.html-group-interstitial-view .main h1 , .cameraroll-tools-view , .user-account-card-view , ul.tt-activity ul.act-details li.act-detail-item.tt-first .act-when , .act-detail-item:last-of-type , /* BACKGROUND - BLACK LIGHT - #111 */ .modal.subview-modal.reorder-grid-modal , .modal.subview-modal.photo-selector.gallery-coverphoto-selector , .tag-page-view .related-groups-view > h5 , .html-tag-page-view .search-results-header , .fluid h5.tag-list-header , .contact-list-sorted , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Said:hover , .fluid.html-group-pool-page-view .pagination-view:not(:empty) , .group-topic-detail-col #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Said > p:hover , .group-admin-pending-item-view .group-admin-pending-item .item-content-container .details-column .timestamp , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .group-discussion-page-view .right-column .topic .message .message-text:hover , .group-discussion-topic-view .reply:hover , .group-discussion-topic-view .topic:hover , .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .reply:hover, .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .topic:hover { background: #111 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - BLACK LIGHT + == #111 */ .photo-list-gallery-container .tile.tile-cover:not([style^="background-image"]) , .search-slender-advanced-panel-view , .search-tools-view .tool-bar , .photo-list-gallery-view .photo-list-gallery-container .tile-container .tile-row .tile.right , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list li .hd , .CalendarBlank { background-color: #111 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - BLACK LIGHT + COLOR == #111 */ #GoodStuff p.NoResult { background: #111 ; color: gold !important; } #Tertiary + .Tab + .char_search + table#MemberList { background: #111 !important; outline: 1px solid red !important; } .flag-photo-container .step-description>b { background: #111 !important; border-top: 1px solid red !important; border-bottom: 1px solid red !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - #222 - #222 */ .group-card-view .join-subview::before , .profile-bio-view .section , #pp-group-rules-content .pp-rules-content-box , #pp .list-box , .notification-center-page-view .notification-center-page-container.fluid-centered .notifications-list-container .notifications-list-view , .search-subnav , div#help_topicpreview , .search-subnav , .fluid.html-search-photos-unified-page-view .search-photos-unified-page-view .view.global-nav-view ~ .search-subnav-slender-view .search-subnav , #ViewSet p.vsDescription:not(:empty) , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .group-discussion-page-view .right-column .topic .message , #ViewSet p.vsDescription:not(:empty) , #ViewSet .vsNumbers , .group-admin-page-view .group-admin-page-container section , #global-nav.styleguide-global-nav:hover .gn-signin .gn-link.secondary span , .fluid.html-search-people-page-view .result-card button.follow.is-following , .result-card .button-content , .fluid.html-search-people-page-view .result-card .button-content , .dummy-loader-container , .dummy-loader-container.fading , #ab .tabs ul li , #ab.default li.default, #ab.flickr li.flickr, #ab.yahoo li.yahoo, #ab.gmail li.gmail, #ab.live li.live, #ab.facebook li.facebook , #Main > h1 , /* BACKGROUND - #222 - #222 */ .view.dialog-alert.ui-dialog.ui-dialog-alert.scrappy-dialog , .photo-display-container.ju .photo_container a:not(.spaceball):before , .global-nav .global-nav-content .nav-menu li:hover .gn-submenu , .fluid .droparound .droparrow::after , .fluid .droparound , #tt-pages + #Feeds #AtomRSS , #tt-pages + #Feeds , .fluid .droparound.over-modal , .PeopleResults>tbody>tr>td.Who> p , html.fluid.html-group-pool-page-view.scrolling-layout #content .fluid-centered.with-fluid-subnav , .download-dialog-tooltip:before , .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a , .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a:hover, .top_form_div .candy_button_bar .candy_menu a:active , [id="NFPN.envelopes"]:hover , [id="NFPN.envelopes"] , .view.dialog-modal.ui-dialog.ui-dialog-modal.scrappy-dialog:not(.ui-util-removed) , .view.dialog-modal.ui-dialog.ui-dialog-modal.scrappy-dialog .ui-dialog-wrapper , .html-gallery-page-view .fluid-centered.gallery-page-container .photos-section .photo-list-container .view.photo-list-view .view.photo-list-gallery-photo-view:not(.forced-aspect-ratio) .sub-photo-info-bar , html.scrolling-layout #content .galleries-list-container.fluid-centered .photo-list-gallery-view , .modal.subview-modal.reorder-grid-modal , #Main > table.acct-sett + h3 , .opt-out-bug , #sidebar[style^="position: absolute;"]:hover , #sidebar[style^="position: fixed;"]:hover , .view.sub-photo-view, .view.sub-photo-view.requiredToShowOnServer , .gPendMod p , /* BACKGROUND - #222 - #222 */ .top_form_div , .popover-position-marker + .personmenu.personmenu-hidden + .global_dialog_spinner + div.global_dialog.global_dialog.default , .popover-position-marker + .personmenu.personmenu-hidden + .global_dialog_spinner + div.global_dialog.global_dialog.default #global-dialog-container , html , #main, #Main, body.no-outline , body , .ju, #thumb-wrapper #thumbnails.ju , #thumb-wrapper , .result-card , tr.staffPost td , .contact-list-header , .content.menu>ul>li:hover , #CatFlickrSuitePopUp , .subnav-refresh .sn-dropdowntarget ul.sn-dropdown , #availableColors , .result-card .text-conteny , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-content .c-account-menu.ui-util-selected:hover .ui-dialog-tooltip.ui-dialog-tooltip-witharrow , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-content .ui-dialog-tooltip.ui-dialog-tooltip-witharrow , #global-nav:hover #gb-ac-panel ul.ac-nav , .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li[style="background-color:#fff"] , .PeopleResults>tbody>tr>td.Icon , tr.staffPost td , #tagslist +h3 +.PeopleResults > tbody > tr > td.Icon , .subnav-refresh .subnav-middle , #tt-pages , .c-account-menu .c-account-buddyicon .c-account-unreadcount , #global-nav .header-count , #editRelationshipDialog , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-content:not(:hover) , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-content , #global-nav , body > #content > .view .footer-full-view , .sub-photo-view { background: #222 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - #222 + BORDER / COLOR - === */ #MemberList tr td:nth-child(n+4):not([id^="ban_"]) input , div#help_topicpreview { background: #222 !important; border: 1px solid red ; } .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section header { border-bottom: 1px solid red !important; } .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section .description.short.no-read-more:not(.hidden) , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section .description:not(.hidden) { background: #222 !important; border: 1px solid #333 !important; } .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .photos-section , .share-options-list li.divider span { background: #222 !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #333 !important; border-top: 1px solid #333 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - #222 + GOLD */ #albumTeaser>div { background: #222 !important; color: gold !important; } .TopicReply>tbody>tr:last-of-type td:not(.Said):not(.Who):before { background: #222 !important; border: 1px solid #404040 ; box-shadow: 3px 3px 2px black ; color: gold ; } /* (new312) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - #222 */ html.fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view #content .coverphoto-content.fluid-centered:not(.mobile) , .photo-page-sidebar-view , html.scrolling-layout .centered-content , .search-container-w-sidebar .sidebar-column .search-photos-layout a.photo-item , .search-container-w-sidebar .sidebar-column:hover , .fluid.html-group-home-page-view .fluid-group-coverphoto-view , .fluid.html-group-discussions-list-page-view .fluid-group-coverphoto-view , .fluid.html-group-pool-page-view .view.group-pool-subheader-view:not(.requiredToShowOnServer) + .view.photo-list-view:not(.requiredToShowOnServer) .photo-list-photo-view , .fluid.html-group-pool-page-view .view.group-pool-subheader-view:not(.requiredToShowOnServer) + .view.photo-list-view:not(.requiredToShowOnServer) .photo-list-photo-view.awake , html.html-favorites-page-view.scrolling-layout #content .view.fluid-magic-subnav-view .fluid-subnav , .view.fluid-photostream-coverphoto-view , .feed-new-page-view .batch-overlay , .photo-display-container.ju .photo_container a:not(.spaceball) .pc_img.img , .fluid .modal .head .nav .fluid-modal-nav-bar , .modal.subview-modal.reorder-grid-modal, .modal.subview-modal.photo-selector.gallery-coverphoto-selector , .group-pool-page-view , /* BACKGROUND-COLOR - #222 */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .content.subview > .view.person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .content.subview > .view.person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .content.subview > .view.person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body script + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .content.subview > .view.person-card-view.flickr-view-root-view .ui-dialog-wrapper , .photo-list-tile-view , .search-slender-advanced-panel-view , .search-slender-advanced-panel-view .advanced-panel , .search-slender-advanced-panel-view .tool-bar { background-color: #222 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - #333 */ #Main #col-left .module#apps-weve-noticed , .info-bar , .search-container-w-sidebar .sidebar-column .sidebar-content-container:before , .search-container-w-sidebar .sidebar-column , .search-container-w-sidebar .search-sidebar-view .sidebar .sidebar-content-container .slim-footer-view , .search-container-w-sidebar .search-sidebar-view .sidebar .sidebar-content-container .rail-items-container .rail-item , .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view #content .album-container.fluid-centered .album-toolbar-view , .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view #content .album-container.fluid-centered .album-toolbar-view .album-toolbar-content , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list li .bd .message p , ul.tt-activity ul.act-details li.act-detail-item .act-when , #Main > table.contact-list-table , #Main > table.contact-list-table.contact-list-table-default , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section header , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section header h1 , .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown ul li:hover:not(.divider) , .html-profile-page-view .profile-page-view .profile-testimonials-view .testimonials-container , .profile-bio-page-view .section , .group-topic-detail-col , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ .group-discussion-page-view .left-column , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .group-discussion-page-view .right-column .topic , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .view.fluid-group-coverphoto-view , .fluid.html-group-discussions-list-page-view #content .group-discussions-list-page-view .fluid-group-coverphoto-view + .fluid-magic-groups-subnav-view .fluid-subnav-shim .fluid-subnav.with-overflow-menu.fixed, .fluid.html-group-home-page-view #content .group-home-page-view .fluid-group-coverphoto-view + .fluid-magic-groups-subnav-view .fluid-subnav-shim .fluid-subnav.with-overflow-menu.fixed , .fluid.html-group-discussions-list-page-view .fluid-group-coverphoto-view , .fluid.html-group-discussions-list-page-view .fluid-magic-groups-subnav-view .fluid-subnav-shim .fluid-subnav.with-overflow-menu.fixed , .fluid.html-group-discussion-page-view .view.fluid-group-coverphoto-view , #ViewSet .vsThumbnail , .dummy-loader-container .layout-container.compact .item , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo.photo-display-item , .html-feed-new-page-view .photo-card-view .photo-card .link-footer , .html-feed-new-page-view .photo-card-view .photo-card.active.awake , .html-feed-new-page-view .photo-card-view .photo-card.active , .html-feed-new-page-view .photo-card-view .photo-card , #main .group-topics-col + .group-topic-detail-col > h2 , .ThinCase .FlickrMailMessage , #ViewSet .vsComments table.SetComments > tbody tr .Comment > p small , .faved-by + .ui-dialog-tooltip:not(.ui-util-removed) , #group-sidebar:hover, #group-sidebar.open:hover , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc:not(.show-editable):before , .group-admin-pending-item-view .group-admin-pending-item .item-content-container .action-column .batch-check , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ .group-admin-pending-item-view .group-admin-pending-item .item-content-container .action-column , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Said > p + blockquote ~ blockquote , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Said > p + blockquote , .act-details .act-who + .invitePhoto , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.edit-meta-field.edit-photo-title , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.edit-meta-field.edit-photo-desc , .feed-page-view .activity-card div.activity-card-content , .feed-page-view .activity-card , .sub-photo-container.centered-content .view.sub-photo-title-desc-view + #FCR_main:hover:after , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b:hover , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name:hover + a + b:hover , li.act-detail-item.f-fave:hover b , .act-detail-item.f-note.f-their-photo-their-note>p > a:hover + b , .act-detail-item.f-note.f-their-photo-their-note>p > a + b:hover , ul.tt-activity ul.act-details li.act-detail-item > a:hover + .pro-badge + b , #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .curator_chunk p.gallery_photo_name + p b:hover , li.act-detail-item.f-fave.f-your-photo-their-fave.tt-first >a:first-of-type + b:hover , li.act-detail-item.f-fave.f-your-photo-their-fave.tt-first >a:first-of-type:hover + b , .gPendWho > b , #albumTeaser , .fluid.html-album-page-view #topPaginationContainer , .fluid.html-group-pool-page-view #topPaginationContainer , .html-photostream-page-view #topPaginationContainer , .html-favorites-page-view #topPaginationContainer , #topPaginationContainer , .act-item h2 , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ .view.featured-banner-view .featured-banner .featured-banner-content.fluid-centered .button-container , #global-nav #gb-ac-panel .usage , #global-nav #gb-ac-panel #gb-ac-profile, #global-nav #gn-wrap .tools.with-upload-icon .top-nav .gn-menu-parent.toplink.gn-account #gb-ac-wrap #gb-ac-panel , #global-nav #gb-ac-panel.new-account-menu .usage , #global-nav #gb-ac-panel.new-account-menu #gb-ac-profile, #global-nav #gn-wrap .tools.with-upload-icon .top-nav .gn-menu-parent.toplink.gn-account #gb-ac-wrap #gb-ac-panel.new-account-menu , #global-nav #gn-wrap .tools.with-upload-icon .top-nav .gn-menu-parent.toplink.gn-account .gn-link.account + #header-mailcount + #gb-ac-wrap , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint , #global-nav.styleguide-global-nav:hover .toplink .gn-signup , .fluid .view.global-nav-view:hover .gn-tools > li.gn-search-box + li + li.gn-signin .gn-title , .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .subview-droparound.auto-size.notifs-droparound , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .subview-droparound.auto-size.notifs-droparound , .global-nav .global-nav-content .nav-menu > li ul.gn-submenu li:hover , .fluid.html-group-home-page-view .group-blast-view > .blast-block , .fluid .view.group-blast-view.requiredToShowOnServer , .sub-photo-additional-info-view .add-meta-permission + li:hover .safety-label, .sub-photo-additional-info-view .add-meta-permission .meta-permissions-label, .sub-photo-additional-info-view .commenting-permission .commenting-label, .sub-photo-additional-info-view li:hover > .safety-label, .sub-photo-additional-info-view li:hover span.privacy-label , .view.dialog-alert.ui-dialog.ui-dialog-alert.scrappy-dialog .ui-dialog-wrapper , #group-sidebar, #group-sidebar.open , .subnav-refresh .cover-photo-holder .cover-photo.wviewvert:not(:hover):after , .ju.photo-display-container ~ .slideshow-bottom , .ju.photo-display-container + div + div + br + #paginator-module.Pages + #feeds + .slideshow-bottom , .ju.photo-display-container + div + div + br + #paginator-module.Pages + #feeds , .html-album-page-view .album-page-view .album-toolbar-view > .album-toolbar-content , .html-album-page-view .view.album-toolbar-view , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section header , .sub-photo-left-view > .attribution-view.photo-attribution > .attribution-info .relationship .dialog-tooltip , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view > .restricted-interstitial , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view > .restricted-interstitial , .photo-notes-scrappy-view .note-text.adding .text-alignment-fix, .photo-notes-scrappy-view .note-text.editing .text-alignment-fix , .photo-notes-scrappy-view.box-hovered:hover:after , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD .note-text.adding .text-alignment-fix, .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD .note-text.editing .text-alignment-fix , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD.box-hovered:hover:after , .contact-list-header , #Main > table.acct-sett:only-of-type , #Main > table.acct-sett , #ag-user-promo , #groups-list .SetsContainer.GroupsCenterContainer .group-h3 , .opt-out-bug button , #gallery-comments #comments h3 , .gallery-meta-nav-link[href="#gallery-comments"] , #galleries_tab_nav li.galleries_tab_nav_active , .download-dialog-tooltip , .gPendMod , #advancedInvites , .fluid .butt:hover, .fluid button:hover , /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ p.info, div.info , .person-card-view .fade-out::after , .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li:not([style="background-color:#fff"]) , .html-photostream-page-view #cdx + #CatFlickrSuitePopUp , .about>div>form[action="/groups_join.gne"] p , .result-card .text-content , .result-card .text-content:after , #newTopic , .groups-list-item:nth-child(odd) , #groups-list .groups-sideba , .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown > span.truncate:hover , .subnav-refresh .sn-dropdowntarget ul.sn-dropdown li.sn-dropdownitem:hover , #CatFlickrSuitePopUp.ToolTip , .yui3-popover-content ul , .searchified-menu li a, /* BACKGROUND - #333 */ #photo-story-attribution .follow-butt.is-following , #photo-story-attribution .follow-butt , #global-nav:hover #gb-ac-panel ul.ac-nav li:hover , .popup , #main-col , .about>div>form[action="/groups_join.gne"] p , #Main table tbody tr #GoodStuff h2 , #newTopic , #Main > .forumIntro ~ h3 , .forumIntro .forumIntroText , #GoodStuff table#InBox tbody tr:not(:first-of-type) , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view:hover , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .view-all-contexts-of-type , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .view-all-contexts-of-type a:before , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .photo-license-view ul , .photo-license-view .ui-dropdown:not(.ui-dropdown-closed) > ul { background: #333 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - #333 + BORDER / COLOR - === */ .feed-new-page-view .feed-new-page-container .feed-new-page-content-container .feed-column .feed-new-tools-container , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item > a + b:hover , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item > a:hover + b { background: #333 !important; border: 1px solid red ; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-droparound-view:last-of-type:not(:hover) .droparound.html.auto-size.dialog-tooltip , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-droparound-view:last-of-type:hover .droparound.html.auto-size.dialog-tooltip , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-droparound-view:last-of-type .droparound.html.auto-size.dialog-tooltip { background-color: #333 !important; border: 1px solid red !important; border-bottom: 3px solid red !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view #CatFlickrSuitePopUp.ToolTip { background-color: #333 !important; box-shadow: 10px 10px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important; border-color: gray #222 #222 gray !important; } .opt-out-bug button:hover { background: #333 !important; color: gold !important; } .Day { background: #333 !important; color: #000; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - - #333 */ .group-discussion-topic-view .message .message-text-quote, .group-discussion-topic-view .reply.permalinked, .group-discussion-topic-view .topic.permalinked , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo.photo-display-item .thumb > span > a:first-of-type img , .photo-card-view .photo-card .photo-card-content .photo-card-photo .photo , .photo-list-photo-view.awake , .fluid:not(.html-photo-page-scrappy-view) #content .view.photo-list-photo-view , .photo-list-photo-view , .feed-page-view .activity-card div.activity-card-photos , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .droparound.subview-droparound:not(.notifs-droparound) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound:hover:not(.notifs-droparound) , /* BACKGROUND-COLOR - - #333 */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound:not(.notifs-droparound) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound:hover:not(.notifs-droparound) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body .fluid-droparound-overlay + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .droparound.subview-droparound:not(.notifs-droparound) , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout body script + .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view:hover .droparound.subview-droparound:not(.notifs-droparound) , .view.search-subnav-slender-view .search-subnav.using-slender-advanced-panel , .fluid table tr:hover , .fluid table tr:hover::before, .fluid table tr:hover::after, #Main>form[action="/search/forum/"] .For , .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .photo-license-view ul , .photo-license-view .ui-dropdown:not(.ui-dropdown-closed) > ul { background-color: #333 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-COLOR - - #333 + TXT - === */ .sub-photo-tags-tag-view:hover ul.tags-list li.autotag:hover , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view:hover ul.tags-list li.tag:hover { background-color: #333 !important; color: gold !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - TRANSPARENT === */ #working-area-wrapper, #upload-queue div.photo-item, html.has-items, #working-area-footer, #working-area.hide-focus #upload-queue div.photo-item:focus { background: transparent !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - TRANSPARENT + TXT - === */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND - TRANSPARENT + WHITE - === */ .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a.title { color: white !important; background: transparent !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-GRADIENT ONLY - === */ /*PB - function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction : https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction/ ===== */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-GRADIENT - and COLOR - === */ .subnav-refresh .subnav-middle { border-bottom: 1px solid gray !important; /* background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(center top , rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)) repeat scroll 0 0 !important;*/ } #groups-list .Sets .setText { color: white !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.64) !important; } .html-photo-page-scrappy-view.fluid.scrolling-layout.yui3-js-enabled .view.footer-full-view:before { color: gray ; background: #333 ; } .profile-bio-view .bio-description .description::after { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.98), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0)) repeat scroll 0 0 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-GRADIENT + BORDER - === */ .share-options-list li .Butt, .share-options-list li .DisabledButt { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.68) linear-gradient(to bottom, black 0%, #222 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 !important; border-color: #333 !important; } li.no_menu_li .button span:hover { /* background: linear-gradient(center top , #646464, #555555) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;*/ border: 1px solid #5a5a5a !important; } #gallery-desc-thumbs { border: 1px solid peru !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.59) !important; } .profile-bio-page-view .bio-description .description::after { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(0deg, #222222, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0)) repeat scroll 0 0; border-color: #333 !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - HELP FORUM - ELIPSIS */ #Main table tbody tr td#Hint + #GoodStuff:not(.admin_moderation) h2:not(:hover)::after { /* BLACK */ background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0), rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.1), rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) 100%) !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-RGB =========== */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-RGB - ONLY === */ body.flickrfixrwebextension .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-date-view.has-date-info > .date-taken + .date-info , body.flickrfixruserscript .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-date-view.has-date-info > .date-taken + .date-info { background-color: rgba(24, 24, 23, 1)!important; } .DiscussionResults>tbody tr td:first-of-type:not(.Who) .Topic p > b:hover a + b { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) !important; } .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-holder.order-chronological.photosInComments ul.comments:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important; } .zoom-modal { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important; } .act-details .act-who + .invitePhoto .button-container { background: rgba(4, 1, 1, 0.71); } #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item.f-unread_mail { background: rgba(255, 211, 0, 0.13) !important; } .PeopleResults>tbody>tr>td { background: rgba(62, 59, 59, 0.6) !important; } .empty-page-view .empty-page-stats .sample-image-wrap:before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.56) ; } /* BACKGROUND-RGB - ONLY === */ #gallery-comments:hover { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) ; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .vsDescription:hover:before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .vsDescription:before { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49) ; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item .vsDescription:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49) !important; } #gallery-big-photos .gallery-item.clearfix .curator_meta .curator_info { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.39) !important; } table.contact-list-table-default td.contact-list-sorted { color: #a0a0a0 !important; } .cameraroll-tools-view.restyle .fixed , .cameraroll-tools-view.restyle .toolbar { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.59) !important; } .new-header .candy_button_bar { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.71) !important; } /* BACKGROUND-RGB - ONLY === */ #comments #comments-list .comment-block:before { background: rgba(62, 59, 59, 0.6) !important; } #photo { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) !important; } #photo-actions .photo-title { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; } #photo-actions .photo-title:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important; } .act-item.apply-hover.f-contacted.tt-muted { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; } #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item.f-contacted { background: rgba(24, 119, 23, 0.15) !important; } #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type a { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.53) !important; } /* BACKGROUND-RGB - ONLY === */ #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .invitePhoto > p:last-of-type , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-content > div { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32) !important; } #pool-photos.ju .photo-display-item .remove-from-group:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) ! important; } #GoodStuff table#InBox tbody tr:not(:first-of-type):before { background: rgba(135, 207, 235, 0.3) !important; } .char_search + #MemberList tr td[colspan="3"] form { background: rgba(137, 0, 0, 0.77) !important; } .photo-notes-scrappy-view.box-hovered span:before , .photo-notes-scrappy-view:not(.box-hovered) span:before , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD.box-hovered span:before , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD:not(.box-hovered) span:before { background: rgba(210, 179, 140, 0.7) ; } .photo-notes-scrappy-view .note , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD .note { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.06) !important; } .photo-notes-scrappy-view.box-hovered:hover .note:not(:hover) , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD.box-hovered:hover .note:not(:hover) { background: rgba(210, 179, 140, 0.24) !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - BACKGROUND-RGB AND COLOR + BOX SHADOW + COLOR === */ .view.fluid-modal-view .modal.subview-modal.gallery-edit-modal { box-shadow: -5px 5px 6px 7px black !important; } .view.fluid-modal-view .modal.subview-modal.gallery-edit-modal .gallery-edit-view { background: rgba(13, 12, 12, 0.84) !important; color: gold; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:hover, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:focus, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view:hover .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:hover, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view:hover .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:focus { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea { color: gray !important; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout .view.fluid-modal-view .album-selection input.album-selection-search { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px gray inset !important; color: white !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) !important; } .act-item.apply-hover.f-contacted.tt-muted:before { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8) ; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) ; } /* BACKGROUND-RGB AND COLOR + BOX SHADOW + COLOR */ #GoodStuff p.NoResult + ul li:before , #GoodStuff p.Confirm + ul li:before { background: rgba(62, 59, 59, 0.6) ; box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(162, 160, 160, 0.6) inset ; color: gold ; } #GoodStuff p.NoResult + ul li:after , #GoodStuff p.Confirm + ul li:after { background: rgba(62, 59, 59, 0.6) ; box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(162, 160, 160, 0.6) inset ; color: white ; } #DiscussTopic .Preview + h4 { color: gold !important; background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.42) ; } #groups-list .sec .groups-list-item:before { color: white ; background: rgba(9, 9, 9, 0.74) ; } /* ======== (new300) TITLE / LINKS - COLOR(ok) ============== */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - COLOR(ok) - WHITE */ h1#Tertiary + .Tab + .NoResult + h3 span , .profile-bio-page-view .bio-description .bio-infos .bio-infos-container ul li span:last-of-type , .photo-list-photo-interaction .interaction-bar .engagement:hover .engagement-item , .photo-list-photo-interaction .interaction-bar:hover .engagement .engagement-item , .ju .row .meta span , .photo-display-container.ju > span ~ .row .pool-photo.photo-display-item a.owner , .photo-display-container.ju > span ~ .row .pool-photo.photo-display-item a[id^="CFS"].owner , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo .thumb .meta a.owner[id^="CFS"] span , #faves.ju .row .thumb .meta a.owner , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo .thumb .meta a.owner{ color: white !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - COLOR(ok) - WHITE - SHADOW BURY BLACK */ #CatFlickrSuitePopUp em { text-shadow: 1px 1px 6px #000 !important; color: white !important; } /* (new311) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS COLOR - GRAY SILVER === */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.edit-meta-field.edit-photo-desc, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.edit-meta-field.edit-photo-title , .profile-info-edit .edit-container .edit-item .edit-item-label, .profile-info-edit-view .profile-info-edit ul.edit-container li .label.edit-item-label , .things-to-know , .community-guidelines , .header + .nav .primary , .header.header-community + .nav .primary , .header.header-developers + .nav .primary , .getting-started ol li, .things-to-know-dev , .header-home + .nav .primary , .participating ul , .photo-card-engagement-view .photo-card-engagement .engagement-item .engagement-count , .fluid.html-profile-page-view .content.text-only , .confirmation-dialog .message-container{ color: silver !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY0 - LONG === */ .comment-list-view .comment-list-container .comment-list li .comment-item .content-container .comment-content , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .view.comment-item-view.flickr-view-root-view .comment-item .content-container .comment-content , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .view.comment-item-view.flickr-view-root-view .comment-item .content-container .comment-content b , #view-holder +script + #paginator-module .Paginator .Next , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span.AtEnd , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .Next , #view-holder + script + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .AtStart , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .AtStart , #view-holder +script + #paginator-module .Paginator .Prev , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .Prev , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .Pages .Paginator .Next , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .Pages .Paginator .Prev , body.breakout-justified .infinite-pages .Pages .Paginator .AtStart , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br+ #apBreakEnd + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span.pages span , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span.pages span , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br+ #apBreakEnd + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span.pages a , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span.pages a , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .Prev , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br+ #apBreakEnd + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .Next.rapidnofollow , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .Next.rapidnofollow , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br+ #apBreakEnd + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .AtStart , .ju.photo-display-container +div+div +br + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator .AtStart , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ h1#Tertiary + .Tab + .NoResult + h3 , .profile-bio-view .general-stats ul li a span , .group-topics ul.topic-list li .bd .message , .flag-modal-view .flag-photo-container , #group-sidebar .blast-text , .view.dialog-modal.ui-dialog.ui-dialog-modal.scrappy-dialog .ui-dialog-wrapper h2 , .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .tool a .title, .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .tool a:visited .title, .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .tool a:hover .title, .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .link a .title, .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .link a:visited .title, .search-subnav .search-subnav-sizing .search-subnav-content .links > .link a:hover .title , #sidebar #sidebar-contexts li.sidebar-context-open a.context-link:hover span.context-title , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ #contactChangerPopup + #person_hover #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu p strong , #pool-photos.sm #photo-display-container .pool-photo .hover-target .meta a.owner , .person-card-view .follow-view > .relationship .dialog-tooltip .ui-dialog-body ul , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .attribution-view .avatar.person.medium > b , .interaction-view .photo-list-photo-edit-interaction .interaction-bar .tool , .FlickrMailMessage>tbody>tr>td>a:not([href^="/groups_pending.gne?"]) , body.super-liquid.extras #photo-story-attribution span.name span.realname a , body.super-liquid.extras #photo-story-attribution span.name span.no-realname a , body.super-liquid.extras #photo-story-attribution span.name span , .search-autosuggest-field-view .search-form .search-icon-button , .searchified-options .searchified-options-view , .item.group.item-disabled.administered.invited strong.item-name , .item.group.item-selected.administered strong.item-name , .sub-photo-additional-info-view li > span:last-of-type , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ #side-col #sidebar #sidebar-contexts li a.context-link:hover , [id^="photo_navi_contact_span_"] span.edit_relationship , .group-blast-view > .blast-block .blast-message-secure , .add-to-dialog .add-to-selector li strong.item-name , #share-menu-v3 input#share-options-grablink-input , .rapidnofollow.comments-icon.comments-inline-btn , .modal.html-modal .content.html-only.has-footer , .group-invite-block .group-invite-contact p , p.flickr-user span.name strong.username , #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic .pro-badge , #DiscussTopic .TopicReply h3 , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ .StreamView h4[title="Click to edit"]:hover , .StreamView .Desc div:hover , #primary-column div#meta h1:hover , #pool-photos.sm .pool-photo [id^="nof_"] , p.flickr-user span.name span.realname , #GoodStuff table#InBox tbody tr a , #SubNav .Section .LinksNew .Here , #groups-about .about div .description , #groups-about .additional , #groups-about .about > div , #TopBar .Header td.Status, #share-menu #share-menu-arrow , #head #head-top #head-status , #photo-story-stats span , #photo-story-stats a.stat-item , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ body .insitu-editing .insitu-value , body .insitu-highlight , .searchified-menu-button , .group-blast-zeus:hover , #GoodStuff .InvitePreview p , .fave-block .fave-content p , #recent-activity .pro-badge , .fluid .group-description , .act-item.f-contacted h2 , #archives-navigation>a , table#group-info td li , #all-sizes-header>dl>dd , #all-sizes-header>dl>dt , #context-link-stream- , table#group-info td p , .contact-list-header , #archives-navigation , #options-menu-arrow , .feedback-container , .SmallDisabledButt , #tt-recent-nav li a , #tt-recent-nav li , span.header-count , .gl-view-controls , #search_sort_options strong { color: GRAY !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY0 - SHORT === */ .fluid.html-favorites-page-view.scrolling-layout .follow-options span , .fluid.html-favorites-page-view.scrolling-layout .follow-options .toggle-component.check.block , input.autosuggest-selectable-item , input[type="checkbox"]:hover , input[type="checkbox"], .gn-link span , .gn-link:link span, .gn-link:visited span , a.group-leave , a.group-leave:visited , .gray_menu_buttons li a, .gray_menu_buttons li a:link, .gray_menu_buttons li a:visited, .gray_menu_buttons li a:active , .button-list li .DisabledButt span , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ .Butt:visited , .DeleteButt:visited , #camera-finder-content.model-page , form#photo-search label , .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a:hover, .photo-display-container.ju .photo-display-item .meta a:hover, .zoomer .meta a:hover , .ju .row .meta span , .ResultSet .Found , .NoneFound , .zoomer .meta a , .search-icon use , .SmallDeleteButt , .SmallCancelButt , td#GoodStuff td, /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY0 - SHORT */ .additional-info , .group-rules , td#GoodStuff p , #main #faves p , #main table th , #DiscussTopic , .DisabledButt , .search-icon , #photo-story , #sfquicktag , .photosText , .photo-desc , .DeleteButt , .CancelButt , #addInfo h4 , blockquote , /* TITLE / LINKS - GRAY */ .photosNum , .item-link , .SmallButt , .pro-badge , #thetags a , .Highlight , .fluid h5 , .Who > h2 , #Main td , table th , table td , small , #Main , .Butt, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4, h5 , p { color: GRAY !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /* COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY1 - #656c7a === */ /* COLOR(ok) - COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY0 - #656c7a + HOVER GREEN - #b9d56e + VISITED RED === */ .fluid.html-feed-new-page-view .engagement-count , .user-infos .deleted , .item-link:hover , #archives-navigation>a:hover , .searchified-menu-button:hover , #pool-photos.sm .pool-photo [id^="nof_"]:hover , #pool-photos.sm #photo-display-container .pool-photo .hover-target .meta a.owner:hover { color: #b9d56e !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /* COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY2 - #444 === */ /* COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY3 - #999 === */ /* COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY4 - #777 === */ /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TITLE / LINKS - GRAY +/OR HOVER GREEN +/OR VISITED GRAY - === */ .view.group-top-contributors-dropdown-view.ui-dropdown.ui-dropdown-closed.top-contribs .truncate , .fluid .coverphoto-content p a , .fluid .coverphoto-content p a:visited , .fluid a.unfluid, .fluid a.unfluid:visited , .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid , .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid:visited, .light .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid, .light .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid:visited , .fluid a.unfluid:hover, .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid:hover, .light .dark .light .fluid a.unfluid:hover { color: GRAY !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown > span.truncate:hover , .view.group-top-contributors-dropdown-view.ui-dropdown.ui-dropdown-closed.top-contribs .truncate:hover , .fluid .coverphoto-content p a:hover { color: #b9d56e !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - LINKS - PERU ONLY (not HOVER) - === */ .set_title_div, .groups-you-admin-listing-view li , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .sub-photo-info-bar .details-container .details a.attribution , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container.info-bar-on-hover .sub-photo-info-bar .details-container .details a.attribution , .comment-content a , .license-label span , .additional-info li span , .view.sub-photo-right-view .label-container span , .view.sub-photo-right-view li.add-meta-permission span , .html-gallery-page-view .comments-section .gallery-comments-view .comments-list-section .comment-content a , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .profile-bio-view .bio-description .read-more , .profile-bio-view .section a , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .fluid-modal-view.flickr-view-root-view .modal.subview-modal.flex-layout[style*="max-height: 888px;"] li a:not(.avatar) , .contact-list-table > thead > tr > th, .contact-list-table td, .contact-list-num a , .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .person-list > .person > .person-icon .person-name , .fluid .coverphoto.updates-flipped .coverphoto-content .coverphoto-actions .follow-button, .fluid .coverphoto.updates-flipped .coverphoto-content .coverphoto-actions .join-button , .coverphoto-context-menu-view .coverphoto-context-menu .context-list .context-item , table.FlickrMailMessage p.flickr-user.flickrmail-to span.name span.realname , .compose-field-container + .compose-field-container p.flickr-user span.name strong.username , .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li.block a, .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li.block span , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .group-top-contributors-dropdown-view.ui-dropdown.top-contribs > ul .username , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .fluid-centered.gallery-page-container .details-section .stats a.stat.comment-count , .gallery-edit-view .gallery-edit-container.main .action-container .delete-button , .gallery-edit-view .gallery-edit-container.main .gallery-edit-item.gallery-edit-coverphoto-item a , .map-container + .location-data-container a , .album-selection-list-item-title , .content.menu>ul>li , #groups-about .additional div> ul >li:first-of-type , #groups-about .additional div> ul li :nth-child(1) , #photo-sidebar-additional-info:hover a, body.super-liquid.extras #photo-story-story:hover a , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .contact-list-added.contact-list-sorted , .contact-list-location , .contact-list-num a , .contact-list-num , .contact-list-table.contact-list-table-default>thead>tr>th.contact-list-num , #toto-main.recent-activity .act-content p a[href^="/photos/"]:before , .group-topic-detail-col #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Said>p>small , .ThinCase table tbody tr:first-of-type td.Label + td , #Main table tbody tr #GoodStuff h3 , .vcard .profile-section h3.profile-header , .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album , .album-selection-list-item-title , a[href^="http://www.flickriver.com"] , a.fpmLink:hover:before , .filter-bar-content .filter-title , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc form span , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc:hover:before , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .vcard #groups.profile-section h3.profile-header , #gallery-comments #comments h3 , .fluid .fluid-subnav .more-link , #DiscussTopic .TopicReply h3 , #faq-category-page.ThinCase h3 , #pool-photos #empty-state p a , #pool-photos #empty-state h2 , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint p , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint .TopicListing h4 , #Photo .not_wide_top td#photoswftd h1 , .DiscussionResults>tbody tr td:first-of-type:not(.Who) h2 a , .contact-list-table + #paginator-module.Pages .Results , .groups-list-item .discussion span , .ThinCase.mail-write .Problem , .comment-content .comment-body p , #editRelationshipDialog , #group-members h2.title , h3.jump-list-legend , #photo-sidebar-tags h4 , .MemberCurrently > p , .links.secondary>a , .fade-out , .ThinCase h4 , #sidecar h4 , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-restyle .global-nav-content:visited:after, .FlickrMailMessage>tbody>tr>td>a[href^="/groups_pending.gne?"]:visited , .global-nav-content.styleguide-global-nav.fluid.sohp-mobile-navable > div:last-of-type a:visited , .contact-list-header .header-link a:visited , .Tab + table.acct-sett a:visited , .NewMsg a:visited , #gn-wrap>div>a:visited , #mostviewed div div a , #mostviewed div div a:visited , .about_group_edit a[href^="/groups"]:visited , a[href^="http://www.flickriver.com"]:visited , #GoodStuff>form>p>a:visited , .view.account-settings-sharing-view a , a[href^="/services/apps/by/"] , a[href^="/invite/history/guests/?from"] , .avatar.person.tiny + .content-container .author-info .author-name , .base-notification-item .notification-item .notification-item-middle .notification-core .info-container .subtitle , .fluid .coverphoto-content .title-block-content .title h1 a , .Butt.post-new-topic , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .details-section .stats span.stat.comment-count , .html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout.yui3-js-enabled .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .person-card-view .fade-out , .html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout.yui3-js-enabled .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .person-card-view h3.fade-out , .fluid.html-group-home-page-view .group-blast-view > .blast-block > a , .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li span , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .by-user>a:not([id^="CFS_"]) , .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li span a , .group-blast-view > .blast-block > a span , .group-blast-view > .blast-block .blast-message-secure>a , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-restyle .global-nav-content:after , #tt-recent .tt-col1 h2 a , #GoodStuff a , #admin_cols a , .result-card .text-content .title , .fluid a.view-more-link , #block-user a , .global-nav-content.styleguide-global-nav.fluid.sohp-mobile-navable > div:last-of-type a , .contact-list-header .header-link a , .Tab + table.acct-sett a , .NewMsg a , #gn-wrap>div>a , .add-topic.secondary , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ #Main table tbody tr td#Hint p a , .ThinCase table tbody tr>td>p>a , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view .dialog-tooltip .ui-dialog-body ul li a , .searchified-menu li a , .fluid .fluid-subnav .more-link , #button-bar .sn-navitem .sn-dropdown a , .fluid .group-description>a , .group-description>a , .fluid .view-all-li a , .fluid .with-avatar>tbody>tr>td>a[data-track="groupDiscussionTopicSubjectClick"] , .TopicListing a[href^="/help/forum/"] , .groups-list-item .group-overview h4 a , .about_group_edit a[href^="/groups"] , #return-to-msgs a , #return-to-msgs , #Main table tbody tr #GoodStuff td > p a , .hd>h3>a , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list .topic .hd h3 a , .short a , a[href^="http://www.flickriver.com"] , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ #GoodStuff>form>p>a , .links.secondary>a , #groups-about .about a , #additional-info-expanded ul.icon-left:not(.machinetags-extras-list ) li:hover span small a , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type a , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto p.by a , h3#Tertiary , .group-subhead , a.Plain , #Main > h1 > a , .forumIntroText > a , #newTopic >p > a, .forumSearch > form > p > a , /* TITLE / LINKS - PERU */ .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .photo-license-view > .photo-license-info > .photo-license-url-iconOnly , .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album , a.show-all-link , .sn-navitem a , .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li > a:first-of-type , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:last-of-type , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:not(:last-of-type) , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context a.add-to , .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc a , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .show-add-people, .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc a { color: peru !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - LINKS / TITLE - GREEN #b9d56e - HOVER / HOVER:VISITED - === */ .coverphoto-content.fluid-centered .followers.truncate > a:hover , .fluid .coverphoto-content .title-block-content .title h1 a:hover , .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li span a:hover , .group-blast-view > .blast-block > a:hover , .group-blast-view > .blast-block .blast-message-secure>a:hover , .group-blast-view > .blast-block .blast-message-secure>a:visited:hover , .view.global-nav-view .global-nav-restyle .global-nav-contenthover:after , #GoodStuff a:hover , #admin_cols a:hover , #admin_cols a:visited:hover , .FlickrMailMessage>tbody>tr>td>a[href^="/groups_pending.gne?"]:hover , .FlickrMailMessage>tbody>tr>td>a[href^="/groups_pending.gne?"]:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ .fluid a.view-more-link:hover , .fluid a.view-more-link:visited:hover , .gray_menu_buttons li a:hover , .gray_menu_buttons li a:visited:hover , #block-user a:hover , #block-user a:visited:hover , .global-nav-content.styleguide-global-nav.fluid.sohp-mobile-navable > div:last-of-type a:hover , .global-nav-content.styleguide-global-nav.fluid.sohp-mobile-navable > div:last-of-type a:visited:hover , .contact-list-header .header-link a:hover , .contact-list-header .header-link a:visited:hover , .Tab + table.acct-sett a:hover , .Tab + table.acct-sett a:visited:hover , .NewMsg a:hover , .NewMsg a:visited:hover , #gn-wrap>div>a:hover , .topic-list.narrow-list .topic a:hover , .add-topic.secondary:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ #Main table tbody tr td#Hint p a:hover , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint p a:visited:hover , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .person-list > .person > .person-icon .person-name:hover , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .person-list > .person > .person-icon .person-name.ThinCase>p>a:visited:hover , p.RecentPhotos a[href^="/people/"]:hover , p.RecentPhotos a[href^="/people/"]:visited:hover , #Main>p>a:hover , #Main>p>a:visited:hover , .attribution-view.album-attribution > .attribution-info a:hover , .attribution-view.album-attribution > .attribution-info a:visited:hover , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a:hover , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ .ThinCase>p>a:hover , .ThinCase>p>a:visited:hover , .ThinCase table tbody tr>td>p>a:hover , .ThinCase table tbody tr>td>p>a:visited:hover , .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-content a:hover , .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-content a:visited:hover , .searchified-menu li a:hover , .fluid .fluid-subnav .more-link:hover , .fluid .fluid-subnav .more-link:visited:hover , .content.menu>ul>li a:hover , .content.menu>ul>li a:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ #button-bar .sn-navitem .sn-dropdown a:hover , #button-bar .sn-navitem .sn-dropdown a:visited:hover , #a-bit-more-about>p>a:hover , #a-bit-more-about>p>a:visited:hover , .profile-section a.url:hover , .profile-section a.url:visited:hover , .profile-section.profile-section-desc .note a:hover , .profile-section.profile-section-desc .note a:visited:hover , .fluid .group-description>a:hover , .fluid .group-description>a:visited:hover , .group-description>a:hover , .group-description>a:visited:hover , .fluid .view-all-li a:hover , .fluid .view-all-li a:visited:hover , .fluid .with-avatar>tbody>tr>td>a[data-track="groupDiscussionTopicSubjectClick"]:hover , .fluid .with-avatar>tbody>tr>td>a[data-track="groupDiscussionTopicSubjectClick"]:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ .TopicListing a[href^="/help/forum/"]:hover , .TopicListing a[href^="/help/forum/"]:visited:hover , .groups-list-item .group-overview h4 a:link:hover , .groups-list-item .group-overview h4 a:link:visited:hover , .about_group_edit a[href^="/groups"]:hover , .about_group_edit a[href^="/groups"]:visited:hover , #return-to-msgs a:hover , #return-to-msgs a:visited:hover , #Main table tbody tr #GoodStuff td > p a:hover , #Main table tbody tr #GoodStuff td > p a:visited:hover , #MemberList tr td a[id^="CFS_"]:hover , #MemberList tr td a[id^="CFS_"]:visited:hover , .hd>h3>a:hover , .hd>h3>a:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ .topic-list.narrow-list>p>a:hover , .topic-list.narrow-list>p>a:visited:hover , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list .topic .hd h3 a:hover , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list .topic .hd h3 a:visited:hover , .short a:hover , .short a:visited:hover , a[href^="http://www.flickriver.com"]:hover , a[href^="http://www.flickriver.com"]:visited:hover , #GoodStuff>form>p>a:hover , #GoodStuff>form>p>a:visited:hover , .links.secondary>a:hover , .links.secondary>a:visited:hover , #groups-about .about a:hover , #groups-about .about a:visited:hover , #additional-info-expanded ul.icon-left:not(.machinetags-extras-list ) li:hover span small a:hover , #additional-info-expanded ul.icon-left:not(.machinetags-extras-list ) li:hover span small a:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type a:hover , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type a:visited:hover , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto p.by a:hover , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto p.by a:visited:hover , h3#Tertiary:hover , h3#Tertiary:visited:hover , .group-subhead:hover , .group-subhead:visited:hover , /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ a.Plain:hover , a.Plain:visited:hover , #Main > h1 > a:hover , #Main > h1 > a:visited:hover , .forumIntroText > a:hover , .forumIntroText > a:visited:hover , #newTopic >p > a:hover , #newTopic >p > a:visited:hover , .forumSearch > form > p > a:hover , .forumSearch > form > p > a:visited:hover , #editRelationshipDialog:hover , #editRelationshipDialog:visited:hover , a.show-all-link:hover, a.show-all-link:visited:hover , .sn-navitem a:hover, .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li:hover:before , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li:hover:visited:before, .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li > a:first-of-type:hover , .profile-paginator-container #groups-page-1 li > a:first-of-type:hover:visited , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context a.add-to:hover, .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context a.add-to:visited:hover , .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-holder.order-chronological.photosInComments ul:hover:before, .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-holder.order-chronological.photosInComments ul:hover:visited , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:last-of-type:hover, /* TITLE / LINKS - GREEN #b9d56e */ .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:last-of-type:visited:hover , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:not(:last-of-type):hover, .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view > .faved-by > .initial-faved-by-display a:not(:last-of-type):visited:hover , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .show-add-people:hover, .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .show-add-people:visited:hover , .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc a:hover, .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc a:visited:hover { color: #b9d56e !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - TEXT/LINK - TAN */ .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown ul li .reset , body.flickrfixrwebextension .sub-photo-right-view .date-taken .date-taken-label , body.flickrfixruserscript .sub-photo-right-view .date-taken .date-taken-label { color: tan !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - LINKS / TITLE - COLOR - PERU - VISITED TAN - HOVER / HOVER:VISITED */ .notification-center-page-view .notification-item q span:not(.timestamp):not(.separator):not(.message) , .content.html-only.auto-size>a , .read-more-testimonial , .profile-bio-page-view .bio-description .read-more , .group-pool-subheader-view .ui-dropdown > span.truncate , .groups-toolbar-content .groups-toolbar-share-content .fluid-share-button .fluid-share-button-label , #global-nav #gn-wrap .nav.small-logo .toplink a span, button.join.has-not-joined , .sub-photo-right-view .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-charm-list > ul > div.exif-column-1 > li.c-charm-item-camera .exif-camera-name > a , .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view a.interaction-view.avatar.photo-list-album.album .photo-list-album-interaction a.overlay + .interaction-bar .metadata h4.album-title , .album-page-view .album-toolbar-view > .album-toolbar-content > a.back-to-albums > .back-to-albums-text , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .view.comment-item-view.flickr-view-root-view .comment-item .content-container .comment-content a , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li a + span.title a , .avatar.person.medium>b>a , .MembersList .Person a , .ResultSet + br + table.DiscussionResults tbody tr td h2 a , .subnav-content.fluid-centered .links li a , .result-card .text-content .title , .topic-list.narrow-list .topic a , .add-topic.secondary , .recent-discussions-view a.topic-subject , .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .message-text a , .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .preview-block a , /* LINKS / TITLE - COLOR - PERU - VISITED TAN - HOVER / HOVER:VISITED */ .attribution-view.album-attribution > .attribution-info a , p.RecentPhotos a[href^="/people/"] , #Main>p>a , #DiscussTopic .TopicReply .Said>p>a , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a , .subnav-content.fluid-centered a , .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-content a , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view .dialog-tooltip .ui-dialog-body ul li a , .content.menu>ul>li a , #a-bit-more-about>p>a , .profile-section a.url, .profile-section.profile-section-desc .note a , .act-item .act-details a , .view.group-pool-preview-view>h2>a , .fluid .align-right>a , .TopicListing a[href^="/help/forum/"] , .hd>h3>a , .topic-list.narrow-list>p>a , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list .topic .hd h3 a , table#mail td a { color: peru !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - VISITED - TAN */ .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-tags-view > .sub-photo-tags-people-view > .person-list > .person > .person-icon a:visited .person-name , .view.account-settings-sharing-view a:visited , .html-gallery-page-view .comments-section .gallery-comments-view .comments-list-section .comment-content a:visited , .notification-center-page-view .notification-item q span:not(.timestamp):not(.separator):not(.message):visited , .content.html-only.auto-size>a:visited , .base-notification-item .notification-item .notification-item-middle .notification-core .info-container .subtitle:visited , .avatar.person.medium>b>a:visited , #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic .Said p a:visited , .group-top-contributors-dropdown-view.ui-dropdown.top-contribs > ul a:visited .username , #global-nav #gn-wrap .nav.small-logo .toplink a:visited span , .sub-photo-right-view .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-charm-list > ul > div.exif-column-1 > li.c-charm-item-camera .exif-camera-name > a:visited , .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view a.interaction-view.avatar.photo-list-album.album:visited .photo-list-album-interaction a.overlay + .interaction-bar .metadata h4.album-title , .album-page-view .album-toolbar-view > .album-toolbar-content > a.back-to-albums:visited > .back-to-albums-text , /* COLOR - VISITED - TAN */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li a + span.title a:visited , .profile-bio-page-view .general-stats ul li span a:visited , .MembersList .Person a:visited , .ResultSet + br + table.DiscussionResults tbody tr td h2 a:visited , .group-blast-view > .blast-block > a:visited , .subnav-content.fluid-centered .links li a:visited , #tt-recent .tt-col1 h2 a:visited , .result-card .text-content .title:visited , .fluid-centered>a:visited , .fluid .align-right>a:visited , .fluid .group-description>a:visited , .fluid .view-all-li a:visited , .fluid .with-avatar>tbody>tr>td>a[data-track="groupDiscussionTopicSubjectClick"]:visited , .fluid a.fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .message-text a:visited , .fluid .group-discussion-topic-view .preview-block a:visited , .topic-list.narrow-list .topic a:visited , .recent-discussions-view a.topic-subject:visited , p.RecentPhotos a[href^="/people/"]:visited , /* COLOR - VISITED - TAN */ .attribution-view.album-attribution > .attribution-info a:visited , .photo-well-scrappy-view .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a:visited , .photo-well-scrappy-view-OLD .height-controller .photo-well-media-scrappy-view-OLD > .restricted-interstitial > .restricted-interstitial-message a:visited , .subnav-content.fluid-centered a:visited , .ThinCase>p>a:visited , .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-content a:visited , .sub-photo-left-view > .sub-photo-fave-view .dialog-tooltip .ui-dialog-body ul li a:visited , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li .title > a:visited , #button-bar .sn-navitem .sn-dropdown a:visited , #a-bit-more-about>p>a:visited , .profile-section a.url:visited , .profile-section.profile-section-desc .note a:visited , /* COLOR - VISITED - TAN */ .view.group-pool-preview-view>h2>a:visited , .group-description>a:visited , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list .topic .hd h3 a:visited , .topic-list.narrow-list>p>a:visited , .TopicListing a[href^="/help/forum/"]:visited , #DiscussTopic .TopicReply .Said>p>a:visited , #DiscussTopic a:visited , .act-item .act-details a:visited , .content.menu>ul>li a:visited , .view-more-link:visited , .hd>h3>aa:visited , table#mail td a:visited , #Main>p>a:visited { color: TAN !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - LINKS / TITLE - RED - === */ .avatar.person.tiny + .content-container .author-info .deleted , .attribution-view.photo-attribution > .attribution-info .relationship .dialog-tooltip .following-unfollow a , ul.groups-list-header .SortOptions .group_sort_active, .GroupsCenterContainer .SortOptions .group_sort_active { color: red !important; } /* (new300) COLOR(ok) - LINKS / TITLE - SELECTED - GOLD */ .groups-you-admin-listing-view li.selected-item , .fluid .droparound .body .content.menu li.selected-item { color: gold !important; } /* (new310) COLOR(ok) - LINKS / TITLE - GOLD */ .photo-card-header-view .photo-card-header .left-container .attribution .card-details .time , #CatFlickrSuitePopUp.ToolTip span[style="font-weight:bold;color:blue"] , h1#Tertiary + .Tab + .NoResult , .html-profile-page-view .profile-page-view .popular-container .filter-bar .dropdown-link , .profile-bio-view .bio-description .bio-infos .bio-infos-container ul li span:last-of-type , .avatar.person.tiny + .content-container .author-info span:not(.deleted ) , .notifications-empty-state , #group-sidebar.open:hover .discussions.sec span:first-of-type:not(.sticky):not(.New) , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container .remark-container.present:hover .remark-line-container .remark-line span + span , table.FlickrMailMessage p.flickr-user.flickrmail-to span.name strong.username , .compose-field-container + .compose-field-container p.flickr-user span.name span.realname , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint .TopicListing:last-of-type h4 , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint .TopicListing h4 , #Main table tbody tr td#Hint h4 , #tt-recent-nav ul b , .group-creation-view .group-creation-container .group-creation-content-container .step-container , /* LINKS / TITLE - GOLD */ .group-topics p.discussion_locked , .group-topics .ThinCase p , .group-badge .group-meta .group-stats li, p.model-stats b , .sub-photo-right-view .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-charm-list > ul > div.exif-column-1 > li.c-charm-item-camera .exif-camera-name , .act-when p , .fluid.html-gallery-page-view .fluid-centered.gallery-page-container .details-section .stats span , .sub-photo-right-view > .photo-charm-exif-scrappy-view .exif-charm-list > ul > div.exif-column-1 li .exif-name , .group-admin-pending-item-view .group-admin-pending-item .item-content-container .details-column .timestamp , .fluid .fluid-magic-tools-view .dropdown-link p , .sub-photo-right-view .sub-photo-right-row1 .sub-photo-date-view > .date-taken .date-taken-label , /* LINKS / TITLE - GOLD */ .fluid.html-search-photos-unified-page-view .view.global-nav-view ~ .view.search-subnav-slender-view .search-subnav-sizing.fluid-centered .search-subnav-content .tool.advanced-clear a , #FQMG-quit-button.CancelButt , #CatFlickrSuitePopUp>b , .about>div>form[action="/groups_join.gne"] a , .act-item > .act-data > div b , .Confirm, .Problem, .Alert , #gallery-comments #comments h3 , #contactChangerPopup + #person_hover #personmenu_button_bar .candy_menu p strong , .group-h3 , #groups-list .groups-sidebar:before , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .context-list li::before , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .view-all-contexts-of-type a:before , .album-selection-list-item.belongs-to-album:before , .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block .title-desc-edit.ui-icon-title-desc-edit , .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block.editable > h1.meta-field.photo-title , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .sub-photo-date-view > .date-taken:hover .date-taken-label:before , .sub-photo-contexts-view .invitation-notice , .group-topics ul.topic-list li .hd .reply-count , .group-topics ul.topic-list.narrow-list li .hd .reply-count , .square-menu-css .yui3-popover-arrow-br , /* LINKS / TITLE - GOLD */ #Hint + #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type tbody tr h4 a + span + b:before , #DiscussTopic table.TopicReply tr h4 b:before , #DiscussTopic table:first-of-type .Who:first-of-type + .Said h4 > a:last-of-type + b:before , #GoodStuff #DiscussTopic .TopicReply .Said h4 b:before , #MemberList tr td+td b:not(:hover):before , #recent-activity.tt-activity .act-detail-item .act-content >a:before , #recent-activity .act-detail-item .act-who + a:before , .comment-head>span+span:before , .context-photos-list +span+span > a , #group-placeholder a , #group-placeholder , #global-nav:hover #gb-ac-panel ul.ac-nav li a:hover , #global-nav:hover #gb-ac-panel ul.ac-nav li:hover , .clearfix #CFS_Tag_Assoc , #faves.ju .row .thumb .meta:hover a.owner , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo .thumb:hover .meta a.owner , #pool-photos.ju .row .pool-photo .thumb:hover .meta a.owner[id^="CFS"] span , .popup>ul>li:last-of-type img:after , /* (new305) LINKS / TITLE - GOLD */ .groups-list-item .latest-post , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .act-who + .invitePhoto p.by , #tt-recent ul.tt-activity li.act-item:not(.f-contacted):only-of-type .invitePhoto > p:first-of-type , #Main table#SubNav tbody tr td.Extras p span.photo_navi_contact .edit_relationship a , #Main table#SubNav tbody tr td.Extras p span.photo_navi_contact .edit_relationship , #Main table#SubNav tbody tr td.Extras p span.photo_navi_contact>a[onclick*="return false"] , #Main table#SubNav tbody tr td.Extras p span.photo_navi_contact , #groups-about .about form p input.Butt , .Locked i , #pool-photos.ju ~#paginator-module .Paginator span .this-page , #view-holder +script + #paginator-module .Paginator span .this-page , #view-holder + #paginator-module.Pages .Paginator span .this-page , .char_search +#MemberList tr td a[onclick*="promote"] , #tt-pages #paginator-module.Pages .Results , .groups-list-header , .groupsList:before , div.dateoverlay:hover , .c-account-menu .c-account-buddyicon .c-account-unreadcount , #global-nav .header-count , #global-nav .header-count:visited { color: GOLD !important; } /* (new312) COLOR(ok) - LINKS - TOMATO - === */ .recent-discussions-view .message .author , .sub-photo-contexts-view .sub-photo-context .view-all-contexts-of-type a:hover:before , .sub-photo-right-view > .sub-photo-right-row1 > .photo-license-view ul > li.ui-dropdown-item-selected { color: TOMATO !important; } /* (new312) COLOR(ok) - LINKS - DIVERS - VISITED - TOMATO */ .recent-discussions-view a.topic-subject , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view ul.tags-list > li.tag > a.fixrTag + .remove-tag + a, .sub-photo-tags-tag-view ul.tags-list > li.autotag > a.fixrTag + .remove-tag + a { color: peru !important; } .recent-discussions-view a.topic-subject:visited , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view ul.tags-list > li.tag > a.fixrTag + .remove-tag + a:visited , .sub-photo-tags-tag-view ul.tags-list > li.autotag > a.fixrTag + .remove-tag + a:visited { color: tomato !important; } #groups.profile-section .text-list.profile-paginator-page li span + a { color: GOLD !important; } #groups.profile-section .text-list.profile-paginator-page li span + a:visited , .short a:visited , .sn-navitem a:not(#you-subnav-more-butt):visited { color: TOMATO !important; } /* COLOR(ok) - LINKS - COLOR - VISITED - RED */ #sidebar-contexts #secondary-contexts li .context-photos ul+span a:visited:after , #sidebar-contexts li .context-photos ul+span a:visited:after , .context-photos ul+span:visited:after { color: RED !important; } a:visited:hover , a:visited:after , a:visited { color: TAN !important; } /* COLOR(ok) - TXT - TRANSPARENT */ .photo-display-container .photo-display-item .meta a.fave-star-inline img, .zoomer .meta a.fave-star-inline img { color: transparent !important; } /* ==== TEXTARERA - PHOTO PAGE - TEXTAREA - REPLY COMMENT - === */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:hover, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:focus, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view:hover .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:hover, .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view:hover .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea:focus { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments-form .comment-form-field textarea { -moz-appearance: none !important; -webkit-appearance: none !important; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; color: gray !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important; } /* ==== PHOTO PAGE - TOOLTIP / POPUP / MENU ETC === */ .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout .view.fluid-modal-view .album-selection input.album-selection-search { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px gray inset !important; color: white !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view.scrolling-layout.view.fluid-modal-view .album-selection input.album-selection-search::-moz-placeholder { color: gray !important; } /* PHOTO PAGE - USER NAME - COLOR - GRAY0 - #656c7a === */ .testimonial .user-infos , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a:hover , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a:hover:visited , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a:visited:before , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a:visited:after , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a:visited , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment .comment-author a { color: #656c7a !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment-author a[href="/photos/bruno-decembre/"]:hover , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment-author a[href="/photos/bruno-decembre/"]:visited:before , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment-author a[href="/photos/bruno-decembre/"]:visited:after , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment-author a[href="/photos/bruno-decembre/"]:visited , .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .sub-photo-comments-view .comments .comment-author a[href="/photos/bruno-decembre/"]:before { color: white !important; } #toto-main.recent-activity .act-content p a[href^="/photos/"] , #toto-main.recent-activity .act-content p a[href^="/photos/"]:visited { color: #656c7a !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .photo-list-photo-interaction .interaction-bar .text a[id^="CFS"].attribution , a[id^="CFS"]{ color: tan !important; text-decoration: none !important; } a[id^="CFS"]:visited { color: tomato !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .photo-list-photo-interaction .interaction-bar .text a[id^="CFS"].attribution span:not(.avatar), a[id^="CFS"]:not([href^="http://www.flickriver.com"]) span:not(.avatar) { /* color: black !important; */ /* text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #000 !important; */ /* text-shadow: none !important; */ } a[id^="CFS"][href^="http://www.flickriver.com"] span:not(.avatar) { /* color: peru !important; */ /* text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #000 !important; */ /* text-shadow: none !important; */ } .photo-notes-scrappy-view .note-text a.author , .photo-notes-scrappy-view-OLD .note-text a.author { color: white !important; } .sub-photo-title-desc-view > .title-desc-block > .meta-field.photo-desc > p { color: white !important; } .sub-photo-comments-view .order-chronological .comments-more a , .sub-photo-comments-view .order-chronological .comments-more a:visited { color: gold !important; } /* TEST - ALL HOVER BACKGROUND LINKS/TITLES - === */ a:hover { background-color: transparent !important; } /* (new237) FOOTER - ALL - === */ .view.footer-full-view footer.foot .foot-container{ /* border-top: 1px dashed gray !important; */ } .view.footer-full-view footer.foot .foot-container:hover { /* transition: all ease 0.1s !important; */ background: black !important; } .html-photo-page-scrappy-view.fluid.scrolling-layout.yui3-js-enabled .view.footer-full-view footer.foot .foot-container { /* border-top: 1px dashed gray !important; */ } .html-photo-page-scrappy-view.fluid.scrolling-layout.yui3-js-enabled .view.footer-full-view footer.foot .foot-container:hover { background: black !important; } /* PHOTO PAGE - MINI THUMBNAILS - VISITED - === */ .context-slider-scrappy-view .context-slider > .wrapper .slider .context-thumb { border: 1px solid gray !important; } .context-slider-scrappy-view .context-slider > .wrapper .slider .context-thumb:visited { border: 1px solid violet !important; } /* FOR GM "View User Infos" - VISITED LINK - === */ .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound .person-card-view .links a { color: peru !important; } .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .droparound.subview-droparound .person-card-view .links a:visited { color: tan !important; } /* GM "Flickr Download Link" === */ #iddllusgm3 a.gn-title#idllusgm { color: tomato !important; } /* (new33) GROUPS PAGE === */ #groups-list .Sets .setText> a h4 { color: white !important; } #groups-list .Sets .discussionCount a p { color: white !important; } /* FLUID - COLOR - === */ .fluid .coverphoto .coverphoto-content .cover-photo-attribution a { color: white !important; } .fluid .coverphoto .coverphoto-content .cover-photo-attribution a:hover { color: #b9d56e !important; background: black !important; } .fluid .fluid-subnav .more-link { color: peru !important; } /* PAGINATION - VISITED - === */ .pagination-view a span { color: gray !important; } .pagination-view a:visited span { color: red !important; } /* (new176) COLOR - DIVERS */ .fluid .butt.flex.hollow.white, .fluid button.flex.hollow.white { border: 2px solid #333; color: #fff; } .droparound.html.auto-size[style^="width: auto; left: 156px;"] .droparrow:before , .droparound.html.auto-size[style^="width: auto; left: 156px;"] .droparrow:after , .droparound.html.auto-size[style^="width: auto; left: 156px;"] { border: 1px solid red !important; } /* FLUID - ALBUM / SET - COLOR - === */ .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view .photo-list-album-interaction a.overlay + .interaction-bar h4.album-title { color: peru !important; } .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view .photo-list-album-view .interaction-view.photo-list-album { border-bottom: 1px solid peru !important; } .fluid.html-albums-list-page-view .photo-list-album-view .interaction-view.photo-list-album:visited { border-bottom: 1px solid red !important; } /* SET - EDIT PAGE - === */ .ps-photos-only .insitu-editing .insitu-value , .ps-photos-only .insitu-editing textarea.insitu-value { color: black !important; } .PhotoStream.ps-photos-only .PhotosColumn #photostream-photos #photo-display-container .photostream-photo.photo-display-item .Desc .insitu-trigger { color: gray !important; } .PhotoStream.ps-photos-only .PhotosColumn #photostream-photos #photo-display-container .photostream-photo.photo-display-item .Desc .insitu-trigger a { color: red !important; } /* PHOTO PAGE - MINITHUMBNAIL - ERROR - === */ .context-slider-scrappy-view .loadingError , .context-slider-scrappy-view .loadingError p:last-of-type , .context-slider-scrappy-view .loadingError p:first-of-type { color: red !important; } .context-slider-scrappy-view .loadingError .ui-button.ui-button-transparent.retry { color: gold !important; } /* TEST - PHOTO - NEW ADD POOL+GALLERY - DIALOGUE POPUP / TOOLTIP - ADD POOL / GALLERY / DELETE PICTURE - === */ /* ALL */ .fluid .fluid-chalkboard-overlay, .fluid .fluid-droparound-overlay, .fluid .fluid-modal-overlay { opacity: 1 !important; background: #212124 !important; } .fluid .fluid-modal-overlay { background: #222 !important; } .add-to-stuff-view { background-color: rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.4) !important; } .add-to-stuff-view .nav .list-label { color: gold; } .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li span { color: peru !important; } .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li.selected span, .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li:focus span, .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li:hover span { color: gold !important; } .stuff-selection-list-container li:hover .selection-item-content { background: black !important; border: none !important; } .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li.selected span, .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li:focus span, .add-to-stuff-view .nav ul li:hover span { color: gray !important; } .stuff-selection-view .stuff-selection .action-container .create-button .create-button-text , .stuff-selection-view .stuff-selection .stuff-selection-list-container .stuff-selection-list li.selection-item .selection-item-content .item-labels .item-title { color: peru !important; } /* (new194) */ .add-to-stuff-view { /* border-radius: 5px !important; */ /* border: 1px solid red !important; */ background: #151515 !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view .modal.html-modal.scrappy-dialog { background: #151515 !important; } .fluid .fluid-subnav { background-color: rgba(45, 43, 43, 1) !important; } .fluid .fluid-subnav.fixed { background-color: #222 !important; } .photo-list-gallery-view .photo-list-gallery-container .sub-photo-info-bar .info-container , .html-gallery-page-view .fluid-centered.gallery-page-container .view.photo-list-gallery-photo-view.forced-aspect-ratio .sub-photo-info-bar { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(180deg, transparent 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.83)) repeat scroll 0 0 !important; } .html-gallery-page-view .view.photo-list-gallery-photo-view { background-color: #111 !important; border: 1px solid #333 !important; } .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container.loading .photo-container a.click-target, .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .photo-container a.click-target { outline: 1px solid #333 !important; } .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .sub-photo-info-bar .details-container, .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .sub-photo-info-bar .engagement , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .sub-photo-info-bar , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container .sub-photo-info-bar .details-container .details , .photo-list-gallery-photo-view .photo-list-photo-container { background-color: #111 !important; } .fluid .fluid-chalkboard-overlay, .fluid .fluid-droparound-overlay, .fluid .fluid-modal-overlay { background: transparent !important; background-color: transparent !important; } /* (new142) SVG ICON?? - JOIN BUT - COLOR */ .fluid .butt.join.mini::after, .fluid .butt.join.mini::before, .fluid .butt.join::after, .fluid .butt.join::before, .fluid button.join.mini::after, .fluid button.join.mini::before, .fluid button.join::after, .fluid button.join::before { background-color: peru !important; } /* (new142) SVG ICON COLOR */ .photo-card-header-view .photo-card-header .right-container .menu-button svg , .photo-card-engagement-view .photo-card-engagement span.engagement-item .engagement-icon svg , .gallery-page-view .gallery-page-container .action-bar .actions .action svg , svg.icon { fill: peru !important; } svg.icon:hover { fill: red !important; } /* (new245) SVG - CAMERA FINDER - GRAPH - COLOR */ .graph-overlay { color: silver !important; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #888 !important; background-color: rgba(255, 252, 252, 0.09) !important; } /* BACKGROUND */ .graph-wrapper svg defs #MyGradient stop[stop-color="#ffffff"] { stop-color: #111 !important; } .graph-wrapper svg defs #MyGradient stop[stop-color="#F7F7F8"] { stop-color: #222 !important; } .graph-wrapper svg rect { fill: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.41) !important; } /* LINE HORIZ */ .graph-wrapper svg path[stroke="#F8F8F8"] { stroke: gray !important; } /* GRAPH */ .graph-wrapper svg path[stroke-width="2px"] { stroke: silver !important; } /* VERT/HOR BORDER */ .graph-wrapper svg rect[stroke-width="1px"] { stroke: red !important; } /* (new223COM) BELL NOTIF */ .notifications-menu-view .gn-title.c-notifications-menu svg.icon-notification { fill: white !important; } .notifications-menu-view .gn-title.c-notifications-menu svg.icon-notification:hover { fill: gold !important; } .add-to-stuff-view svg.close-x-button use { fill: white !important; } .add-to-stuff-view svg.close-x-button:hover use { fill: red !important; opacity: 1 !important; } .gallery-page-view .action-bar .actions .action svg { color: gray !important; } .photo-list-photo-interaction .interaction-bar .engagement .engagement-item.fave.faved .engagement-icon svg.filled { fill: red !important; } /* (new161)SVG SELECTED */ .tab.selected svg { fill: red !important; } /* FEED - VISITED IMAGE */ .feed-page-view .activity-card.batch-photo-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo img , .feed-page-view .activity-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo img { border: 1px solid gray !important; } .feed-page-view .activity-card.batch-photo-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo:visited img , .feed-page-view .activity-card div.activity-card-photos a.activity-card-photo:visited img { border: 1px solid red !important; } /* (new173) NEW NOTIF - COLOR */ .notifications-panel .tab.selected { color: gold !important; } .notification-item-list-item .headline-container { color: gray !important; } .settings-notifications-listing-view .notification .groups-cta , .settings-email-notifications-listing-view .selected-dropdown span:first-of-type , .notifications-panel .tab , .notification-item-middle .notification-core .headline-container a { color: peru !important; } .notification-item-middle .notification-core .headline-container a:visited { color: tan !important; } .fluid.html-photo-page-scrappy-view #stacking-overlay-container .view.fluid-droparound-view.flickr-view-root-view .subview-droparound.auto-size[style*="width: 450px; position: fixed; left: 1898px;"]:hover { background: #111 !important; } .notification-banner-view .basic-banner.head-banner-style:hover , .notif-banner.announcement:hover { border: 1px solid red !important; background: #111 !important; } .notif-banner .banner-content .message-container a:first-of-type, .notif-banner .banner-content .message-container a:first-of-type:hover { background: #222 !important; } .account-settings-page-view .box, .account-settings-view .box { color: white !important; background: #222 !important; } .settings-email-notifications-listing-view .email-notification:hover , .settings-notifications-listing-view .notification:hover , .account-settings-page-view div.header, .account-settings-view div.header { color: white !important; background: #333 !important; } /* END ========================================================== */ /* ============================================================== */ /* ======= Flickr WideScreen - DARK-Grey (STANDALONE) =========== */ /* ============================================================== */ /* END ========================================================== */ }