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iconElement && (iconElement.style.display = "none"); } /** * 设置文本 * @param {string} text 文本 * @param {boolean} withIcon 是否设置Icon图标 * @param {boolean} isEnd icon是否添加在后面 */ setText(text, withIcon = false, isEnd = true) { this.getLoadingViewElement().innerHTML = `${text}`; if (withIcon) { let iconElement = this.getIconElement(); if (!iconElement) { let divElement = document.createElement("div"); divElement.innerHTML = this.loadingViewIconHTML; iconElement = divElement.firstChild; if (isEnd) { this.getLoadingViewElement().appendChild(iconElement); } else { this.getLoadingViewElement().insertBefore( iconElement, this.getLoadingViewElement().firstChild ); } } iconElement.style.display = ""; } else { this.getIconElement()?.remove(); } } /** * 删除Loading元素 */ destory() { this.getLoadingViewElement()?.remove(); this.setLoadingViewElement(null); } /** * 删除页面中所有的loadingView */ removeAll() { document .querySelectorAll("." + this.config.className) .forEach((item) => item.remove()); } /** * 判断Loading是否已加载到页面中 * @returns {boolean} */ isExists() { return Boolean(document.querySelector(`.${this.config.className}`)); 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} `, aiStudy: ` `, isite_wjz2tdly: ` /* 底部推荐广告项 */ .gt-local-h5-advert-card-root-container{ display: none !important; } `, }, /** * 百度搜索-主页 */ searchHome() { if ( !this.url.match(/^http(s|):\/\/(m|www).baidu.com\/$/g) && !this.url.match( /^http(s|):\/\/(m|www).baidu.com\/(\?ref=|\?tn=|\?from=)/g ) ) { return; } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_home_homepage_minification")) { GM_addStyle(this.css.searchHome); log.info("插入CSS规则-主页"); } }, /** * 百度搜索 */ search() { if (!this.url.match(/^http(s|):\/\/(m[0-9]{0,2}|www).baidu.com\/.*/g)) { return; } const handleItemURL = { /** * @type {UtilsDictionaryConstructor} */ originURLMap: null, /** * 判断链接是否是百度的中转链接 * @param {string} url * @returns {boolean} * + true 是百度的中转链接 * + false 不是百度的中转链接 */ isBaiDuTransferStation(url) { try { url = decodeURIComponent(url); return utils.startsWith( url, "http(s|)://(m[0-9]{0,2}|www).baidu.com/from" ); } catch (error) { log.error(error); return false; } }, /** * 判断链接是否是黑名单链接,不进行处理 * @param {string} url * @returns {boolean} * + true 是黑名单url * + false 不是黑名单url */ isBlackList(url) { let blackList = [ new RegExp( "^http(s|)://(m[0-9]{0,2}|www).baidu.com/productcard", "g" ), new RegExp("^http(s|)://ks.baidu.com"), ]; for (const blackUrlRegexp of blackList) { if (url.match(blackUrlRegexp)) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * 为搜索结果每一条设置原始链接 * @param {Element} targetNode * @param {string} articleURL article的真实url */ setArticleOriginUrl(targetNode, articleURL) { /* 处理超链接 */ targetNode.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(async (item) => { if (handleItemURL.originURLMap.has(item.href)) { articleURL = handleItemURL.originURLMap.get(item.href); } let domOriginUrl = handleItemURL.parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(item); if (!utils.isNull(domOriginUrl)) { articleURL = domOriginUrl; } if (utils.isNull(articleURL) || articleURL === item.href) { return; } if (handleItemURL.isBlackList(articleURL)) { return; } item.href = articleURL; //log.info("替换成新链接: " + articleURL); }); /* 这个是百度笔记(可能) */ targetNode .querySelectorAll("div[data-aftclk][class*=img-container]") .forEach((item) => { let domOriginUrl = handleItemURL.parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(item); if ( !utils.isNull(domOriginUrl) && !handleItemURL.isBlackList(domOriginUrl) ) { item.setAttribute("href", domOriginUrl); item.setAttribute("rl-link-href", domOriginUrl); //log.info("替换成新链接2: " + domOriginUrl); } }); /* 对搜索结果中存在的视频进行处理 */ targetNode .querySelectorAll("div.c-video-container div[data-aftclk]") .forEach((item) => { let domOriginUrl = handleItemURL.parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(item); if ( !utils.isNull(domOriginUrl) && !handleItemURL.isBlackList(domOriginUrl) ) { item.setAttribute("href", domOriginUrl); item.setAttribute("rl-link-href", domOriginUrl); //log.info("视频替换成新链接1: " + domOriginUrl); } }); /* 对搜索结果中存在的视频进行处理 */ targetNode .querySelectorAll('div[data-module="sc_pc"] div[rl-link-href]') .forEach((item) => { let domOriginUrl = handleItemURL.parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(item); if ( !utils.isNull(domOriginUrl) && !handleItemURL.isBlackList(domOriginUrl) ) { item.setAttribute("href", domOriginUrl); item.setAttribute("rl-link-href", domOriginUrl); //log.info("视频替换成新链接2: " + domOriginUrl); } }); }, /** * 解析在JSON数据中的urlParams中真正的链接,如果不存在,返回undefined * @param {object} data 传入 {"urlParams":{...}} 中的urlParams * @returns {?string} */ parseURLParamsOriginURL(data) { if (data["originUrl"]) { return data["originUrl"]; } else if (data["log"]) { /* 隐藏在log的mu中 */ let url = void 0; try { url = utils.toJSON(data["log"])["mu"]; utils.isNull(url) && (url = void 0); } catch (error) {} return url; } }, /** * 由于部分真实链接存储在 script 标签中,得取出 * @param {Element} targetNode 目标元素 * @returns {UtilsDictionaryConstructor} */ parseScriptDOMOriginUrlMap(targetNode) { let urlMap = new utils.Dictionary(); targetNode .querySelectorAll("script[id^='atom-data-']") .forEach((item) => { let jsonData = utils.toJSON(item.innerHTML); if (jsonData["data"]["resultAtomData"] == null) { return; } let resultAtomData = jsonData["data"]["resultAtomData"]; if ( resultAtomData["abstract"] && resultAtomData["abstract"]["urlParams"] && resultAtomData["abstract"]["urlParams"]["tcUrl"] ) { let url = handleItemURL.parseURLParamsOriginURL( resultAtomData["abstract"]["urlParams"] ); if (url) { urlMap.set( resultAtomData["abstract"]["urlParams"]["tcUrl"], url ); } } if ( resultAtomData["content"] && resultAtomData["content"]["abstract"] && resultAtomData["content"]["abstract"]["urlParams"] && resultAtomData["content"]["abstract"]["urlParams"]["tcUrl"] ) { let url = handleItemURL.parseURLParamsOriginURL( resultAtomData["content"]["abstract"]["urlParams"] ); if (url) { urlMap.set( resultAtomData["content"]["abstract"]["urlParams"]["tcUrl"], url ); } } if ( resultAtomData["content"] && resultAtomData["content"]["links"] && resultAtomData["content"]["links"]["list"] ) { resultAtomData["content"]["links"]["list"].forEach((item) => { item.forEach((item2) => { if (item2["urlParams"]["tcUrl"]) { let url = handleItemURL.parseURLParamsOriginURL( item2["urlParams"] ); if (url) { urlMap.set(item2["urlParams"]["tcUrl"], url); } } }); }); } if ( resultAtomData["content"] && resultAtomData["content"]["site"] ) { resultAtomData["content"]["site"]["list"].forEach((item) => { if (item["urlParams"]["tcUrl"]) { let url = handleItemURL.parseURLParamsOriginURL( item["urlParams"] ); if (url) { urlMap.set(item["urlParams"]["tcUrl"], url); } } }); } }); return urlMap; }, /** * 判断传入的链接是否不是正确的真实链接 * @param {string} url */ isNotRlLinkUrl(url) { if (utils.isNull(url)) { return true; } if (!url?.startsWith("http")) { return true; } }, /** * 解析DOM节点上隐藏在属性中的真正url * @param {HTMLElement} element 目标元素 * @returns {?string} */ parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(element) { let url = null; let dataLog = element.getAttribute("data-log"); let $article = element.querySelector("article"); if (dataLog && dataLog !== "{") { /* 百度在a标签上的data-log="{" */ try { dataLog = utils.toJSON(dataLog); url = dataLog.mu; } catch (error) { log.error("DOM的属性data-log不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let rlLinkDataUrl = $article?.getAttribute("rl-link-data-url") || element.getAttribute("rl-link-data-url"); if (rlLinkDataUrl) { url = rlLinkDataUrl; } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let dataIVK = element.getAttribute("data-ivk"); if (dataIVK) { try { dataIVK = utils.toJSON(dataIVK); if ( dataIVK?.control?.default_url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( dataIVK?.control?.default_url ) ) { url = dataIVK?.control?.default_url; } else if ( dataIVK?.control?.dataUrl && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( dataIVK?.control?.dataUrl ) ) { url = dataIVK?.control?.dataUrl; } else if ( dataIVK?.control?.ext?.url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( dataIVK?.control?.ext?.url ) ) { url = dataIVK?.control?.ext?.url; } } catch (error) { log.error("DOM的属性data-ivk不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let rlLinkDataLog = element.getAttribute("rl-link-data-log"); if (rlLinkDataLog) { try { rlLinkDataLog = utils.toJSON(rlLinkDataLog); if (utils.isNull(rlLinkDataLog.mu) && rlLinkDataLog.extra) { try { let rlLinkDataLogExtra = utils.toJSON(rlLinkDataLog.extra); if ( rlLinkDataLogExtra.loc && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( rlLinkDataLogExtra.loc ) ) { url = decodeURIComponent(rlLinkDataLogExtra.loc); } else if ( rlLinkDataLogExtra.log_loc && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( rlLinkDataLogExtra.log_loc ) ) { url = decodeURIComponent(rlLinkDataLogExtra.log_loc); } } catch (error) { log.error("DOM的属性rl-link-data-log的extra不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } else { url = rlLinkDataLog.mu; } } catch (error) { log.error("DOM的属性rl-link-data-log不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let rlLinkDataIvk = element.getAttribute("rl-link-data-ivk"); if (rlLinkDataIvk) { try { rlLinkDataIvk = utils.toJSON(rlLinkDataIvk); if ( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.default_url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.default_url ) ) { url = rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.default_url; } else if ( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.invoke_url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.invoke_url ) ) { url = rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.invoke_url; } else if ( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.ext?.url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.ext?.url ) ) { url = rlLinkDataIvk?.control?.ext?.url; } } catch (error) { log.error("DOM的属性rl-link-data-ivk不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let articleDataLog = $article?.getAttribute("rl-link-data-log"); if (articleDataLog) { try { articleDataLog = utils.toJSON(articleDataLog); url = articleDataLog.mu; } catch (error) { log.error("article DOM的属性的rl-link-data-log不存在👇"); log.error(element); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { let articleLinkDataIVK = $article?.getAttribute("rl-link-data-ivk"); if (articleLinkDataIVK) { try { articleLinkDataIVK = utils.toJSON(articleLinkDataIVK); if ( articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.default_url && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.default_url ) ) { url = articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.default_url; } else if ( articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.dataUrl && !handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation( articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.dataUrl ) ) { url = articleLinkDataIVK?.control?.dataUrl; } } catch (error) { log.error("article DOM的属性rl-link-data-ivk不存在👇"); log.error(error); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { url = null; /* log.error(["未在元素节点中找到隐藏的原始URL", jQDOM]); */ } else { /* 对每个中文字符进行编码 */ let chineseArr = url.match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g); if (chineseArr) { for (let i = 0; i < chineseArr.length; i++) { url = url.replace(chineseArr[i], encodeURI(chineseArr[i])); } } } if (this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { /* 最新资讯上的隐藏的链接 */ let labelUrl = element.getAttribute("label-url"); if (labelUrl) { url = labelUrl; } } /* 因为链接中存在%25,需要正确替换成% */ if ( !this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url) && utils.startsWith(url, "http(s|)://(m[0-9]{0,2}|www).baidu.com/sf?") ) { url = decodeURIComponent(url); /* url = url.replaceAll("%25","%") */ } /* 有些url是错误的, */ if (!this.isNotRlLinkUrl(url)) { if (utils.startsWith(url, "http(s|)://nourl.baidu.com")) { url = ""; } } return url; }, /** * 获取每一项的标题元素 * @param {Element} targetNode 目标项 * @returns {?Element} */ getItemTitleElement(targetNode) { return ( targetNode.querySelector(".c-title-text") || targetNode.querySelector("p.cu-title") || targetNode.querySelector("div[class^=header-wrapper]") || targetNode.querySelector(".c-title") ); }, /** * 添加CSDN的CSS */ addCSDNFlagCSS() { GM_addStyle(` .csdn-flag-component-box{display:flex;margin:0;text-align:left;font-size:0;position:relative;width:260px;margin:5px 0} .csdn-flag-component-box a{display:inline-block;font-size:14px} .csdn-flag-component-box .praise { padding-right: 20px; background: #ff5722; border-top-left-radius: 50px; border-top-right-radius: 50px; border-bottom-left-radius: 50px; border-bottom-right-radius: 50px; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#ff5722,#f78d6b); background: -o-linear-gradient(right,#ff5722,#f78d6b); background: -moz-linear-gradient(right,#ff5722,#f78d6b); background: linear-gradient(to right,#ff5722,#f78d6b); } .csdn-flag-component-box .praise, .csdn-flag-component-box .share { height:auto; line-height:normal; color: #fff; background: #ff0505; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px 4px; }`); }, /** * 给元素添加【CSDN】下载标识 * @param {Element} targetNode */ addCSDNFlag(targetNode) { if (targetNode.querySelector(".csdn-flag-component-box")) { return; } let title_text_element = handleItemURL.getItemTitleElement(targetNode); if (title_text_element) { DOMUtils.append( title_text_element, `
` ); log.success("插入CSDN下载提示标题"); } }, /** * 移除广告、推广 */ removeAds() { if ( PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu_search_blocking_everyone_is_still_searching" ) ) { let pageRelativeElement = document.querySelectorAll("#page-relative"); if (pageRelativeElement.length) { log.success( `删除广告位 ==> 末尾 大家都在搜 ${pageRelativeElement.length}个` ); DOMUtils.remove(pageRelativeElement); } let centerRecommandWarpperElement = document.querySelectorAll( ".c-recomm-wrap.new-ux-recom-wrapper.c-bg-color-white.animation" ); if (centerRecommandWarpperElement.length) { log.success( `删除广告位 ==> 中间 大家都在搜 ${centerRecommandWarpperElement.length}个` ); DOMUtils.remove(centerRecommandWarpperElement); } let relativewordsElement = document.querySelectorAll("#relativewords"); if (relativewordsElement.length) { log.success( `删除广告位 ==> 简单搜索加载下一页出现的 大家都在搜 ${relativewordsElement.length}个` ); DOMUtils.remove(relativewordsElement); } } else { if (handleEveryOneSearch.refactorEveryoneIsStillSearching) { handleEveryOneSearch.handleBottom( document.querySelectorAll("#page-relative") ); handleEveryOneSearch.handleCenter( document.querySelectorAll( '.c-result.result[tpl^="recommend_list"]' ) ); } } let popUpElement = document.querySelectorAll("#pop-up"); if (popUpElement.length) { log.success(`删除 ==> 跳转百度app提示 ${popUpElement.length}个`); DOMUtils.remove(popUpElement); } let ecWiseAdElement = document.querySelectorAll(".ec_wise_ad"); if (ecWiseAdElement.length) { log.success( `删除 ==> 顶部的部分商品广告 ${ecWiseAdElement.length}个` ); DOMUtils.remove(DOMUtils.parent(ecWiseAdElement)); } document.querySelectorAll(".c-result.result").forEach((item) => { /* 获取属性上的LOG */ let dataLog = utils.toJSON(item.getAttribute("data-log")); /* 真实链接 */ let searchArticleOriginal_link = dataLog["mu"]; if ( BaiduSearchRule.handleCustomRule(item, searchArticleOriginal_link) ) { item.remove(); return; } if ( PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu_search_blocking_everyone_is_still_searching" ) ) { let $title = item.querySelector(".rw-little-title"); if ($title && $title.textContent.startsWith("大家还在搜")) { item?.remove(); log.success("删除广告 ==> 大家都在搜(能看到的)"); } document.querySelectorAll("span").forEach((item) => { let resultParentElement = item.parentElement.parentElement; if ( item.innerText.match(/百度APP内打开/) || resultParentElement.getAttribute("data-from") === "etpl" ) { resultParentElement.remove(); log.success( "删除广告 ==> 百度APP内打开,隐藏的广告,会在滚动时跳出来的" ); } }); } /* 底部标识 */ let bottomLogoElement = item.querySelectorAll(".c-color-source"); if (bottomLogoElement.length) { bottomLogoElement.forEach((_item_) => { if (_item_.outerText.match(/百度(APP内打开|手机助手)/)) { item.remove(); log.success("删除广告 ==> 百度APP内打开|百度手机助手"); } }); } /* 添加CSDN下载标识 */ if ( searchArticleOriginal_link.match( /^http(s|):\/\/(download.csdn.net|www.iteye.com\/resource)/g ) ) { handleItemURL.addCSDNFlag(item); } }); }, /** * 重定向顶部的链接,如全部、视频、图片、贴吧、咨询... */ redirectTopLink() { document.querySelectorAll(".se-head-tablink a").forEach((item) => { if ( item.hasAttribute("data-sflink") && !utils.isNull(item.getAttribute("data-sflink")) && handleItemURL.isBaiDuTransferStation(item.getAttribute("href")) && item.getAttribute("href") !== item.getAttribute("data-sflink") ) { /* log.success( "重定向顶部按钮: " + item.outerText.trim(), "#ba00f8" ); */ item.href = item.getAttribute("data-sflink"); } }); }, /** * 删除script标签中的百度APP提示 */ replaceScriptBaiDuTip() { document.querySelectorAll("script").forEach((item) => { if ( item.innerText.match(/define\(\"@molecule\/aftclk\/index\",/g) ) { item.remove(); log.success("删除广告 ==> script元素 跳转百度app提示"); } }); }, /** * 替换链接 * @returns {Promise} */ async replaceLink() { /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ let searchResultList = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".c-result.result") ); for (const searchResultItem of searchResultList) { let resultItemOriginURL = handleItemURL.parseDOMAttrOriginUrl(searchResultItem); /* 根据已获取的真实链接取值 */ if (utils.isNull(resultItemOriginURL)) { /* 未取到值 */ continue; } let articleElement = searchResultItem.querySelector("article"); /* 不处理没有article标签的元素 */ if (!articleElement) { continue; } /* 移除属性rl-link-data-click,猜测该属性是用于点击事件触发 */ articleElement.removeAttribute("rl-link-data-click"); /* ivk应该是invoke缩写,可能是调用跳转百度APP */ articleElement.removeAttribute("rl-link-data-ivk"); /* 不对黑名单链接进行处理 */ if (handleItemURL.isBlackList(resultItemOriginURL)) { log.error("黑名单链接不进行替换👉" + resultItemOriginURL); continue; } if ( searchResultItem.getAttribute("tpl") === "wenda_abstract" && searchResultItem.getAttribute("preventClick") == null ) { /* 该item为搜索智能生成该为点击该块,获取url进行跳转 */ searchResultItem.setAttribute("preventClick", "true"); DOMUtils.on(searchResultItem, "click", function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); let clickNode = event.target; if ( clickNode.localName && clickNode.localName === "sup" && clickNode.getAttribute("rl-type") === "stop" ) { return; } else { window.stop(); window.location.href = decodeURI(resultItemOriginURL); } }); continue; } /* 视频 */ if ( resultItemOriginURL.match( /^http(s|):\/\/www.internal.video.baidu.com/g ) ) { let internalVideo = decodeURI( articleElement.getAttribute("rl-link-data-log") ); let internalVideoMatch = internalVideo.match( /\/sf\?pd=video_pag(.*?)={/g ); if (internalVideoMatch) { internalVideoMatch = internalVideoMatch[0]; let newinternalVideo = internalVideoMatch.substring( 0, internalVideoMatch.length - 2 ); resultItemOriginURL = newinternalVideo; log.info(`视频链接 ${newinternalVideo}`); } } /* 替换链接 */ handleItemURL.setArticleOriginUrl( searchResultItem, resultItemOriginURL ); articleElement.setAttribute("rl-link-href", resultItemOriginURL); } }, /** * 替换链接-vsearch */ replaceVSearchLink() { document .querySelectorAll("#realtime-container div:not([class])") .forEach((element) => { let linkElement = element.querySelector("a"); if (linkElement.hasAttribute("data-sf-visited")) { let dataSfVisited = linkElement.getAttribute("data-sf-visited"); if (dataSfVisited !== linkElement.href) { linkElement.href = dataSfVisited; log.success("替换链接 " + dataSfVisited); } } }); }, }; const handleEveryOneSearch = { /** * 是否重构大家都在搜 */ refactorEveryoneIsStillSearching: false, /** * 处理底部的 * @param {NodeList} bottomElement */ handleBottom(bottomElement) { bottomElement.forEach((item) => { if (item.hasAttribute("gm-refactor-everyone-search-bottom")) { return; } item.removeAttribute("class"); item.removeAttribute("id"); item.setAttribute("gm-refactor-everyone-search-bottom", true); item .querySelectorAll(".rw-list-container .rw-list-new") .forEach((searchItemEle) => { let searchText = searchItemEle.textContent.trim(); searchItemEle.innerHTML = ` ${searchText} `; searchItemEle.style.setProperty("padding", "0.06rem"); }); item.querySelector("div.c-line-clamp1")?.remove(); if (!item.closest("#results")) { document.querySelector("#results").appendChild(item); } DOMUtils.on(item, "click", "div.rw-list-new", function (event) { let searchText = event.target .querySelector("span") .textContent.trim(); log.success("底部 点击大家还在搜 ==> " + searchText); utils.preventEvent(event); window.location.href = `https://m.baidu.com/s?word=${event.target.textContent.trim()}`; }); }); }, /** * 处理中间的 * @param {NodeList} centerElement */ handleCenter(centerElement) { centerElement.forEach((recommendElement) => { if ( recommendElement.hasAttribute( "gm-refactor-everyone-search-center" ) ) { return; } if ( !recommendElement.querySelector("div.c-gap-inner-bottom-small") && !recommendElement.querySelector("div.cos-row div.cos-col") ) { return; } recommendElement.setAttribute( "gm-refactor-everyone-search-center", true ); let rwListContainerHTML = ""; let innerBottomSmallElementList = recommendElement.querySelectorAll( "div.c-gap-inner-bottom-small" ); if (!innerBottomSmallElementList.length) { innerBottomSmallElementList = recommendElement.querySelectorAll( "div.cos-row div.cos-col" ); } innerBottomSmallElementList.forEach((item) => { let searchText = item.textContent.trim(); rwListContainerHTML += `
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let searchBtn_HOME_Selector = "#index-bn"; /* 顶部搜索输入框点击后的搜索建议 */ utils.waitNode(suggestListSelector).then((element) => { utils.mutationObserver(element, { callback: () => { handleInputEvent.mutationObserverFunction( suggestListBtnSelectorList ); }, config: { childList: true, attributes: true }, }); }); /* 底部搜索输入框点击后的搜索建议 */ utils.waitNode(suggestList2Selector).then((element) => { utils.mutationObserver(element, { callback: () => { handleInputEvent.mutationObserverFunction( suggestListBtn2SelectorList ); }, config: { childList: true, attributes: true }, }); }); /* 百度主页的搜索输入框点击后的搜索建议 */ utils.waitNode(suggestList_HOME_Selector).then((element) => { utils.mutationObserver(element, { callback: () => { handleInputEvent.mutationObserverFunction( suggestListBtn_HOME_SelectorList ); }, config: { childList: true, attributes: true }, }); }); /* 顶部搜索按钮 */ DOMUtils.on(searchBtnSelector, "click", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.searchBtnJump( event, document.querySelector(searchInputSelector) ); }); /* 顶部搜索输入框 */ DOMUtils.on(searchInputSelector, "keydown", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.enterKeyDownEvent( event, document.querySelector(searchInputSelector) ); }); /* 底部搜索按钮 */ DOMUtils.on(searchBtn2Selector, "click", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.searchBtnJump( event, document.querySelector(searchInput2Selector) ); }); /* 底部部搜索输入框 */ DOMUtils.on( document.querySelector(searchInput2Selector), "keydown", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.enterKeyDownEvent( event, document.querySelector(searchInput2Selector) ); } ); /* 百度主页搜索按钮 */ DOMUtils.on(searchBtn_HOME_Selector, "click", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.searchBtnJump( event, document.querySelector(searchInput_HOME_Selector) ); }); /* 百度主页搜索输入框 */ DOMUtils.on(searchInput_HOME_Selector, "keydown", function (event) { return handleInputEvent.enterKeyDownEvent( event, document.querySelector(searchInput_HOME_Selector) ); }); }, /** * 设置搜索建议自定义click事件 * @param {string} elementSelector */ mutationObserverFunction(elementSelector) { log.success("设置搜索建议自定义click事件"); document.querySelectorAll(elementSelector).forEach((item) => { DOMUtils.on(item, "click", function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); window?.stop(); let searchText = event.target.textContent; let redirectURL = window.location.origin + "/s?word=" + searchText; log.success("点击按钮跳转搜索 -> " + searchText); log.success(redirectURL); window.location.href = redirectURL; return false; }); }); }, /** * 搜索按钮点击跳转 * @param {Event} event * @param {Element} searchInputElement * @returns */ searchBtnJump(event, searchInputElement) { utils.preventEvent(event); window?.stop(); let redirectURL = window.location.origin + "/s?word=" + searchInputElement.value; log.success("点击按钮跳转搜索 -> " + searchInputElement.value); log.success(redirectURL); window.location.href = redirectURL; return false; }, /** * 判决回车搜索事件 * @param {Event} event * @param {Element} searchInputElement * @returns */ enterKeyDownEvent(event, searchInputElement) { if (event.keyCode === 108 || event.keyCode === 13) { window?.stop(); utils.preventEvent(event); let redirectURL = window.location.origin + "/s?word=" + searchInputElement.value; log.success("回车键跳转搜索 -> " + searchInputElement.value); log.success(redirectURL); window.location.href = redirectURL; return false; } return true; }, }; /** * 自动加载下一页 */ const handleNextPage = { /** * 当前页 */ currentPage: 1, /** * 观察器 * @type {IntersectionObserver} */ intersectionObserver: null, init() { this.initPageLineCSS(); loadingView.initLoadingView(true); DOMUtils.after( document.querySelector("#page-controller"), loadingView.getLoadingViewElement() ); this.setNextPageLoadingObserver(); }, /** * 设置滚动事件 */ setNextPageLoadingObserver() { let isLoadingNextPage = false; if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") { DOMUtils.on( document, "scroll", void 0, async () => { if (isLoadingNextPage) { return; } if (!utils.isNearBottom(window.innerHeight / 3)) { return; } isLoadingNextPage = true; await this.scrollEvent(); await utils.sleep(150); isLoadingNextPage = false; }, { capture: true, passive: true, once: false, } ); } else { this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver( async (entries) => { if (!isLoadingNextPage && entries[0].isIntersecting) { isLoadingNextPage = true; await this.scrollEvent(); isLoadingNextPage = false; } }, { threshold: 0 } ); this.intersectionObserver.observe(loadingView.loadingViewElement); } }, /** * 移除滚动事件 */ removeNextPageLoadingObserver() { if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") { DOMUtils.off( document, "scroll", void 0, void 0, { capture: true, }, (value) => { return value.originCallBack .toString() .includes("isLoadingNextPage"); } ); loadingView.destory(); log.info("取消监听:scroll", "#f400ff"); } else { this.intersectionObserver.disconnect(); this.intersectionObserver = null; loadingView.destory(); log.info("取消观察器:intersectionObserver", "#f400ff"); } }, /** * 滚动事件 * @async */ async scrollEvent() { log.success(`正在加载第 ${handleNextPage.currentPage} 页`); let nextPageUrl = document.querySelector(".new-nextpage")?.getAttribute("href") || document.querySelector(".new-nextpage-only")?.getAttribute("href"); if (!nextPageUrl) { log.warn("获取不到下一页,怀疑已加载所有的搜索结果"); handleNextPage.removeNextPageLoadingObserver(); return; } let params_pn = new URL(nextPageUrl).search.match(/[0-9]+/); log.info( `正在请求${ params_pn.length === 0 ? "第 10 条" : "第 " + parseInt(params_pn[0]) + " 条" }数据: ${nextPageUrl}` ); handleNextPage.currentPage = parseInt(params_pn[0] / 10); loadingView.setText("Loading...", true); let getResp = await httpx.get({ url: nextPageUrl, headers: { "User-Agent": utils.getRandomAndroidUA(), }, }); let respData = getResp.data; if (getResp.status) { log.success("响应的finalUrl: " + respData["finalUrl"]); let nextPageHTMLNode = DOMUtils.parseHTML( respData.responseText, true, true ); let scriptAtomData = DOMUtils.createElement("div"); nextPageHTMLNode .querySelectorAll("script[id^=atom-data]") .forEach((item) => { scriptAtomData.appendChild(item); }); let nextPageScriptOriginUrlMap = handleItemURL.parseScriptDOMOriginUrlMap(scriptAtomData); handleItemURL.originURLMap.concat(nextPageScriptOriginUrlMap); nextPageHTMLNode .querySelectorAll("style[data-vue-ssr-id]") .forEach((item) => { /* 插入vue打包的css需重新引入 */ let dataVueSsrId = "data-vue-ssr-id"; let dataVueSsrIdValue = item.getAttribute(dataVueSsrId); if ( utils.isNull(dataVueSsrIdValue) || !document.querySelector( `style[data-vue-ssr-id="${dataVueSsrIdValue}"]` ) ) { let cssDOM = GM_addStyle(item.innerHTML); cssDOM.setAttribute("data-vue-ssr-id", dataVueSsrIdValue); log.info(["插入Vue的CSS", cssDOM]); } }); let searchResultDOM = nextPageHTMLNode.querySelectorAll(".c-result.result"); let nextPageControllerDOM = nextPageHTMLNode.querySelector("#page-controller"); let currentResultsDOM = document.querySelector("#results"); if (nextPageControllerDOM) { /* 用于划分显示分页 */ currentResultsDOM.appendChild( handleNextPage.getPageLineElement(handleNextPage.currentPage) ); /* 每一条搜索结果拼接在后面 */ searchResultDOM.forEach((item) => { currentResultsDOM.appendChild(item); }); DOMUtils.html( document.querySelector("#page-controller"), nextPageControllerDOM.innerHTML ); } else { log.info("已加载所有的搜索结果"); handleNextPage.removeNextPageLoadingObserver(); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_sync_next_page_address")) { window.history.pushState("forward", null, nextPageUrl); } /* 处理下一页的【大家还在搜】 */ if (handleEveryOneSearch.refactorEveryoneIsStillSearching) { handleEveryOneSearch.handleBottom( nextPageHTMLNode.querySelectorAll("#page-relative") ); } } else if (getResp.type === "onerror") { if (utils.isNull(nextPageUrl)) { log.error("未获取到下一页的url"); } else { log.error("加载失败 👇"); loadingView.setText("加载失败"); } log.error(respData); } else if (getResp.type === "ontimeout") { log.error("请求超时 👇"); loadingView.setText("请求超时"); log.error(respData); } else { log.error("未知错误"); loadingView.setText("未知错误"); log.error(respData); } }, /** * 初始化页码的CSS */ initPageLineCSS() { GM_addStyle(` .whitesev-page-info{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent} .whitesev-page-info .whitesev-new-pagenav{display:block;width:auto;color:#333;z-index:1;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none;position:relative;height:52px;line-height:52px} .whitesev-page-info .whitesev-new-pagenav{margin:.08rem;background:#fff;word-wrap:break-word;border:0;border-radius:.06rem;text-align:center;text-align:-webkit-center} .whitesev-page-info p::before{content:"第";margin-right:10px} .whitesev-page-info p::after{content:"页";margin-left:10px} `); }, /** * 获取自定义页码元素 * @param {string|number} _pageText_ 页码 * @returns {HTMLElement} */ getPageLineElement(_pageText_) { return DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "whitesev-page-info result-op", innerHTML: `


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GM_Menu.getEnableTrueEmoji() : GM_Menu.getEnableFalseEmoji() }` ); if (isSearchCraft) { this.setNextPageInterSectionObserver(); } }, /** * 设置滚动事件 */ setNextPageInterSectionObserver() { let isLoadingNextPage = false; let nextPageElement = document.querySelector( ".infinite-load-wrap .se-infiniteload-text" ); if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") { DOMUtils.on( document, "scroll", void 0, async () => { if (isLoadingNextPage) { return; } if (!utils.isNearBottom(window.innerHeight / 3)) { return; } isLoadingNextPage = true; nextPageElement = document.querySelector( ".infinite-load-wrap .se-infiniteload-text" ); await this.scrollEvent(nextPageElement); await utils.sleep(150); isLoadingNextPage = false; }, { capture: true, passive: true, once: false, } ); } else { this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver( async (entries) => { if (!isLoadingNextPage && entries[0].isIntersecting) { isLoadingNextPage = true; await this.scrollEvent(entries[0].target); isLoadingNextPage = false; } }, { threshold: 0 } ); this.intersectionObserver.observe(nextPageElement); } }, /** * 移除滚动事件 */ removeNextPageInterSectionObserver() { if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") { DOMUtils.off( document, "scroll", void 0, void 0, { capture: true, }, (value) => { return value.originCallBack .toString() .includes("isLoadingNextPage"); } ); log.info("取消监听:scroll", "#f400ff"); } else { this.intersectionObserver?.disconnect(); this.intersectionObserver = null; log.info("取消观察器:intersectionObserver", "#f400ff"); } }, /** * 滚动事件 * @async */ async scrollEvent(nextPageElement) { let elementText = nextPageElement.textContent || nextPageElement.innerText; if (elementText.includes("更多结果")) { log.success("点击【更多结果】"); nextPageElement.click(); await utils.sleep(500); } else if (elementText.includes("到底了 没有更多内容了")) { log.error("到底了 没有更多内容了,移除滚动监听"); handleNextPage_SearchCraft.removeNextPageInterSectionObserver(); } }, }; /** * 处理劫持 */ const handleHijack = { init() { if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack_define")) { Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, "define", { get(...args) { return function (...args) {}; }, }); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack_openbox")) { BaiduHijack.hijackOpenBox(); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack_scheme")) { BaiduHijack.hijackFunctionApplyScheme(); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack_copy")) { BaiduHijack.hijackCopy(); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack__onClick")) { BaiduHijack.hijack_onClick("baidu_search_hijack__onClick"); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_hijack_setTimeout")) { BaiduHijack.hijackSetTimeout("getGeoLocation|loopPlay()"); } }, }; /** * 处理百度搜索自定义的样式添加 */ const handleUserOwnStyle = { getUserStyle() { return PopsPanel.getValue("baidu-search-user-style", ""); }, }; log.info("插入用户CSS规则"); GM_addStyle(handleUserOwnStyle.getUserStyle()); if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/bh")) { /* 百度健康 */ log.info("插入CSS规则"); GM_addStyle(this.css.searchBaiduHealth); if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_headlth_shield_other_info")) { GM_addStyle(` article[class] > div[class^="index_container"]{ display: none !important; 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nodeList.forEach((item) => item.remove()); }); handleItemURL.originURLMap = handleItemURL.parseScriptDOMOriginUrlMap(document); handleItemURL.removeAds(); handleItemURL.replaceScriptBaiDuTip(); handleItemURL.redirectTopLink(); handleInputEvent.run(); searchUpdateRealLink.run(); if ( PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_search_automatically_expand_next_page") ) { handleNextPage.init(); } else if ( PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu_search_automatically_click_on_the_next_page_with_searchcraft_ua" ) ) { handleNextPage_SearchCraft.init(); } if ( utils.startsWith( window.location.href, "https://(m[0-9]{0,2}|www).baidu.com/sf/vsearch" ) ) { utils .waitNode("#realtime-container .c-infinite-scroll") .then((element) => { let replaceVSearchLinkLonkFunction = new utils.LockFunction( handleItemURL.replaceVSearchLink, 600 ); utils.mutationObserver(element, { config: { subtree: true, childList: true, }, callback: replaceVSearchLinkLonkFunction.run, }); }); } }); } }, /** * 百家号 */ baijiahao() { if (!this.url.match(/^http(s|):\/\/baijiahao.baidu.com/g)) { return; } GM_addStyle(this.css.baijiahao); log.info("插入CSS规则"); if (PopsPanel.getValue("baijiahao_shield_recommended_article")) { log.success("【屏蔽】推荐文章"); GM_addStyle(` .infinite-scroll-component__outerdiv, div#page_wrapper > div > div:nth-child(5), div:has(+ .infinite-scroll-component__outerdiv), /* 电脑端的左边的按钮-屏蔽 */ #ssr-content > :last-child , /* 电脑端的右边的推荐-屏蔽 */ #ssr-content > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2){ display: none !important; } /* 电脑端的文章居中 */ #ssr-content > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) { width: 55% !important; }`); /* 某些情况下的CSS */ GM_addStyle(` #page_wrapper > div.other > div[class=""]:nth-child(4){ display: none !important; } `); /* 简单UA&链接参数wfr=spide下的精彩推荐 */ GM_addStyle(` #page_wrapper div.spider > div[class=""]:nth-child(4), #page_wrapper div.spider > div[class=""]:nth-child(5){ display: none !important; }`); /* Gecko的简单UA下的精彩推荐 */ GM_addStyle(` #page_wrapper .searchCraft > div[class=""]{ display: none !important; }`); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baijiahao_shield_user_comment")) { log.success("【屏蔽】用户评论"); GM_addStyle(` #commentModule{ display: none !important; }`); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baijiahao_shield_user_comment_input_box")) { log.success("【屏蔽】底部悬浮工具栏"); GM_addStyle(` div#wise-invoke-interact-bar{ display: none !important; }`); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baijiahao_hijack_wakeup")) { BaiduHijack.hijackFunctionCall_BaiJiaHao_Map(); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_baijiahao_hijack_iframe")) { BaiduHijack.hijackElementAppendChild(function (element) { if ( element.localName === "script" && element?.src?.includes("landing-share") ) { log.success("阻止加载:" + element.src); return true; } }); } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_baijiahao_hijack_openbox")) { BaiduHijack.hijackOpenBox(); } }, /** * 百度贴吧 * document.querySelector("div.app-view").__vue__ * + disablePbGuide 是否隐藏顶部导航栏 * + loading 是否隐藏整个页面的内容(清空) * + isVideoThread 该帖子是否是个视频,是的话把帖子变成视频样式 * + isErrorThread 该帖子是否发生错误(被禁用),是的话全屏变成显示【贴子不存在或者已被删除】 * + isNoForumThread 该帖子是否是来自动态 * + isShowLoginWakeModal 是否显示需要登录的弹窗【继续操作需要登录贴吧账号】 * + isHitMedicalPost 是否是精选回复的帖子,是的话隐藏顶部的工具栏,且修改帖子主内容的背景(淡蓝色),修改回复的标识为【精选回复】 * + isPornographicComment 是否隐藏评论 * + isGreyPage 页面是否变成灰色,包括文字 * + isFromFengchaoAd 是否是点击广告进的帖子,是的话整个页面被广告提示覆盖【打开贴吧APP,继续浏览】 * + isAutoInvoke 猜测是自动调用各种唤醒 * + isShowResourceFixedCard 是否显示底部悬浮的工具栏【资源合集】卡片 * + slientUpNewConfig 里面应该是各种静默弹窗的配置,存储自localStorage * * * document.querySelector("div.tb-mobile-viewport").__vue_ * + isShowModal 是否显示需要登录的弹窗【继续操作需要登录贴吧账号】 */ tieba() { if ( !this.url.match(/^http(s|):\/\/(tieba.baidu|www.tieba|ala.baidu).com/g) ) { return; } /** * 贴吧数据信息 */ const tiebaData = { /** * 当前吧名 */ forumName: void 0, /** * 高清图片映射 */ imageMap: new Map(), }; /** * 贴吧加载评论 */ const tiebaCommentConfig = { /** * 当前页 */ page: 1, /** * 当前最大页 */ maxPage: 1, /** * 楼层数量 */ floor_num: 1, /** * 滚动监听锁 */ funcLock: null, /** * tid */ param_tid: null, /** * 帖子id */ param_forum_id: null, /** * 帖子回复的数量 */ reply_num: 0, /** * 进过百度验证的额外安全参数 */ extraSearchSignParams: "", /** * vue根元素 * @type {HTMLElement} */ vueRootView: null, /** * 判断是否在底部附近的误差值 * @type */ isNearBottomValue: 250, init() { let urlSignParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if ( urlSignParams.has("p_tk") && urlSignParams.has("p_sign") && urlSignParams.has("p_signature") ) { log.error("当前页面是经过百度验证后的网站,添加验证参数"); urlSignParams.forEach((value, key) => { if (["pn", "tid", "pid", "fid", "t", "see_lz"].includes(key)) { return; } log.success(`设置额外参数:${key}=${value}`); /* tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams += `&${key}=${value}`; */ }); log.error([ "百度验证后的参数👇", tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams, ]); } utils.waitNode(".main-page-wrap").then(() => { tiebaCommentConfig.insertLoadingHTML(); }); utils .waitAnyNode( ".recommend-item[data-banner-info]", "div.app-view.transition-fade.pb-page-wrapper.mask-hidden .post-item" ) .then(() => { DOMUtils.remove(".post-item"); tiebaCommentConfig.initReplyDialogCSS(); tiebaCommentConfig.mainPositive(); tiebaCommentConfig.insertReverseBtn(); tiebaCommentConfig.insertOnlyLZ(); }); utils.waitNodeWithInterval(".app-view", 10000).then(async () => { utils .waitPropertyByInterval( () => { return document.querySelector(".app-view").__vue__; }, () => { return document.querySelector(".app-view").__vue__ .isHitMedicalPost; }, void 0, 10000 ) .then(() => { document.querySelector(".app-view").__vue__.isHitMedicalPost = !1; }); utils .waitPropertyByInterval( () => { return document.querySelector(".app-view").__vue__; }, () => { return ( typeof document.querySelector(".app-view")?.__vue__?.thread ?.reply_num === "number" ); }, void 0, 10000 ) .then(() => { tiebaCommentConfig.reply_num = document.querySelector(".app-view").__vue__.thread.reply_num; log.success( "当前帖子的回复数量:" + tiebaCommentConfig.reply_num ); }); }); /* 此处是百度贴吧帖子的css,应对贴吧前端重新编译文件 */ GM_addStyle(` /* 去除底部高度设定 */ .pb-page-wrapper{ margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .post-item[data-v-74eb13e2] { overflow: hidden; margin: .16rem .13rem 0; } .post-item .user-line-post[data-v-74eb13e2] { margin-bottom: .06rem; } .user-line-wrapper[data-v-188c0e84], .user-line[data-v-188c0e84] { display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; } .user-line-wrapper[data-v-188c0e84] { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -moz-box-pack: justify; -webkit-justify-content: space-between; -moz-justify-content: space-between; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } .post-item .content[data-v-74eb13e2] { padding-left: .44rem; } .user-line[data-v-188c0e84] { -webkit-box-align: center; -moz-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -moz-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: left; -moz-box-pack: left; -webkit-justify-content: left; -moz-justify-content: left; -ms-flex-pack: left; justify-content: left; } .user-line-wrapper[data-v-188c0e84], .user-line[data-v-188c0e84] { display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; } .user-line .avatar[data-v-188c0e84] { position: relative; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; width: .36rem; height: .36rem; margin-right: .08rem; border-radius: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50%; background-size: cover; -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: none; -ms-flex: none; flex: none; } .tbfe-1px-border { position: relative; border-radius: .08rem; font-size: 0; } .user-line .user-info[data-v-188c0e84] { position: relative; overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: none; -ms-flex: none; flex: none; } .user-line .avatar[data-v-188c0e84]:after { border-radius: 50%; } .tbfe-1px-border:after { content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: 100; top: 0; left: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12); -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0; -ms-transform-origin: 0 0; transform-origin: 0 0; pointer-events: none; } .user-line .user-info .username[data-v-188c0e84], #whitesev-reply-dialog .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-username { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; font-size: .15rem; line-height: .28rem; white-space: nowrap; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-weight: 400; } .user-line .user-info .desc-info[data-v-188c0e84] { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; font-size: .12rem; line-height: .18rem; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: #a3a2a8; } .user-line .user-info .floor-info[data-v-188c0e84], .user-line .user-info .forum-info[data-v-188c0e84] { margin-right: .08rem; 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display: -webkit-inline-flex; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; font-weight: 600; color: #a4a1a8; } .lzl-post .lzl-post-item .lzl-post-text[data-v-5b60f30b] { display: inline; } .thread-text[data-v-ab14b3fe] { font-size: .13rem; line-height: .26rem; text-align: justify; word-break: break-all; } .lzl-post .lzl-post-item .text-box .link .landlord[data-v-5b60f30b] { width: .28rem; height: .28rem; margin-left: .04rem; } .user-line .user-info .username .landlord[data-v-188c0e84], #whitesev-reply-dialog .landlord[data-v-188c0e84]{ width: .28rem; height: .28rem; margin-left: .04rem } `); GM_addStyle(` .thread-text .BDE_Smiley { width: .2rem; height: .2rem; vertical-align: middle; } .thread-text .BDE_Image{ margin-top: 8px; max-width: 350px; cursor: url(//tb2.bdstatic.com/tb/static-pb/img/cur_zin.cur),pointer; height: auto; width: auto; width: 100%; } .text-content .at{ font-weight: 600; color: #614FBC; }`); /* 隐藏百度贴吧精选帖子的底部空栏 */ GM_addStyle(` body > div.main-page-wrap > div.app-view.transition-fade.pb-page-wrapper.mask-hidden > div.placeholder, div.app-view.transition-fade.pb-page-wrapper.mask-hidden .post-item[data-track]{ display: none; }`); }, /** * scroll事件触发 自动加载下一页的评论 */ nextPageScrollEvent: async (event) => { if (event.jsTrigger) { /* js主动触发 */ } else if ( !utils.isNearBottom(tiebaCommentConfig.isNearBottomValue) ) { return; } loadingView.setText("Loading...", true); loadingView.show(); let timeStamp = Date.now(); let nextPageUrl = `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/${tiebaCommentConfig.param_tid}?pn=${tiebaCommentConfig.page}${tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams}`; let nextPageAllCommentUrl = `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/totalComment?t=${timeStamp}&tid=${tiebaCommentConfig.param_tid}&fid=${tiebaCommentConfig.param_forum_id}&pn=${tiebaCommentConfig.page}&see_lz=0${tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams}`; let pageDOM = await tiebaCommentConfig.getPageComment(nextPageUrl); let pageCommentList = await tiebaCommentConfig.getPageCommentList( nextPageAllCommentUrl ); if ( !pageDOM || typeof pageDOM === "string" || !pageCommentList.commentList ) { loadingView.setText( loadingView.setText( typeof pageDOM === "string" ? pageDOM : "获取评论失败" ) ); log.error(pageDOM); log.error(pageCommentList); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); return; } log.info("成功获取下一页评论和楼中楼评论"); let comments = pageDOM.querySelectorAll(".l_post.l_post_bright"); comments = Array.from(comments); if (tiebaCommentConfig.page == 1) { /* 为第一页时,去除第一个,也就是主评论 */ comments.splice(0, 1); } comments.forEach((ele) => { tiebaCommentConfig.insertNewCommentInnerElement( tiebaCommentConfig.getNewCommentInnerElement(ele, pageCommentList) ); tiebaCommentConfig.floor_num += 1; }); if ( document .querySelector(".white-only-lz") .classList.contains("white-only-lz-qx") ) { document.querySelectorAll(".post-item").forEach((ele) => { let landlord = ele.getAttribute("landlord"); if (landlord == "0") { ele.classList.add("white-only-lz-none"); } }); } loadingView.hide(); if (tiebaCommentConfig.page >= tiebaCommentConfig.maxPage) { log.info("已加载所有的评论"); loadingView.setText("已加载所有的评论"); loadingView.hide(); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); } tiebaCommentConfig.page++; }, /** * scroll事件触发 自动加载上一页的评论 */ prevPageScrollEvent: async (event) => { if (event.jsTrigger) { /* js主动触发 */ } else if ( !utils.isNearBottom(tiebaCommentConfig.isNearBottomValue) ) { return; } loadingView.setText("Loading...", true); loadingView.show(); let timeStamp = Date.now(); let pageUrl = `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/${tiebaCommentConfig.param_tid}?pn=${tiebaCommentConfig.page}${tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams}`; let pageAllCommentUrl = `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/totalComment?t=${timeStamp}&tid=${tiebaCommentConfig.param_tid}&fid=${tiebaCommentConfig.param_forum_id}&pn=${tiebaCommentConfig.page}&see_lz=0${tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams}`; let pageDOM = await tiebaCommentConfig.getPageComment(pageUrl); let pageCommentList = await tiebaCommentConfig.getPageCommentList( pageAllCommentUrl ); if ( !pageDOM || typeof pageDOM === "string" || !pageCommentList.commentList ) { loadingView.setText( loadingView.setText( typeof pageDOM === "string" ? pageDOM : "获取评论失败" ) ); log.error(pageDOM); log.error(pageCommentList); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); return; } log.info("成功获取上一页评论和楼中楼评论"); let comments = pageDOM.querySelectorAll(".l_post.l_post_bright"); comments = Array.from(comments); if (tiebaCommentConfig.page == 1) { /* 为第一页时,去除第一个,也就是主评论 */ comments.splice(0, 1); } comments.reverse(); comments.forEach((element) => { tiebaCommentConfig.insertNewCommentInnerElement( tiebaCommentConfig.getNewCommentInnerElement( element, pageCommentList ) ); tiebaCommentConfig.floor_num++; }); if ( document .querySelector(".white-only-lz") .classList.contains("white-only-lz-qx") ) { document.querySelectorAll(".post-item").forEach((ele) => { let landlord = ele.getAttribute("landlord"); if (landlord == "0") { ele.classList.add("white-only-lz-none"); } }); } loadingView.hide(); if (tiebaCommentConfig.page <= 1) { log.info("已加载所有的评论"); loadingView.setText("已加载所有的评论"); loadingView.hide(); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); } tiebaCommentConfig.page--; }, /** * 设置自动加载下一页的scrol事件 */ setNextPageScrollListener() { tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock = new utils.LockFunction( tiebaCommentConfig.nextPageScrollEvent, this ); document.addEventListener("scroll", tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock.run); utils.dispatchEvent(document, "scroll", { jsTrigger: true }); log.success("scroll监听事件【下一页】"); }, /** * 设置自动加载上一页的scrol事件 */ setPrevPageScrollListener() { tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock = new utils.LockFunction( tiebaCommentConfig.prevPageScrollEvent, this ); document.addEventListener("scroll", tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock.run); utils.dispatchEvent(document, "scroll", { jsTrigger: true }); log.success("scroll监听事件【上一页】"); }, /** * 移除scoll事件 */ removeScrollListener() { if (tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock) { document.removeEventListener( "scroll", tiebaCommentConfig.funcLock.run ); log.success("取消绑定scroll", "#f400ff"); } }, /** * 根据dom获取需要插入的评论的html * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param { {commentList: any[], userList: any[]}[] } pageCommentList * @returns {?HTMLElement} */ getNewCommentInnerElement: (element, pageCommentList) => { let data_field = utils.toJSON(element.getAttribute("data-field")); if (Object.keys(data_field).length == 0) { return; } let user_id = data_field["author"]["user_id"]; let builderId = data_field["content"]["builderId"]; let userComment = data_field["content"]["content"]; let userHomeUrl = element .querySelector(".p_author_face") .getAttribute("href"); let user_landlord_name = data_field["author"]["user_name"]; let userName = element.querySelector(".p_author_name"); if (userName) { userName = userName.textContent; } else { userName = element .querySelector(".p_author_face > img") .getAttribute("username"); } let userAvatar = element .querySelector(".p_author_face > img") .getAttribute("data-tb-lazyload") || element.querySelector(".p_author_face > img").src; let is_landlord = 0; if (user_id == builderId) { userName = userName + ''; is_landlord = 1; } let ele_tail_wrap = element.querySelector(".post-tail-wrap"); let user_ip_position = ""; let user_floor = ""; let user_comment_time = "1970-1-1 00:00:00"; if (ele_tail_wrap) { let childrenElement = ele_tail_wrap.querySelectorAll("span.tail-info"); let childSpanElementList = Array.from( ele_tail_wrap.querySelectorAll("span") ); for (const childSpanElement of childSpanElementList) { if (childSpanElement.hasAttribute("class")) { continue; } if (!childSpanElement.textContent.match("来自|禁言")) { user_ip_position = childSpanElement.textContent; break; } } if (childrenElement.length == 3 || childrenElement.length == 2) { user_floor = childrenElement[childrenElement.length - 2].textContent; user_comment_time = childrenElement[childrenElement.length - 1].textContent; } else { log.error("获取PC端的数据楼层和时间信息失败👇"); log.error(childrenElement); user_floor = ""; user_comment_time = ""; } } else { ele_tail_wrap = element.querySelector(".acore_reply_tail"); user_ip_position = data_field["content"]["ip_address"]; /* 评论楼层 */ user_floor = data_field["content"]["post_no"] + "楼"; user_comment_time = data_field["content"]["date"]; if (!userComment) { userComment = element.querySelector(".d_post_content").innerHTML; } } /* 结束时间 */ let currentTime = new Date(); /* 时间差的毫秒数 */ let timeDifference = currentTime.getTime() - new Date(user_comment_time.replace(/-/g, "/")).getTime(); /* ------------------------------ */ /* 计算出相差天数 */ let days = Math.floor(timeDifference / (24 * 3600 * 1000)); if (days > 0) { user_comment_time = days + "天前"; } else { /* 计算天数后剩余的毫秒数 */ let leave1 = timeDifference % (24 * 3600 * 1000); /* 计算出小时数 */ let hours = Math.floor(leave1 / (3600 * 1000)); if (hours > 0) { user_comment_time = hours + "小时前"; } else { /* 计算相差分钟数 */ let leave2 = leave1 % (3600 * 1000); /* 计算小时数后剩余的毫秒数 */ let minutes = Math.floor(leave2 / (60 * 1000)); if (minutes > 0) { user_comment_time = minutes + "分钟前"; } else { /* 计算相差秒数 */ let leave3 = leave2 % (60 * 1000); /* 计算分钟数后剩余的毫秒数 */ let seconds = Math.round(leave3 / 1000); user_comment_time = seconds + "秒前"; } } } if (userAvatar.startsWith("//")) { userAvatar = "https:" + userAvatar; } let userAvatarObj = new URL(userAvatar); let userPortrait = data_field["author"]["portrait"]; if (!userPortrait) { let userAvatarObjMatch = userAvatarObj.pathname.match(/\/item\/(.+)/i); if (userAvatarObjMatch) { userPortrait = userAvatarObjMatch[1]; } } if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_tieba_shield_commnets_baodating")) { /* 屏蔽贴吧包打听 */ if (user_id != null && user_id.toString() === "6421022725") { return; } else if ( userPortrait != null && userPortrait .toString() .includes("tb.1.4c46bb61.pOGb2yswbMUBKOIUpteLvg") ) { return; } } let post_id = data_field["content"]["post_id"]; let newUserCommentHTML = ""; if (pageCommentList.commentList[post_id]) { Array.from( pageCommentList.commentList[post_id].comment_info ).forEach((result) => { let u_user_name = result["show_nickname"]; let u_content = result["content"]; let u_user_id = result["user_id"]; let u_user_portrait = pageCommentList.userList[u_user_id]["portrait"]; let u_user_home_url = "/home/main?id=" + u_user_portrait; if (builderId == u_user_id) { u_user_name += ''; } let newInnerHTML = `
`; newUserCommentHTML += newInnerHTML; }); } if (newUserCommentHTML) { newUserCommentHTML = `
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`, "data-whitesev": { userId: user_id, userPostId: post_id, userPortrait: userPortrait, userFloor: parseInt(user_floor), userComment: userComment, userHomeUrl: userHomeUrl, userAvatar: userAvatar, userName: userName, userCommentTime: user_comment_time, userIpPosition: user_ip_position, pageCommentList: pageCommentList, }, }, { "data-v-74eb13e2": "", "data-v-602e287c": "", "data-floor": tiebaCommentConfig.floor_num, landlord: is_landlord, } ); return newCommentElement; }, /** * 根据评论的html插入页面中 * @param {?Element} newCommentDOM */ insertNewCommentInnerElement: (newCommentDOM) => { if (newCommentDOM == null) { return; } /* 评论,点击头像跳转到这个人的空间 */ newCommentDOM .querySelectorAll(".tbfe-1px-border.avatar") .forEach((item) => { if (item.hasAttribute("data-home-url")) { item.onclick = function () { window.open(item.getAttribute("data-home-url"), "_blank"); }; } }); /* 评论,点击名字跳转到这个人的空间 */ newCommentDOM .querySelectorAll(".user-info .username") .forEach((item) => { if (item.hasAttribute("data-home-url")) { item.onclick = function () { window.open(item.getAttribute("data-home-url"), "_blank"); }; } }); /* 评论的回复,点击头像跳转到这个人的空间 */ /* newCommentDOM.querySelectorAll(".link.username").forEach((item) => { if (item.hasAttribute("data-home-url")) { item.onclick = function () { window.open(item.getAttribute("data-home-url"), "_blank"); }; } }); */ /* 评论的回复的回复,点击头像跳转到这个人的空间 */ /* newCommentDOM.querySelectorAll("a.at").forEach((item) => { item.removeAttribute("onclick"); item.removeAttribute("onmouseover"); item.removeAttribute("onmouseout"); if (item.hasAttribute("portrait")) { item.setAttribute( "href", "/home/main?id=" + item.getAttribute("portrait") ); } }); */ if (document.querySelector(".post-cut-guide")) { DOMUtils.before( document.querySelector(".post-cut-guide"), newCommentDOM ); } else { /* 老版帖子 */ DOMUtils.append( document.querySelector(".pb-page-wrapper"), newCommentDOM ); } /* 如果评论存在不可见的,添加一个 查看全部xx条回复 */ let lzlPostElement = newCommentDOM.querySelector(".lzl-post.lzl-post"); if (lzlPostElement) { let lzlPostElementHeight = DOMUtils.height(lzlPostElement); let lzlPostItemList = lzlPostElement.querySelectorAll(".lzl-post-item"); let currentLzlPostElementHeight = 0; let addSeeAllReply = false; for (const lzlPostItem of lzlPostItemList) { currentLzlPostElementHeight += DOMUtils.outerHeight(lzlPostItem); if (currentLzlPostElementHeight > lzlPostElementHeight) { addSeeAllReply = true; break; } } if (addSeeAllReply) { let lzlCommentNums = newCommentDOM["data-whitesev"]["pageCommentList"][ "commentList" ][newCommentDOM["data-whitesev"]["userPostId"]]["comment_num"]; let seeAllReplyElement = DOMUtils.createElement( "div", { className: "whitesev-see-all-reply", innerHTML: `查看全部${lzlCommentNums}条回复`, }, { style: "color: #6251B3;margin-top: 5px 0 0 10px;", } ); DOMUtils.on(seeAllReplyElement, "click", function () { lzlPostElement.click(); }); DOMUtils.after(lzlPostElement, seeAllReplyElement); } DOMUtils.on( lzlPostElement, "click", function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); log.success(`点击查看全部回复`); tiebaCommentConfig.showReplyDialog(lzlPostElement); }, { capture: true, } ); } }, /** * 初始化评论的弹窗的所有设置包括CSS */ initReplyDialogCSS() { log.success("初始化回复的弹窗"); GM_addStyle(` /* 主 */ #whitesev-reply-dialog{ z-index: 99999; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } /* 背景 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-bg{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); transition-timing-function: ease-in; transition-duration: .1s; transition-property: background-color,opacity; } /* 内容容器 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 2; width: 100%; background-color: #fff; transition: .1s ease-in; transition-property: transform; transform: translate(0,100%); border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px; } /* 关闭 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-close{ position: absolute; } /* 标题 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-title{ display: block; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 15px; color: #222; line-height: 20px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb; } /* 内容 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-content{ height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; } /* 内容中主内容和其它内容 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-main-content, .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content{ margin: 20px 10px 10px 10px; } /* 内容中其它内容 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-ohter-content{ } /* 弹出 */ #whitesev-reply-dialog[data-on] .whitesev-reply-dialog-bg{ transition-timing-function: ease-in; transition-duration: .2s; } #whitesev-reply-dialog[data-on] .whitesev-reply-dialog-bg{ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); } #whitesev-reply-dialog[data-on] .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet{ transition: .2s ease-in; transform: translate(0,0); } /* 头像 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-avatar { position: relative; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; width: .36rem; height: .36rem; margin-right: .08rem; border-radius: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50%; background-size: cover; -webkit-box-flex: 0; -moz-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: none; -ms-flex: none; flex: none; } /* 用户行 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-line { display: flex; align-items: center; } .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-line, .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-comment, .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info { margin-bottom: 8px; } /* 评论 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-comment { margin-left: .44rem; } /* 评论的贴吧自带表情 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-comment img.BDE_Smiley{ width: .2rem; height: .2rem; vertical-align: middle; } /* 评论的贴吧自己上传的图片 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-comment img:not(.BDE_Smiley){ margin-top: 8px; max-width: 350px; cursor: url(//tb2.bdstatic.com/tb/static-pb/img/cur_zin.cur),pointer; height: auto; width: auto; width: 100%; } /* 底部信息 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info{ display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; margin-left: .44rem; border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf; } .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info span{ margin-right: .08rem; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -moz-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -moz-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; font-size: .12rem; line-height: .18rem; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: #a3a2a8; } /* 第xx楼 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info span[data-floor-info]::before { content:"第" } .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info span[data-floor-info]::after { content:"楼" } /* 中间行 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-main-content-bottom-line { background: #ebebeb; height: 6px; } /* 隐藏顶部主回复的底部边框 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-main-content .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info{ border-bottom: none; } /* 其它回复中的最后一个 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content > div:last-child{ } /* 其它回复的每一项 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content-item{ margin-top: 12px; } /* 其它回复的底部边框 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content-item .whitesev-reply-dialog-user-desc-info{ padding-bottom: 12px; } /* xx条回复 */ .whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-comment-num { margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } /* 查看全部xx条回复 */ .whitesev-see-all-reply{ padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } `); }, /** * 显示评论的弹窗 * @param {HTMLElement} element */ showReplyDialog(element) { let contentElement = element.closest( "div.post-item[data-v-74eb13e2]" ); let data = {}; if (contentElement && contentElement["data-whitesev"]) { data = contentElement["data-whitesev"]; } log.success(["data-whitesev数据", data]); /* 当前评论数据信息JSON */ let currentCommentData = data["pageCommentList"]["commentList"][data["userPostId"]][ "comment_info" ]; log.success(["当前评论数据信息JSON", currentCommentData]); /* 楼中楼评论的总共数量 */ let currentCommentListNum = data["pageCommentList"]["commentList"][data["userPostId"]][ "comment_num" ]; /* 用户信息JSON */ let userList = data["pageCommentList"]["userList"]; let mainUserAvatar = data["userAvatar"]; let otherCommentsHTML = ""; let userAvatarHostName = new URL(mainUserAvatar).hostname; let userAvatarPath = new URL(mainUserAvatar).pathname.split("/")[1]; let landlordInfo = tiebaBusiness.getLandlordInfo(); log.success(["头像加密值路径是", userAvatarPath]); log.success(["本帖楼主的信息", landlordInfo]); currentCommentData.forEach((item) => { /* 用户信息 */ let itemUserInfo = userList[item["user_id"]]; /* 用户id值 */ let userPortrait = itemUserInfo["portrait"]; /* 判断是否是楼主 */ let isLandlord = Boolean( landlordInfo && landlordInfo.id === item["user_id"] ); /* 获取时间差 */ let itemUserCommentTime = utils.getDaysDifference(item["now_time"] * 1000, void 0, "auto") + "前"; /* 用户ip?好像没有 */ let itemUserCommentIp = ""; if (item["location"] && item["location"]["name"]) { itemUserCommentIp = item["location"]["name"]; } if (userAvatarHostName === "imgsa.baidu.com") { userAvatarHostName = "gss0.bdstatic.com"; userAvatarPath = "6LZ1dD3d1sgCo2Kml5_Y_D3"; } let itemUserAvatar = `https://${userAvatarHostName}/${userAvatarPath}/sys/portrait/item/${userPortrait}`; if (userAvatarPath === "sys") { itemUserAvatar = itemUserAvatar.replace( "/sys/sys/portrait/item/", "/sys/portrait/item/" ); } otherCommentsHTML += `
${ item["content"] }
${itemUserCommentTime} ${itemUserCommentIp}
`; }); log.success(["显示评论的弹窗", data]); let dialog = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { id: "whitesev-reply-dialog", innerHTML: `
${ data["userComment"] }
${data["userFloor"]} ${data["userCommentTime"]} ${data["userIpPosition"]}
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${ item["userReplyContent"] }
`; if ( scrollElement.querySelector("." + loadingView.config.className) ) { DOMUtils.before( scrollElement.querySelector( "." + loadingView.config.className ), lastCommentHTML ); } else { DOMUtils.append( scrollElement.querySelector( ".whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content" ), lastCommentHTML ); } }); /* 去除楼中楼回复@的超链接错误跳转 */ scrollElement .querySelectorAll( ".whitesev-reply-dialog-user-comment a[portrait]" ) .forEach((item) => { item.setAttribute( "href", "/home/main?id=" + item.getAttribute("portrait") ); item.removeAttribute("onclick"); item.removeAttribute("onmouseover"); item.removeAttribute("onmouseout"); }); if (!replyInfo["nextPage"]) { log.error("暂无更多回复"); lzlLoadingView.setText("暂无更多回复"); DOMUtils.off( dialog.querySelector(".whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-content"), "scroll" ); log.error("取消绑定楼中楼scroll监听事件【下一页】"); return; } lzlPage = replyInfo["nextPage"]; }; let lzlScrollEventLock = new utils.LockFunction( lzlReplyCommentScrollEvent, this ); /* 监听楼中楼内滚动 */ DOMUtils.on( dialog.querySelector(".whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-content"), "scroll", lzlScrollEventLock.run ); log.success("绑定楼中楼scroll监听事件【下一页】"); /* 插入楼中楼弹窗 */ document.body.appendChild(dialog); DOMUtils.append( dialog.querySelector(".whitesev-reply-dialog-sheet-other-content"), lzlLoadingView.getLoadingViewElement() ); lzlLoadingView .getLoadingViewElement() .style.setProperty("color", "#c5c5c5"); lzlLoadingView .getLoadingViewElement() .style.setProperty("font-size", "14px"); lzlLoadingView.setText("加载更多"); lzlLoadingView.hide(); /* 延迟显示 */ setTimeout(() => { dialog.setAttribute("data-on", true); /* 修改根据标题高度设置内容margin-bottom */ dialogContentElement.style.setProperty( "height", `calc(100% - ${DOMUtils.height(dialogTitleElement)}px)` ); this.vueRootView = document.querySelector(".main-page-wrap"); log.success(["成功获取Vue根元素", this.vueRootView.__vue__]); if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_tieba_lzl_ban_global_back")) { banBack(); } }, 0); }, /** * 获取楼中楼评论 * @param {string} tid 帖子id * @param {string} pid 回复主体id * @param {string|Number} pn 当前页 * @returns {Promise<{ * data: { * userAvatar: string, * userHomeUrl: string, * userName:string, * userPortrait: string, * userPostId: number, * userReplyContent: string, * userReplyTime: string, * }[]}>} */ async getLzlCommentReply(tid = "", pid = "", pn = 1) { let getResp = await httpx.get({ url: `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/comment?tid=${tid}&pid=${pid}&pn=${pn}&t=${new Date().getTime()}${ tiebaCommentConfig.extraSearchSignParams }`, headers: { "User-Agent": utils.getRandomPCUA(), Host: "tieba.baidu.com", Referer: window.location.href, }, }); if (!getResp.status) { log.error(getResp); return "请求失败"; } let respData = getResp.data; log.success(respData); let parseDOM = DOMUtils.parseHTML(respData.responseText, false, true); let lzlPostList = parseDOM.querySelectorAll("li.lzl_single_post"); if (!lzlPostList.length) { return "暂无更多回复"; } let result = { data: [], }; lzlPostList.forEach((item) => { let dataFieldJSON = utils.toJSON(item.getAttribute("data-field")); let userName = dataFieldJSON["showname"]; let userPostId = dataFieldJSON["spid"]; let userPortrait = dataFieldJSON["portrait"]; let userHomeUrl = item.querySelector("a[data-field]").href; let userAvatar = item.querySelector("a[data-field] img").src; let userReplyContent = item.querySelector( "span.lzl_content_main" ).innerHTML; let userReplyTime = item.querySelector("span.lzl_time").innerHTML; userReplyTime = utils.formatToTimeStamp(userReplyTime); userReplyTime = utils.getDaysDifference( new Date().getTime(), userReplyTime, "auto" ) + "前"; result["data"].push({ userName: userName, userPostId: userPostId, userPortrait: userPortrait, userHomeUrl: userHomeUrl, userAvatar: userAvatar, userReplyContent: userReplyContent, userReplyTime: userReplyTime, }); }); parseDOM.querySelectorAll("p.j_pager a").forEach((item) => { if (item.textContent.trim() === "下一页") { result["nextPage"] = parseInt( item.getAttribute("href").replace("#", "") ); } }); if (!result["data"].length) { return "解析回复失败"; } else { return result; } }, /** * 获取第XX页的评论(不包括楼中楼评论) * @param {string} url * @returns {?HTMLElement|string} */ async getPageComment(url) { let getDetails = { url: url, headers: { "User-Agent": utils.getRandomPCUA(), Referer: "tieba.baidu.com", }, }; if (PopsPanel.getValue("baidu_tieba_request_with_cookie")) { log.success("贴吧-发送请求携带cookie"); getDetails.headers["Cookie"] = document.cookie; } let getResp = await httpx.get(getDetails); let respData = getResp.data; log.success(["获取评论", getResp]); if (getResp.status) { let pageCommentHTMLElement = DOMUtils.parseHTML( respData.responseText, true, true ); if ( pageCommentHTMLElement.title === "百度安全验证" || respData.finalUrl.startsWith("https://wappass.baidu.com") ) { log.error("触发百度安全验证 👇" + respData.finalUrl); log.error(respData); return "触发百度安全验证"; /* let gotoBaiduWappass = confirm("触发百度安全验证,是否前往:"+respData.finalUrl); if(gotoBaiduWappass){ window.location.href = respData.finalUrl; } */ } else { return pageCommentHTMLElement; } } else if (getResp.type === "onerror") { if ( typeof respData.error === "string" && respData.error.match("wappass.baidu.com") ) { let url = respData.error.match(/"(.*?)"/)[1]; log.error("触发百度校验: " + url); let gotoBaiduWappass = confirm( "触发百度安全验证,是否前往:" + url ); if (gotoBaiduWappass) { window.location.href = url; } } else { log.error("获取评论数据失败 👇"); log.error(respData); } } }, /** * 获取第XX页的所有楼中楼评论 * @param {string} url * @returns { {commentList: any[], userList: any[]} } */ async getPageCommentList(url) { let getResp = await httpx.get({ url: url, headers: { Accept: "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "User-Agent": utils.getRandomPCUA(), Referer: "tieba.baidu.com", }, }); log.info(["获取楼中楼评论", getResp]); let respData = getResp.data; if (getResp.status) { let data = utils.toJSON(respData.responseText); log.success(["帖子评论信息JSON", data]); return { commentList: data["data"]["comment_list"], userList: data["data"]["user_list"], }; } else if (getResp.type === "onerror") { log.error("获取楼中楼评论数据失败 👇"); log.error(getResp); } }, /** * 插入加载中的html */ insertLoadingHTML() { if (!loadingView.isExists()) { log.info("插入loading"); loadingView.initLoadingView(); loadingView.hide(); document .querySelector(".main-page-wrap") .appendChild(loadingView.getLoadingViewElement()); } }, /** * 插入只看楼主的按钮 */ insertOnlyLZ() { let replyRightContainer = document.querySelector( ".reply-right-container" ); if (!replyRightContainer) { log.error("元素.reply-right-container不存在"); return; } GM_addStyle(` .white-only-lz{ display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -moz-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -moz-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; line-height: .24rem; border-radius: .14rem; font-size: .13rem; color: #614ec2; margin-right: 16px; } .white-only-lz-qx:before { content: "取消"; } .white-only-lz-none { display: none; } `); let onlyLzInnerElement = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "white-only-lz", textContent: "只看楼主", }); replyRightContainer.appendChild(onlyLzInnerElement); DOMUtils.on( document.querySelector(".white-only-lz"), "click", (event) => { tiebaCommentConfig.displayComment( Array.from(event.currentTarget.classList) ); } ); }, /** * 插入 正序=倒序的按钮 */ insertReverseBtn() { let replySwitchElement = document.querySelector("#replySwitch"); if (!replySwitchElement) { log.error("元素#replySwitch不存在"); return; } GM_addStyle(` .reply-right-container { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: row-reverse; } .btn-comment-reverse-pack{ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; height: .29rem; line-height: .29rem; border-radius: .15rem; color: #a3a2a8; font-size: 13px; background-color: #f3f2f5; } .btn-comment-reverse-pack .tab-item{ display: inline-block; 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}, init() { utils.waitNode("div.more-btn-desc").then((element) => { element.outerHTML = `
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if (sm === 3) { sm = "1&only_thread=1"; } let url = ""; let originText = ""; if (arguments.length === 1) { url = arguments[0]; log.success(`请求的下一页url: ${url}`); } else { originText = qw; qw = gbkEncoder.encode(qw); kw = gbkEncoder.decode(kw); kw = gbkEncoder.encode(kw); log.success(`搜索内容gbk编码转换: ${originText} => ${qw}`); url = `https://tieba.baidu.com/f/search/res?isnew=1&kw=${kw}&qw=${qw}&un=&rn=10&pn=${pn}&sd=&ed=&sm=${sm}`; } log.success( `当前请求第 ${new URLSearchParams(new URL(url).search).get( "pn" )} 页` ); let getResp = await fetch(url, { url: url, headers: { accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", "cache-control": "no-cache", pragma: "no-cache", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"Windows"', "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "none", }, }); let respArrayBuffer = await getResp.arrayBuffer(); 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max-width: 350px; cursor: url(//tb2.bdstatic.com/tb/static-pb/img/cur_zin.cur),pointer; height: auto; width: auto; width: 100%; } .s_post.search_result { background: #f7f7fa; margin: 0.08rem .08rem; border-radius: .12rem; padding: .11rem .11rem; } `); if ( globalThis.location.search.startsWith("?kw=") || globalThis.location.pathname === "/f" ) { /* 吧内和贴内的background不同 */ GM_addStyle(` .s_post.search_result{ background: #ffffff; } `); } GM_addStyle(` .s_post, .s_order, .s_search { margin: 25px; } .s_post em{ color: #e10900; font-style: normal; } .search-result-media { display: flex; align-items: center; } .search-result-media-left { padding-right: .08rem; } .search-result-media-left img { width: .35rem; height: .35rem; border-radius: 50%; } .search-result-media-body-author-name { margin-top: .02rem; color: #272829; font-weight: 400; font-size: .16rem; line-height: .15rem; } .search-result-media-body-time { margin-top: .06rem; color: #a2a6a8; font-size: .12rem; line-height: .12rem; } h1.search-result-title-h1 { font-size: 0.16rem; } .search-result-content { min-height: 66px; } span.search-result-content-span { color: #141414; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: inline; word-break: break-all; } .search-result-title , .search-result-content, .search-result-bottom-toolbar{ margin-top: 0.08rem; } span.search-result-bottom-toolbar-span { color: #b7b9c1; } span.search-result-bottom-toolbar-span::before{ content:"贴吧:" } `); } /** * 设置搜索结果模式 * @param {Element} searchElement * @param {Element} orderElement */ function setCurrentOrderHTML(searchElement, orderElement) { for (const targetElement of orderElement.querySelectorAll("a")) { let targetElementHTML = DOMUtils.html(targetElement); let flag = false; if ( (targetElementHTML.includes("按时间顺序") && searchModel === 0) || (targetElementHTML.includes("按时间倒序") && searchModel === 1) || (targetElementHTML.includes("按相关性顺序") && searchModel === 2) || (targetElementHTML.includes("只看主题贴") && searchModel === 3) ) { flag = true; } if (flag) { log.success(`当前搜索模式-${targetElementHTML}`); DOMUtils.replaceWith( targetElement, `${targetElementHTML}` ); break; } } if (searchType === 1) { DOMUtils.val(searchElement.querySelector("#searchtb"), true); log.success("当前搜索类型-全吧搜索"); } else if (searchType === 0) { log.success("当前搜索类型-吧内搜索"); } else { log.error("未知的搜索类型,请排查"); } } /** * 设置搜索结果模式点击事件 */ function setOrderClickEvent() { DOMUtils.on(document, "click", ".s_order a", function (event) { let clickOrderElement = event.target; let clickOrderHTML = DOMUtils.html(clickOrderElement); let orderBElement = document.querySelector(".s_order b"); DOMUtils.replaceWith( orderBElement, `${DOMUtils.html(orderBElement)}` ); clickOrderElement.replaceWith(`${clickOrderHTML}`); if (clickOrderHTML.includes("按时间顺序")) { searchModel = 0; log.success("设置当前搜索模式-按时间顺序"); } else if (clickOrderHTML.includes("按相关性顺序")) { searchModel = 2; log.success("设置当前搜索模式-按相关性顺序"); } else if (clickOrderHTML.includes("只看主题贴")) { searchModel = 3; log.success("设置当前搜索模式-只看主题贴"); } else { searchModel = 1; log.success("设置当前搜索模式-按时间倒序"); 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alert("获取当前吧失败"); return; } log.success("当前搜索的范围吧:" + tiebaData.forumName); } /* 搜索的吧,留空是全吧搜索 */ let searchKW = searchType === 1 ? "" : tiebaData.forumName; let searchResult = await getSearchResult( searchText, void 0, searchModel, searchKW ); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); if (!searchResult) { loadingView.hide(); alert("请求失败,详情请看控制台"); return; } if ( typeof searchResult === "string" && (searchResult.startsWith("抱歉") || searchResult.startsWith("获取内容为空")) ) { DOMUtils.html(contentElement, ""); searchModel = 1; loadingView.hide(); alert(searchResult + " 已重置搜索模式为-按时间倒序"); return; } DOMUtils.html(contentElement, ""); log.success(searchResult); let searchElement = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "s_search", innerHTML: ` 搜索类型: `, }); let orderElement = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "s_order", innerHTML: ` 排序结果: 按时间倒序 | 按时间顺序 | 按相关性顺序 | 只看主题贴 `, }); setCurrentOrderHTML(searchElement, orderElement); DOMUtils.append(contentElement, searchElement); DOMUtils.append(contentElement, orderElement); for (const searchResultItem of searchResult) { DOMUtils.append(contentElement, getItemElement(searchResultItem)); } loadingView.hide(); if (nextPageUrl) { addScrollListener(); } } /** * 添加滚动监听 */ function addScrollListener() { document.addEventListener("scroll", lockFunction.run); log.success("添加scroll事件监听"); } /** * 移除滚动监听 */ function removeScrollListener() { document.removeEventListener("scroll", lockFunction.run); log.success("移除scroll事件监听"); } /** * 滚动事件 */ async function _scroll_event_() { if (!utils.isNearBottom()) { return; } loadingView.show(); if (!nextPageUrl) { removeScrollListener(); log.success("已到达最后一页"); loadingView.show(); return; } let contentElement = document.querySelector(".main-thread-content-margin") || document.querySelector(".main-thread-content") || document.querySelector(".tb-page__main"); let searchResult = await getSearchResult(nextPageUrl); if (!searchResult) { loadingView.hide(); alert("请求下一页失败,详情请看控制台"); return; } if ( typeof searchResult === "string" && (searchResult.startsWith("抱歉") || searchResult.startsWith("获取内容为空")) ) { loadingView.hide(); alert(searchResult); return; } log.success(searchResult); for (const searchResultItem of searchResult) { DOMUtils.append(contentElement, getItemElement(searchResultItem)); } loadingView.hide(); if (!nextPageUrl) { removeScrollListener(); log.success("已到达最后一页"); return; } } log.success("当前是在吧内"); lockFunction = new utils.LockFunction(_scroll_event_, this); tiebaCommentConfig.removeScrollListener(); this.searchSuggestion.removeAllEvent(); let searchInputElement = document.querySelector("#tieba-search"); /* 搜索框显示出来 */ searchInputElement.previousElementSibling.style.display = "none"; searchInputElement.style.display = "block"; document .querySelector(".more-btn-desc") .addEventListener("click", _click_event_); utils.listenKeyboard( searchInputElement, "keypress", (keyName, keyValue, otherKeyList, event) => { if (keyName === "Enter") { _click_event_(event); } } ); setOrderClickEvent(); setCSS(); }, }; /** * 贴吧其它功能 */ const tiebaBusiness = { /** * 伪装客户端已调用 */ clientCallMasquerade() { let originGetItem = window.localStorage.getItem; /* 劫持localStorage */ window.localStorage.getItem = function (key) { if ( key === "p_w_app_call" || key === "p_w_launchappcall" || key === "loginWakeModal" ) { log.info("伪装客户端已调用 " + key); return JSON.stringify({ value: 1, date: utils.formatTime(void 0, "yyyyMMdd"), }); } else if ( key.startsWith("p_w_new_slient") || key.startsWith("f_w_slient") || key.startsWith("f_w_pop_slient") || key.startsWith("f_w_floor") || key.startsWith("t_w_slient") || key.startsWith("t_w_pop_slient") || key.startsWith("auto_slient_wakeup") ) { log.info("伪装客户端已调用 " + key); return "1"; } else { return originGetItem.call(window.localStorage, key); } }; /* 伪装localStorage已赋值 */ let masqueradeParamsList = [ "p_w_new_slient_", "f_w_slient_", "f_w_pop_slient_", "f_w_floor_", "t_w_slient_", "t_w_pop_slient_", "auto_slient_wakeup_", ]; masqueradeParamsList.forEach((masqueradeParam) => { window.localStorage.setItem( masqueradeParam + utils.formatTime(void 0, "yyyy-MM-dd"), 1 ); }); for (let index = 0; index < window.localStorage.length; index++) { let keyName = window.localStorage.key(index); masqueradeParamsList.forEach((item) => { if ( keyName.startsWith(item) && !keyName.endsWith(utils.formatTime(void 0, "yyyy-MM-dd")) ) { log.success("删除过期键 ===> " + keyName); window.localStorage.removeItem(keyName); } }); } }, /** * 获取本帖楼主的信息 * @returns {?{ * id: number, * name: string, * name_show: string, * portrait: string, * show_nickname: string, * type: number, * userhide: number, * }} */ getLandlordInfo() { return document.querySelector( ".main-page-wrap .user-line-wrapper.thread-user-line" )?.__vue__?.$props?.author; }, /** * 获取当前的贴吧名字 * @returns {string} */ getCurrentForumName() { let tbMobileViewport = document.querySelector(".tb-mobile-viewport") ?.__vue__?.forum?.name; let mainPageWrap = document.querySelector(".main-page-wrap")?.__vue__?.$children[0] ?.$children[0]?.forum?.name; let tbForum = document.querySelector(".tb-mobile-viewport .tb-forum") ?.__vue__?.forum?.name; let appView = document.querySelector(".app-view")?.__vue__?.forum?.name; return tbMobileViewport || mainPageWrap || tbForum || appView; }, /** * 获取当前帖子的tid * @returns {?string} */ getCurrentForumPostTid() { let tid = null; let appViewVue = document.querySelector(".app-view")?.__vue__; if (appViewVue?.thread?.id !== "" && appViewVue?.thread?.id != null) { tid = appViewVue.thread.id.toString(); } else { tid = window.location.pathname.match(/([0-9]+)/g)?.[0]; } return tid; }, /** * 添加滚动到顶部按钮 */ addScrollTopButton() { log.success("添加滚动到顶部按钮"); let isInsertButton = false; let showScrollTopButton = function () { isInsertButton = true; let buttonElement = DOMUtils.parseHTML( `
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let authorInfo = vueInfo.author; if (!authorInfo) { log.error("获取贴主信息失败", vueInfo); return; } log.success(["贴主信息", authorInfo]); window.open(`/home/main?id=${authorInfo.portrait}`); }); }); }, /** * 检测骨架屏 */ checkSkeleton() { setTimeout(() => { let appElement = document.querySelector("#app"); if (appElement && appElement.innerHTML === "") { Qmsg.warning("检测到骨架屏,异常加载,刷新页面", { onClose() { window.location.reload(); }, }); } }, 900); }, }; /** * 贴吧 首页功能 */ const tiebaHome = { /** * 重定向跳转 */ redirectJump() { log.info("话题热榜-阻止默认跳转"); DOMUtils.on(document, "click", ".topic-share-item", function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); window?.stop(); let clickNode = event.target; let dataTrack = clickNode.getAttribute("data-track"); if (dataTrack == null) { log.error("未找到data-track"); log.error(clickNode); return false; } dataTrack = utils.toJSON(dataTrack); let tid = dataTrack["tid"]; if (tid == null) { log.error("未找到tid"); log.error(dataTrack); return false; } log.success(`跳转至: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/${tid}`); window.location.href = `https://tieba.baidu.com/p/${tid}`; return false; }); utils.waitNodeList(".thread-bottom .forum").then((nodeList) => { log.success("设置贴吧种类正确跳转"); log.success(nodeList); nodeList.forEach((item) => { item.ontouchstart = function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); window?.stop(); window.location.href = `https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=${DOMUtils.text( event.target ) .trim() .replace(/吧$/g, "")}`; return false; }; }); }); utils .waitNode(".topic-share-thread .list-content") .then((element) => { utils.mutationObserver(element, { callback: (mutations) => { mutations.forEach((item) => { item.addedNodes.forEach((item2) => { if ( typeof item2.className === "string" && item2.className.includes("topic-share-item") ) { log.success("设置新增的帖子的贴吧种类正确跳转"); log.success(item2); item2.querySelector( ".thread-bottom .forum" ).ontouchstart = function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); window?.stop(); window.location.href = `https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=${DOMUtils.text( event.target ) .trim() .replace(/吧$/g, "")}`; return false; }; } }); }); }, config: { childList: true, subtree: true, }, }); }); DOMUtils.on( document, "touchstart", ".topic-share-item .forum", function (event) { return utils.preventEvent(event); } ); }, }; /** * 贴吧 吧内功能 */ const tiebaBaNei = { /** * __vue__ * @type {object} */ vueRootView: null, /** * 解除签到限制 */ removeForumSignInLimit() { /* 修改页面中的APP内签到 */ utils.waitNode(".tb-mobile-viewport").then(async () => { tiebaBaNei.vueRootView = document.querySelector( ".tb-mobile-viewport" ).__vue__; let isLogin = Boolean( tiebaBaNei.vueRootView?.["user"]?.["is_login"] ); utils.waitNode(".tb-forum-user__join-btn").then((element) => { if (isLogin) { element.children[0].innerText = "点击签到"; } else { element.children[0].innerText = "点击登录"; } log.success("修改页面中的APP内签到"); DOMUtils.on( element, "click", async function (event) { utils.preventEvent(event); if (isLogin) { /* 已登录-签到 */ let userPortrait = tiebaBaNei.vueRootView["user"]["portrait"]; let forumName = tiebaBaNei.vueRootView["forum"]["name"]; let tbs = tiebaBaNei.vueRootView["$store"]["state"]["common"][ "tbs" ]; let signResult = await BaiduExtraApi.tieba.forumSign( forumName, tbs ); if (typeof signResult["data"] === "object") { Qmsg.success( `今日本吧第${signResult["data"]["finfo"]["current_rank_info"]["sign_count"]}个签到` ); } else { Qmsg.error(signResult["error"]); } } else { /* 未登录-前往登录 */ tiebaBaNei.vueRootView["isShowModal"] = true; } }, { capture: true, } ); }); }); }, /** * 记住当前用户的看帖排序 * + -1 不知道什么作用 * + 1 不知道什么作用 * + 2 回复 * + 3 发布 */ rememberPostSort() { let userSortModel = parseInt( PopsPanel.getValue("baidu-tieba-sort-model", 3) ); utils .waitNode(".tb-page__main .tb-sort .tab-pack") .then((element) => { let originChange = element.__vue__.change; originChange(userSortModel); element.__vue__.change = function (index) { PopsPanel.setValue("baidu-tieba-sort-model", index); originChange(index); }; log.info("注入记住当前选择的看帖排序"); }); }, /** * 过滤重复帖子 */ filterDuplicatePosts() { utils.waitNode(".tb-threadlist").then(async (element) => { await utils.waitVueByInterval( element, (__vue__) => { return Boolean(__vue__?.$props?.list); }, 100, 10000 ); let tbThreadListVue = document.querySelector(".tb-threadlist").__vue__; if (!tbThreadListVue) { log.error("未找到.tb-threadlist元素的vue属性"); return; } log.success("监听帖子数量改变"); tbThreadListVue.$watch( "list", function (newVal, oldVal) { log.success("帖子数量触发改变"); let postsId = {}; for (let index = 0; index < this.$props.list.length; index++) { let postsInfo = this.$props.list[index]; if (!postsInfo.id) { /* 不存在id属性,可能是中间的广告? */ continue; } if (postsId[postsInfo.id]) { /* 重复帖子 */ log.error("移除重复帖子:" + postsInfo.title); this.$props.list.splice(index, 1); index--; continue; } postsId[postsInfo.id] = postsInfo.title ?? ""; } }, { deep: false, immediate: true, } ); }); }, }; /** * 贴吧 帖子功能 */ const tiebaPost = { /** * @type {{ * bsize: string, * origin_size: number, * origin_src: string, * size: string, * src: string, * type: number * }[]} */ mainPostImgList: [], /** * 注册全局贴吧图片点击预览(只预览通过贴吧上传的图片,非其它图床图片) */ optimizeImagePreview() { /** * 查看图片 * @param {Array} imgList * @param {Number} _index_ */ function viewIMG(imgList = [], _index_ = 0) { let viewerULNodeHTML = ""; imgList.forEach((item) => { viewerULNodeHTML += `
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let lazyImgList = []; if (tiebaPost.mainPostImgList.length) { tiebaPost.mainPostImgList.forEach((item) => { lazyImgList.push(item.src); }); } else { Array.from(parentMain.querySelectorAll("img.img")).forEach( (item) => { let _imgSrc_ = item.getAttribute("data-src") || item.getAttribute("src"); log.info(`获取图片: ${_imgSrc_}`); let imgUrlInfo = new URL(_imgSrc_); if (imgUrlInfo.pathname.startsWith("/forum/")) { let picName = imgUrlInfo.pathname.split("/").pop(); let picIdSplit = picName.split("."); if (picIdSplit) { let picId = picIdSplit[0]; if (tiebaData.imageMap.has(picId)) { _imgSrc_ = tiebaData.imageMap.get(picId); log.success(["替换成高清图片", _imgSrc_]); } } } lazyImgList.push(_imgSrc_); } ); } log.info("图片列表👇"); log.info(lazyImgList); viewIMG(lazyImgList, lazyImgList.indexOf(imgSrc)); } else if ( clickElement.parentElement.className === "text-content" ) { /* 评论区内的图片 */ let parentMain = clickElement.parentElement; let lazyImgList = []; log.info(parentMain); parentMain.querySelectorAll("img.BDE_Image").forEach((item) => { let _imgSrc_ = item.getAttribute("data-src") || item.getAttribute("src"); log.info(`获取图片: ${_imgSrc_}`); let imgUrlInfo = new URL(_imgSrc_); if (imgUrlInfo.pathname.startsWith("/forum/")) { let picName = imgUrlInfo.pathname.split("/").pop(); let picIdSplit = picName.split("."); if (picIdSplit) { let picId = picIdSplit[0]; if (tiebaData.imageMap.has(picId)) { _imgSrc_ = tiebaData.imageMap.get(picId); log.success(["替换成高清图片", _imgSrc_]); } } } lazyImgList.push(_imgSrc_); }); log.info("评论区图片列表👇"); log.info(lazyImgList); viewIMG(lazyImgList, lazyImgList.indexOf(imgSrc)); } else { /* 单个图片预览 */ viewIMG([imgSrc]); } } }); DOMUtils.ready(function () { utils.waitNodeWithInterval("div.img-sudoku", 10000).then(() => { utils .waitNodeWithInterval("div.img-sudoku img", 10000) .then(() => { let imgSudoKuElement = document.querySelector("div.img-sudoku"); let imgSudoKuImageElementList = imgSudoKuElement.querySelectorAll("img.img"); log.success([ "重构主内容的图片", imgSudoKuElement, imgSudoKuImageElementList, ]); imgSudoKuImageElementList.forEach((element) => { if (element.hasAttribute("data-src")) { element.src = element.getAttribute("data-src"); 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let pictureUrl = item?.["img"]?.["original"]?.["waterurl"] || item?.["img"]?.["screen"]?.["waterurl"]; if (id != null && pictureUrl != null) { tiebaData.imageMap.set(id, pictureUrl); } }); }); } }, /** * 强制查看-贴子不存在或者已被删除 */ repairErrorThread() { /** * 获取页面信息 * @returns {Promise} */ async function getPageInfo() { let getResp = await httpx.get(window.location.href, { headers: { "User-Agent": utils.getRandomPCUA(), }, }); if (!getResp.status) { return; } log.info(getResp); let pageDOM = DOMUtils.parseHTML( getResp.data.responseText, true, true ); let postListFirstElement = pageDOM.querySelector( "#j_p_postlist .l_post" ); if (!postListFirstElement) { log.error("未找到#j_p_postlist .l_post元素"); Qmsg.error("未找到#j_p_postlist .l_post元素"); return; } if (!postListFirstElement.hasAttribute("data-field")) { log.error("未找到 data-field 属性"); Qmsg.error("未找到 data-field 属性"); return; } let field = utils.toJSON( postListFirstElement.getAttribute("data-field") ); let PageData = null; let PageDataScriptString = ""; Array.from(pageDOM.querySelectorAll("script")).forEach( (scriptElement) => { if (scriptElement.innerHTML.includes("var PageData")) { PageDataScriptString = ` ${PageDataScriptString} ${scriptElement.innerHTML} `; } } ); if (PageDataScriptString === "") { log.error("未找到 PageData的script标签"); Qmsg.error("未找到 PageData的script标签"); return; } PageData = new Function(` ${PageDataScriptString} return PageData; `)(); if (!PageData) { log.error("未找到 PageData"); Qmsg.error("未找到 PageData"); return; } let time = pageDOM.querySelector( "#j_p_postlist .post-tail-wrap span.tail-info:nth-child(6)" )?.innerText || ""; if (utils.isNotNull(time)) { time = utils.formatToTimeStamp(time) / 1000; } return { field: field, PageData: PageData, time: time, }; } /** * 获取帖子列表信息 * @param {object} field * @param {object} PageData * @param {number} time 帖子时间 * @returns */ function getPostList(field, PageData, time) { let data = { agree: { agree_num: 0, disagree_num: 0, }, author: { /* author.user_id */ id: field.author.user_id, /* author.user_name */ name: field.author.user_name, /* author.user_nickname */ name_show: field.author.user_nickname, /* author.portrait */ portrait: field.author.portrait, /* author.user_nickname */ show_nickname: field.author.user_nickname, type: 1, userhide: 0, }, content: [ { /* content.content */ text: field.content.content, /* parseInt(content.type) */ type: parseInt(field.content.type), }, ], floor: 1, game_info: [null], /* content.post_id */ id: parseInt(field.content.post_id), is_bub: 0, is_voice: 0, is_vote: 0, ptype: 0, reply_num: PageData.thread.reply_num, sub_post_number: 0, time: time, title: PageData.thread.title, index: 0, }; 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this.isInitParams = Boolean(await this.initParams()); this.isIniting = false; if (this.isInitParams) { Qmsg.success("初始化成功!"); this.init(); } else { Qmsg.error("初始化参数失败"); } } else if (!this.isIniting) { this.showChatGPTDialog(); } }, /** * 初始化参数 * @param {string} [queryText=""] 需要提问的问题 */ async initParams(queryText = "") { let getResp = await httpx.get( `https://chat.baidu.com/?pcasync=pc&asyncRenderUrl=&passportStaticPage=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2Fcache%2Fuser%2Fhtml%2Fv3Jump.html&from=pc_tab&word=${encodeURI( queryText )}&source=pd_ic`, { fetch: true, headers: { Accept: "*/*", Origin: "https://www.baidu.com", Referer: `https://www.baidu.com/`, }, data: JSON.stringify({ data: {}, }), } ); if (!getResp.status) { return false; } try { YiYan.aisearch_id = /"aisearch_id":"(.*?)"/i.exec( getResp.data.responseText )[1]; YiYan.pvId = /"pvId":"(.*?)"/i.exec(getResp.data.responseText)[1]; YiYan.sessionId = /"sessionId":"(.*?)"/i.exec( getResp.data.responseText )[1]; log.success("获取一言参数aisearch_id:" + YiYan.aisearch_id); log.success("获取一言参数pvId:" + YiYan.pvId); log.success("获取一言参数sessionId:" + YiYan.sessionId); return true; } catch (error) { log.error(error); return false; } }, /** * 显示ChatGPT回答弹窗 */ showChatGPTDialog() { if (YiYan.dialogAlias != null) { if (!YiYan.dialogAlias.popsElement.getClientRects().length) { YiYan.dialogAlias.show(); } else { log.info("请勿重复打开"); } return; } YiYan.dialogAlias = pops.alert({ title: { text: "


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    `; let $textArea = $alertBtn.querySelector("textarea"); let $enterBtn = $alertBtn.querySelector(".pops-alert-btn-ok"); let $clearHistoryBtn = $alertBtn.querySelector( ".pops-alert-btn-clear-history" ); let $content = YiYan.dialogAlias.popsElement.querySelector( ".pops-alert-content" ); $content.innerHTML = ""; /** * 查询事件 */ function sendEvent(event) { let queryText = $textArea.value; if (queryText.trim() === "") { Qmsg.error("你没有输入内容哦", { timeout: 1500, }); return; } $textArea.value = ""; let askElement = YiYan.getAskElement(queryText); let answerElement = YiYan.getAnswerElement(); let answerTextElement = answerElement.querySelector(".answer-text"); let askContainer = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "ask-container", }); let newQueryText = ""; YiYan.question.forEach((item) => { /* 合并之前的提问和回答 */ if (item.questionText) { newQueryText += "\n\n" + item.questionText; if (item.answerText) { newQueryText += "\n\n" + item.answerText; } } }); newQueryText += "\n\n" + queryText; YiYan.question.push({ questionText: queryText, answerText: void 0, markdownText: void 0, }); YiYan.conversation(newQueryText).then(async (stream) => { if (!stream) { YiYan.question.pop(); return; } try { let latestQuestion = YiYan.question[YiYan.question.length - 1]; let answer = await YiYan.getAnswerStream(stream, (itemText) => { latestQuestion.answerText += itemText; answerTextElement.innerText += itemText; YiYan.scrollToContentContainerEnd(); }); answerTextElement.classList.remove("typing"); if (!answer) { YiYan.question.pop(); return; } latestQuestion.answerText = answer; /* 把text转换成markdown元素 */ let parseData = YiYan.conversionTextToMarkdown(answer); log.info(["转换为markdown", parseData]); if (parseData.status) { latestQuestion.markdownText = parseData.text; answerTextElement.innerHTML = parseData.text; YiYan.handleMarkdown(answerTextElement); } else { Qmsg.error("转换为Markdown失败"); } YiYan.scrollToContentContainerEnd(); } catch (error) { answerTextElement.classList.remove("typing"); YiYan.question.pop(); log.error(error); Qmsg.error(error); } }); askContainer.appendChild(askElement); askContainer.appendChild(answerElement); $content.appendChild(askContainer); YiYan.scrollToContentContainerEnd(); } utils.listenKeyboard( $textArea, "keydown", function (keyName, keyValue, otherCodeList) { if (otherCodeList.includes("ctrl") && keyName === "Enter") { $enterBtn.click(); } } ); DOMUtils.on($enterBtn, "click", void 0, sendEvent); DOMUtils.on($clearHistoryBtn, "click", void 0, function () { YiYan.clearHistoryQuestion(); }); }, /** * 获取回答流 * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {(text:string)=>void} callback 每次的流读取的回调 */ async getAnswerStream(stream, callback) { const reader = stream.getReader(); async function parseStreamText() { /** * 所有回答 * @type {string[]} **/ let answerChunkList = []; /** 前一记录 */ let preResponseItem = ""; /** 合并 */ let combineItem = []; /** 引用 */ let referenceList; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader .read() .then(function processText({ done, value }) { try { if (done) { log.success("=====读取结束,转换内容====="); /* 所有回答合数组并成字符串 */ let result = answerChunkList.join(""); resolve(result); return; } let responseItem = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(value); /* 去除空格 */ responseItem = responseItem.trim(); if ( !responseItem.includes("event:ping") && !responseItem.startsWith("event:messag") ) { combineItem.push(preResponseItem); combineItem.push(responseItem); /* 重置 */ preResponseItem = ""; /* 合并 */ responseItem = combineItem.join(""); /* 清空 */ combineItem = []; } else if (!responseItem.includes("event:ping")) { preResponseItem = responseItem; } let responseItemSplit = responseItem .split("\n") .filter((item) => item.trim().startsWith("data:")); for (let item of responseItemSplit) { item = item.trim(); /* 解析出数据 */ let streamDataStr = item.replace(/^data:/gi, "").trim(); if (utils.isNull(streamDataStr)) { continue; } log.info(streamDataStr); let streamData = utils.toJSON(streamDataStr); if (utils.isNull(streamData)) { continue; } /** 回答的文字块 @type {string} */ let answerChunk = streamData?.data?.message?.content?.generator?.text; if (!answerChunk) { /* 不存在回答内容 */ continue; } callback(answerChunk); /* 添加到数组中 */ answerChunkList.push(answerChunk); if ( streamData?.data?.message?.content?.generator?.referenceList ) { referenceList = streamData?.data.message.content.generator.referenceList; } } } catch (error) { log.error(error); } return reader.read().then(processText); }) .catch((error) => { reject(error); }); }); } return parseStreamText(); }, /** * 添加CSS链接 * @param {string} url */ loadCSS(url) { YiYan.dialogAlias.$shadowRoot.insertBefore( DOMUtils.createElement("link", { rel: "stylesheet", href: url, type: "text/css", crossOrigin: "anonymous", }), YiYan.dialogAlias.$shadowRoot.childNodes[0] ); }, /** * 获取提问的元素 * @param {string} [queryText=""] 提问的问题 */ getAskElement(queryText = "") { let element = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "user-question", innerHTML: `
    `, }); return element; }, /** * 获取回答的元素 */ getAnswerElement() { let element = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "gpt-answer", innerHTML: `
    `, }); return element; }, /** * 获取AI的回答 * @returns {Promise>} */ async conversation(queryText = "") { let postResp = await httpx.post( "https://chat-ws.baidu.com/aichat/api/conversation", { headers: { Accept: "text/event-stream", "Content-Type": "application/json", Origin: "https://www.baidu.com", Referer: `https://www.baidu.com/`, }, fetch: true, responseType: "stream", data: JSON.stringify({ message: { inputMethod: "keyboard", isRebuild: false, content: { query: queryText, qtype: 0, }, }, sessionId: YiYan.sessionId, aisearchId: YiYan.aisearch_id, pvId: YiYan.pvId, }), } ); if (!postResp.status) { return; } let stream = postResp.data.response; return stream; }, /** * 转换文本为markdown格式 * @param {string} text */ conversionTextToMarkdown(text) { let converter = new showdown.Converter(); /* 启用表格选项。从showdown 1.2.0版开始,表支持已作为可选功能移入核心拓展,showdown.table.min.js扩展已被弃用 */ converter.setOption("tables", true); /* 链接在新窗口打开 */ converter.setOption("openLinksInNewWindow", true); /* 删除线 */ converter.setOption("strikethrough", true); /* 开启emoji */ converter.setOption("emoji", true); /*** * original: John Gruber 规范中的原始 Markdown 风格 * vanilla:对决基础风味(v1.3.1 起) * github: GitHub 风格的 Markdown,或 GFM */ showdown.setFlavor("github"); try { let markHTML = converter.makeHtml(text); return { status: true, text: markHTML, }; } catch (error) { return { status: false, error: error, }; } }, /** * 对内部的markdown元素进行处理 * @param {HTMLElement} element */ handleMarkdown(element) { element.querySelectorAll("pre").forEach((ele) => { let codeElement = ele.querySelector("code"); let language = ""; if (codeElement.classList.length >= 2) { language = codeElement.classList[0]; } let copyText = codeElement.innerText || codeElement.textContent; let codeHeader = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "code-header", innerHTML: ` ${language} 复制代码 `, }); let codeCopyText = codeHeader.querySelector(".code-copy-text"); DOMUtils.on(codeCopyText, "click", void 0, function () { try { utils.setClip(copyText); Qmsg.success("复制成功"); } catch (error) { Qmsg.error("复制失败," + error); } }); DOMUtils.before(ele, codeHeader); }); }, /** * 清除提问历史 */ clearHistoryQuestion() { YiYan.question = []; YiYan.dialogAlias.$shadowRoot.querySelector( ".pops-alert-content" ).innerHTML = ""; }, /** * 滚动到内容容器的底部 */ scrollToContentContainerEnd() { let $contentElement = YiYan.dialogAlias.popsElement.querySelector( ".pops-alert-content" ); $contentElement.scrollTo(0, $contentElement.scrollHeight); }, }; /** * 配置面板 */ const PopsPanel = { /** * 本地存储的总键名 */ key: "GM_Panel", /** * 属性attributes的data-key */ attributeDataKey_Name: "data-key", /** * 属性attributes的data-default-value */ attributeDataDefaultValue_Name: "data-default-value", /** * 初始化菜单 */ initMenu() { this.initLocalDefaultValue(); if (unsafeWindow.top !== unsafeWindow.self) { return; } GM_Menu.add([ { key: "show_pops_panel_setting", text: "⚙ 设置", autoReload: false, isStoreValue: false, showText(text) { return text; }, callback: () => { this.showPanel(); }, }, { key: "show_yiyan_chatgpt", text: "⚙ 文心一言", autoReload: false, isStoreValue: false, showText(text) { return text; }, callback: () => { YiYan.init(); }, }, { key: "transfer_old_data", text: "🔧 迁移旧数据", autoReload: false, isStoreValue: false, showText(text) { return text; }, callback: () => { this.transferOldData(); }, }, ]); }, /** * 初始化本地设置默认的值 */ initLocalDefaultValue() { let content = this.getContent(); content.forEach((item) => { if (!item["forms"]) { return; } item.forms.forEach((__item__) => { if (__item__.forms) { __item__.forms.forEach((containerItem) => { if (!containerItem.attributes) { return; } let key = containerItem.attributes[this.attributeDataKey_Name]; let defaultValue = containerItem.attributes[this.attributeDataDefaultValue_Name]; if (this.getValue(key) == null) { this.setValue(key, defaultValue); } }); } else { } }); }); }, /** * 设置值 * @param {string} key 键 * @param {any} value 值 */ setValue(key, value) { let localValue = GM_getValue(this.key, {}); localValue[key] = value; GM_setValue(this.key, localValue); }, /** * 获取值 * @param {string} key 键 * @param {boolean} defaultValue 默认值 * @returns {any} */ getValue(key, defaultValue) { let localValue = GM_getValue(this.key, {}); return localValue[key] ?? defaultValue; }, /** * 删除值 * @param {string} key 键 */ deleteValue(key) { let localValue = GM_getValue(this.key, {}); delete localValue[key]; GM_setValue(this.key, localValue); }, /** * 显示设置面板 */ showPanel() { pops.panel({ title: { text: `${GM_info?.script?.name || "【移动端】百度系优化"}-设置`, position: "center", }, content: this.getContent(), mask: { enable: true, clickEvent: { toClose: true, }, }, isMobile: true, width: "92vw", height: "80vh", drag: true, only: true, }); }, /** * 获取按钮配置 * @param {string} text 文字 * @param {string} key 键 * @param {boolean} defaultValue 默认值 * @param {?(event:Event,value: boolean)=>boolean} _callback_ 点击回调 * @param {string|undefined} description 描述 */ getSwtichDetail(text, key, defaultValue, _callback_, description) { /** * @type {PopsPanelSwitchDetails} */ let result = { text: text, type: "switch", description: description, attributes: {}, getValue() { return Boolean(PopsPanel.getValue(key, defaultValue)); }, callback(event, value) { log.success(`${value ? "开启" : "关闭"} ${text}`); if (typeof _callback_ === "function") { if (_callback_(event, value)) { return; } } PopsPanel.setValue(key, Boolean(value)); }, }; result.attributes[this.attributeDataKey_Name] = key; result.attributes[this.attributeDataDefaultValue_Name] = Boolean(defaultValue); return result; }, /** * 获取配置内容 */ getContent() { return [ { id: "baidu-panel-config-search", title: "搜索", headerTitle: "百度搜索
    www.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "主页", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "精简主页", "baidu_search_home_homepage_minification", true ), ], }, { text: "百度健康(快速问医生)", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部其它信息", "baidu_search_headlth_shield_other_info", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部工具栏", "baidu_search_headlth_shield_bottom_toolbar", true ), ], }, { text: "userAgent包含SearchCraft时", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动点击翻页", "baidu_search_automatically_click_on_the_next_page_with_searchcraft_ua", false, function (event, enable) { if ( enable && PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu_search_automatically_expand_next_page" ) ) { let checkboxCoreElement = document.querySelector( `li[${PopsPanel.attributeDataKey_Name}="baidu_search_automatically_expand_next_page"] span.pops-panel-switch__core` ); checkboxCoreElement.click(); } }, "与【功能-自动翻页】冲突" ), ], }, { text: "屏蔽/禁止", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】大家还在搜", "baidu_search_blocking_everyone_is_still_searching", true ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动翻页", "baidu_search_automatically_expand_next_page", false, function (event, enable) { if ( enable && PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu_search_automatically_click_on_the_next_page_with_searchcraft_ua" ) ) { let checkboxCoreElement = document.querySelector( `li[${PopsPanel.attributeDataKey_Name}="baidu_search_automatically_click_on_the_next_page_with_searchcraft_ua"] span.pops-panel-switch__core` ); checkboxCoreElement.click(); } }, "与上面的【自动点击翻页】冲突" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "同步地址", "baidu_search_sync_next_page_address", false, function (event, enable) { if (enable) { alert( "开启后,且开启【自动翻页】,当自动加载到第N页时,浏览器地址也会跟随改变,刷新网页就是当前加载的第N页" ); } }, "地址同步自动翻页的地址" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【优化】大家还在搜", "baidu_search_refactor_everyone_is_still_searching", true, void 0, "正确新标签页打开" ), ], }, { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-define函数", "baidu_search_hijack_define", false, void 0, "开启后将禁止原有的define" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-复制", "baidu_search_hijack_copy", false, void 0, "阻止百度复制xxx到剪贴板" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-Scheme唤醒App", "baidu_search_hijack_scheme", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-OpenBox函数", "baidu_search_hijack_openbox", false, void 0, "优化搜索结果跳转" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-_onClick函数", "baidu_search_hijack__onClick", false, void 0, "优化搜索结果跳转" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-setTimeout", "baidu_search_hijack_setTimeout", false, void 0, "可阻止获取定位、视频播放" ), ], }, { text: "自定义拦截规则,查看规则文档(在最下面)", type: "forms", forms: [ { type: "own", getLiElementCallBack(liElement) { let $textAreaContainer = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-textarea baidu-search-interception-rule", innerHTML: ` `, }); let $textArea = $textAreaContainer.querySelector("textarea"); /* 自定义规则 */ let customRule = BaiduSearchRule.getLocalRule(); $textArea.value = customRule; liElement.appendChild($textAreaContainer); DOMUtils.on( $textArea, "input propertychange", void 0, utils.debounce(function () { BaiduSearchRule.setLocalRule($textArea.value); }, 100) ); return liElement; }, }, ], }, { text: "自定义样式", type: "forms", forms: [ { type: "own", getLiElementCallBack(liElement) { let $textAreaContainer = DOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-textarea baidu-search-user-style", innerHTML: ` `, }); let $textArea = $textAreaContainer.querySelector("textarea"); /* 自定义样式 */ $textArea.value = PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu-search-user-style", "" ); liElement.appendChild($textAreaContainer); DOMUtils.on( $textArea, "input propertychange", void 0, utils.debounce(function () { PopsPanel.setValue( "baidu-search-user-style", $textArea.value ); }, 100) ); return liElement; }, }, ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-baijiahao", title: "百家号", headerTitle: "百家号
    mbd.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "百家号(baijiahao)👇", type: "forms", forms: [], }, { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】推荐文章", "baijiahao_shield_recommended_article", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】用户评论", "baijiahao_shield_user_comment", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部悬浮工具栏", "baijiahao_shield_user_comment_input_box", false ), ], }, { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-唤醒App", "baijiahao_hijack_wakeup", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-iframe唤醒App", "baidu_baijiahao_hijack_iframe", true, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-OpenBox函数", "baidu_baijiahao_hijack_openbox", false ), ], }, { text: "百家号(mbd)👇", type: "forms", forms: [], }, { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】精彩评论", "baidu_mbd_block_exciting_comments", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】精彩推荐", "baidu_mbd_block_exciting_recommendations", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部工具栏", "baidu_mbd_shield_bottom_toolbar", false ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "伪装成lite baiduboxapp", "baidu_mbd_camouflage_lite_baiduboxapp", true, void 0, "可以优化浏览体验" ), ], }, { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "拦截-唤醒App", "baidu_mbd_hijack_wakeup", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "拦截-iframe唤醒App", "baidu_mbd_hijack_iframe", true, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-BoxJSBefore函数", "baidu_mbd_hijack_BoxJSBefore", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-tieba", title: "贴吧", headerTitle: "百度贴吧
    www.tieba.com", forms: [ { text: "通用", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "检测骨架屏", "baidu_tieba_checkSkeleton", true, void 0, "当页面加载完毕后检测到还是骨架屏,将会自动刷新页面" ), ], }, { text: "搜索功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "启用", "baidu_tieba_add_search", true, void 0, "在贴内和吧内右上角添加搜索按钮" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "获取详细信息", "baidu_tieba_search_opt_user_info", true, void 0, "将搜索结果的【用户名/头像】替换成请求获取的【用户名/头像】" ), ], }, { text: "账号功能", type: "forms", forms: [ { text: "签到所有关注的吧", type: "button", buttonIconIsLoading: false, buttonType: "default", buttonText: "点击签到", async callback(event) { /** * 获取提示内容 * @param {number} index * @param {number} maxIndex * @param {string} forumName * @param {string} text * @param {?string} signText * @returns */ function getLoadingHTML( index, maxIndex, forumName, text, signText ) { return `
    ${signText ? `签到:${signText}` : ""} `; } Qmsg.info("正在获取所有关注吧"); let likeForumList = await BaiduExtraApi.tieba.getUserAllLikeForum(); if (!likeForumList) { return; } if (!likeForumList.length) { Qmsg.error("该账号尚未关注帖子"); return; } let isStop = false; let loading = Qmsg.loading( getLoadingHTML( 1, likeForumList.length, likeForumList[0].forum_name, "正在获取tbs" ), { showClose: true, onClose() { isStop = true; }, } ); for (let index = 0; index < likeForumList.length; index++) { if (isStop) { Qmsg.info("中断"); return; } let likeForum = likeForumList[index]; loading.setHTML( getLoadingHTML( index + 1, likeForumList.length, likeForum.forum_name, "正在获取tbs" ) ); let tbs = await BaiduExtraApi.tieba.getForumTbs( likeForum.forum_name ); if (!tbs) { Qmsg.info("2秒后切换至下一个"); await utils.sleep(2000); continue; } Qmsg.success(`tbs ===> ${tbs}`); loading.setHTML( getLoadingHTML( index + 1, likeForumList.length, likeForum.forum_name, "发送签到请求..." ) ); let signResult = await BaiduExtraApi.tieba.forumSign( likeForum.forum_name, tbs ); if (!signResult) { Qmsg.info("2秒后切换至下一个"); await utils.sleep(2000); continue; } if (typeof signResult["data"] === "object") { loading.setHTML( getLoadingHTML( index + 1, likeForumList.length, likeForum.forum_name, `今日本吧第${signResult["data"]["finfo"]["current_rank_info"]["sign_count"]}个签到` ) ); } else { Qmsg.error(signResult["error"]); } Qmsg.info("2秒后切换至下一个"); await utils.sleep(2000); } Qmsg.success(`执行签到 ${likeForumList.length} 个贴吧完毕`); loading.close(); }, }, ], }, { text: "吧内功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "记住当前选择的看帖排序", "baidu_tieba_remember_user_post_sort", true, void 0, "记住选择的发布/回复" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "重定向xx吧跳转", "baidu_tieba_topic_redirect_jump", true, void 0, "点击帖子直接跳转" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "过滤重复帖子", "baidu_tieba_filterDuplicatePosts", false, void 0, "过滤掉重复id的帖" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "解除签到限制", "baidu_tieba_removeForumSignInLimit", true, void 0, "在登录情况下可点击签到" ), ], }, { text: "帖内功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "楼中楼回复弹窗后退手势优化", "baidu_tieba_lzl_ban_global_back", false, function (event, enable) { if (enable) { alert( "开启后,当在手机浏览器中使用屏幕左滑回退网页操作或者点击浏览器的回退到上一页按钮,不会触发回退上一页操作,而是会关闭当前查看的楼中楼的弹窗。注:某些浏览器不适用" ); } }, "使浏览器后退变成关闭楼中楼弹窗" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "新增滚动到顶部按钮", "baidu_tieba_add_scroll_top_button_in_forum", true, void 0, "向下滚动的距离>页面高度*2就会出现按钮" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "优化查看评论", "baidu_tieba_optimize_see_comments", true, void 0, "可以查看更多的评论" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "优化图片点击预览", "baidu_tieba_optimize_image_preview", true, void 0, "使用Viewer查看图片" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "强制查看被屏蔽的帖子", "baidu_tieba_repairErrorThread", false, function (event, enable) { if (enable) { window.alert( "开启后,如果查看的帖子显示【贴子不存在或者已被删除】,且该帖子在PC端可以查看,那么该修复可以生效。" ); } }, "PC端可以查看帖子该功能才能正确生效" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "点击楼主头像正确跳转主页", "baidu_tieba_clickOnTheOwnerSAvatarToCorrectlyRedirectToTheHomepage", true, void 0, "点击头像正确跳转至用户主页" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽机器人", "baidu_tieba_shield_commnets_baodating", true, void 0, "屏蔽【贴吧包打听】机器人,回答的评论都是牛头不对马嘴的" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "实验性-请求携带Cookie", "baidu_tieba_request_with_cookie", false, void 0, "非浏览器插件使用" ), ], }, { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "劫持-唤醒App", "baidu_tieba_hijack_wake_up", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "伪装客户端已调用", "baidu_tieba_clientCallMasquerade", true, void 0, "阻止弹窗" ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-wenku", title: "文库", headerTitle: "百度文库
    tanbi.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽会员精选", "baidu_wenku_block_member_picks", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽APP精选", "baidu_wenku_blocking_app_featured", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽相关文档", "baidu_wenku_blocking_related_documents", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽底部工具栏", "baidu_wenku_blocking_bottom_toolbar", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "屏蔽下一篇按钮", "baidu_wenku_shield_next_btn", false ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-baike", title: "百科", headerTitle: "百度百科
    wapbaike.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "劫持Box", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "isBox", "baidu-baike-Box-isBox", true, void 0, "Box.isBox和Box.$isBox强制返回true" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "isLiteBox", "baidu-baike-Box-isLiteBox", false, void 0, "Box.isLiteBox和Box.$isLiteBox强制返回true" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "isInfoBox", "baidu-baike-Box-isInfoBox", false, void 0, "Box.isInfoBox和Box.$isInfoBox强制返回true" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "isIOS", "baidu-baike-Box-isIOS", false, void 0, "Box.isIOS和Box.$isIOS强制返回true" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "isAndroid", "baidu-baike-Box-isAndroid", false, void 0, "Box.isAndroid和Box.$isAndroid强制返回true" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "android.invokeApp", "baidu-baike-Box-android.invokeApp", true, void 0, "Box.android.invokeApp()置空" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "android.invokeLiteApp", "baidu-baike-Box-android.invokeLiteApp", true, void 0, "Box.android.invokeLiteApp()置空" ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "ios.invokeApp", "baidu-baike-Box-ios.invokeApp", true, void 0, "Box.ios.invokeApp()置空" ), ], }, { text: "他说(/tashuo)", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部广告", "baidu_baike_tashuo_remove_bottom_ad", true ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-zhidao", title: "知道", headerTitle: "百度知道
    zhidao.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】推荐更多精彩内容", "baidu_zhidao_block_recommend_more_exciting_content", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】相关问题", "baidu_zhidao_block_related_issues", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】其他回答", "baidu_zhidao_block_other_answers", false ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-fanyi", title: "翻译", headerTitle: "百度翻译
    fanyi-app.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部推荐", "baidu_fanyi_recommended_shielding_bottom", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部其它", "baidu_fanyi_other_shielding_bottom", true ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动聚焦输入框", "baidu_fanyi_auto_focus", true ), ], }, { text: "App(fanyi-app)", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】专栏信息", "baidu_fanyi_app_shield_column_information", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】为你推荐", "baidu_fanyi_app_shield_recommended_for_you", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】我要跟读", "baidu_fanyi_app_shield_i_need_to_follow_along", false ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-map", title: "地图", headerTitle: "百度地图
    map.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "拦截-唤醒App", "baidu_map_hijack_wakeup", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-aiqicha", title: "爱企查", headerTitle: "爱企查
    aiqicha.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】轮播图", "baidu_aiqicha_shield_carousel", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】行业热点新闻", "baidu_aiqicha_shield_industry_host_news", true ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-haokan", title: "好看视频", headerTitle: "好看视频
    haokan.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】猜你喜欢", "baidu_haokan_shield_may_also_like", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】今日热播榜单", "baidu_haokan_shield_today_s_hot_list", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】右侧工具栏", "baidu_haokan_shield_right_video_action", true ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "播放视频自动进入全屏", "baidu_haokan_play_video_and_automatically_enter_full_screen", false ), ], }, { text: "劫持/拦截", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "拦截-唤醒App", "baidu_haokan_hijack_wakeup", false, void 0, "阻止唤醒调用App" ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-yiyan", title: "文心一言", headerTitle: "文心一言
    yiyan.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】文字/图片水印", "baidu_yiyan_remove_ai_mask", true ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-chat", title: "AI伙伴", headerTitle: "搜索AI伙伴
    chat.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】文字/图片水印", "baidu_chat_remove_ai_mask", true ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-easy-learn", title: "教育", headerTitle: "百度教育
    easylearn.baidu.com", forms: [ { text: "小程序", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部下拉菜单", "mini_baidu_jiaoyu_shield_bottom_pull_down_menu", false ), ], }, { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】本题试卷", "baidu_easylearn_shield_this_question_paper", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】本卷好题", "baidu_easylearn_shield_good_questions_in_this_volume", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】相关试卷", "baidu_easylearn_shield_related_test_papers", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】视频讲解", "baidu_easylearn_shield_video_explanation", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】学霸笔记", "baidu_easylearn_shield_xueba_notes", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部工具栏", "baidu_easylearn_shield_bottom_toolbar", false ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "解锁顶部搜索框", "baidu_easylearn_unlocking_top_search_input", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "解锁搜题上限", "baidu_easylearn_unlocking_the_upper_limit_of_search_questions", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动显示答案", "baidu_easylearn_auto_show_answer", true ), ], }, ], }, { id: "baidu-panel-config-ai-study", title: "知了爱学", headerTitle: "知了爱学
    isite.baidu.com/site/wjz2tdly", forms: [ { text: "知了爱学(isite)👇", type: "forms", forms: [], }, { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部免费在线咨询", "baidu_isite_wjz2tdly_shieldBottomBarRootContainer", true ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】右侧悬浮按钮-查看更多", "baidu_isite_wjz2tdly_shieldRightSeeMoreToolBar", false ), PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】大家还在看", "baidu_isite_wjz2tdly_shieldArticleBottom", true ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动展开全文", "baidu_isite_wjz2tdly_autoExpandFullText", true ), ], }, { text: "知了爱学(aistudy)👇", type: "forms", forms: [], }, { text: "屏蔽", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "【屏蔽】底部工具栏", "baidu_ai_study_shieldBottomToolBar", true ), ], }, { text: "功能", type: "forms", forms: [ PopsPanel.getSwtichDetail( "自动展开全文", "baidu_ai_study_autoExpandFullText", true ), ], }, ], }, ]; }, /** * 迁移旧数据 */ transferOldData() { let oldData = GM_getValue("GM_Menu_Local_Map"); let currentData = GM_getValue(this.key, {}); if (oldData) { Object.assign(currentData, oldData); GM_setValue(this.key, currentData); GM_deleteValue("GM_Menu_Local_Map"); alert("共迁移数据量:" + Object.keys(oldData).length); } else { alert("不存在旧数据"); } }, }; /** 百度搜索自定义拦截规则 */ const BaiduSearchRule = { defaultRule: ` // 百度健康 match-href##expert.baidu.com // 大家还在搜 match-href##recommend_list.baidu.com&&&&match-attr##tpl##recommend_list // 大家还在搜:隐藏的(点击后,跳出来的 remove-child##.c-atom-afterclick-recomm-wrap // 百家号聚合 match-href##author.baidu.com/home/ // xxx 相关 xxx match-attr##srcid##(sigma|vid_fourfold) // 问一问 match-attr##data-log##wenda_inquiry // 自动播放视频 remove-child##[class*='-video-player']`, /** * @type { { * mode: "match-href"|"match-attr"|"contains-child"|"remove-child", * matchText?: RegExp, * attr?: string; * moreRule?: { * mode: "match-href"|"match-attr"|"contains-child"|"remove-child", * matchText?: RegExp, * attr?: string; * }[], * }[]} */ rule: [], init() { let localRule = this.getLocalRule(); this.rule = this.parseRule(localRule); }, /** 获取本地存储的自定义拦截规则 */ getLocalRule() { let localRule = PopsPanel.getValue( "baidu-search-interception-rules", this.defaultRule ); if (localRule === "") { return this.defaultRule; } localRule = localRule.trim(); return localRule; }, /** 设置本地存储的自定义拦截规则 */ setLocalRule(rule) { PopsPanel.setValue("baidu-search-interception-rules", rule); }, /** * 把规则进行转换 * @param {string} rule */ parseRule(localRule) { let result = []; function parseOneRule(ruleItem) { let cRuleItemSplit = ruleItem.split("##"); if (!cRuleItemSplit.length) { log.error(["无效规则", ruleItem]); return; } let ruleName = cRuleItemSplit[0]; let ruleNameLowerCase = ruleName.toLowerCase(); let endRule = ruleItem.replace(ruleName + "##", ""); if (ruleNameLowerCase === "match-href") { return { rule: ruleItem, mode: ruleNameLowerCase, matchText: new RegExp(endRule), }; } else if (ruleNameLowerCase === "match-attr") { let otherRuleSplit = endRule.split("##"); if (otherRuleSplit.length === 1) { log.error(["无效规则", ruleItem]); return; } let attrName = otherRuleSplit[0]; let attrValueMatch = endRule.replace(attrName + "##", ""); return { rule: ruleItem, mode: ruleNameLowerCase, attr: attrName, matchText: new RegExp(attrValueMatch), }; } else if ( ruleNameLowerCase === "contains-child" || ruleNameLowerCase === "remove-child" ) { return { rule: ruleItem, mode: ruleNameLowerCase, matchText: endRule, }; } else { log.error(["无效规则", ruleItem]); } } localRule.split("\n").forEach((ruleItem) => { ruleItem = ruleItem.trim(); if (ruleItem === "") { return; } if (ruleItem.startsWith("//")) { return; } let moreRule = ruleItem.split("&&&&"); if (moreRule.length === 1) { let parsedRule = parseOneRule(ruleItem); if (parsedRule) { result.push(parsedRule); } } else { let resultRule = []; moreRule.forEach((oneRule) => { oneRule = oneRule.trim(); let parsedRule = parseOneRule(oneRule); if (parsedRule) { resultRule.push(parsedRule); } }); result.push({ mode: "more-rule", moreRule: resultRule, }); } }); return result; }, /** * 执行自定义规则,拦截返回true * @param {HTMLDivElement} element * @param {string} url 真实链接 */ handleCustomRule(element, url) { function handleOneRule(ruleItem) { if (ruleItem.mode === "match-href") { if (url.match(ruleItem.matchText)) { return true; } } else if (ruleItem.mode === "match-attr") { if ( element.hasAttribute(ruleItem.attr) && element.getAttribute(ruleItem.attr).match(ruleItem.matchText) ) { return true; } } else if (ruleItem.mode === "contains-child") { if (element.querySelector(ruleItem.matchText)) { return true; } } else if (ruleItem.mode === "remove-child") { element.querySelector(ruleItem["matchText"])?.remove(); } } for (const ruleItem of this.rule) { if (ruleItem.moreRule) { let flag = true; for (const oneRule of ruleItem.moreRule) { if (!handleOneRule(oneRule)) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { return true; } } else { if (handleOneRule(ruleItem)) { return true; } } } }, }; /** * 百度劫持 */ const BaiduHijack = { /** * 劫持剪贴板写入 * + 百度搜索 * * Function.prototype.apply */ hijackCopy() { let originApply = Function.prototype.apply; Function.prototype.apply = function () { try { let _Arguments = arguments[1]; if ( arguments.length === 2 && typeof _Arguments === "object" && "" + _Arguments === "[object Arguments]" && _Arguments.length === 1 && typeof _Arguments[0] === "object" && _Arguments[0] != null && "appName" in _Arguments[0] && "checkTokenCopied" in _Arguments[0] && "deeplink" in _Arguments[0] && "scheme" in _Arguments[0] && "token" in _Arguments[0] && "useDeeplink" in _Arguments[0] ) { log.success(["劫持复制到剪贴板", ..._Arguments]); return new Promise(function (resolve) { log.success(["修改参数并劫持复制到剪贴板返回true"]); resolve({ status: true, }); }); } } catch (error) { //log.error(error); } return originApply.call(this, ...arguments); }; }, /** * 劫持百度搜索某些项的点击事件 * + 百度搜索 * * Object.defineProperty * @param {string} menuKeyName */ hijack_onClick(menuKeyName) { let windowDefineProperty = unsafeWindow.Object.defineProperty; unsafeWindow.Object.defineProperty = function ( target, propertyKey, _attributes ) { if (propertyKey === "_onClick") { log.info(["成功劫持_onClick", arguments]); let oldFn = _attributes["value"]; _attributes["value"] = function (event) { let eventNode = this._getNode(event.target); let eventNodeName = this._getType(eventNode); if (eventNodeName === "link") { let linkProps = this._getLinkProps(eventNode); log.success(["点击事件-linkProps信息", linkProps]); window.location.href = linkProps.href; } else { log.success([ "点击事件-this._getType(eventNode)不为link", eventNodeName, event, ]); oldFn.call(this, ...arguments); } }; } windowDefineProperty.call(this, ...arguments); }; }, /** * 劫持apply的Scheme调用 * + 百度搜索 * * Function.prototype.apply */ hijackFunctionApplyScheme() { let originApply = Function.prototype.apply; Function.prototype.apply = function () { try { let _Arguments = arguments[1]; if ( arguments.length === 2 && typeof _Arguments === "object" && "" + _Arguments === "[object Arguments]" && _Arguments.length === 2 && _Arguments[1] === "scheme" ) { log.success(["劫持Scheme", ..._Arguments]); return; } } catch (error) { /*log.error(error);*/ } return originApply.call(this, ...arguments); }; }, /** * 劫持添加元素,包括script标签、iframe标签,默认劫持iframe的非http链接 * + 百度贴吧(tieba.baidu.com) * + 百度地图(map.baidu.com) * Element.prototype.appendChild * @param {(element:HTMLElement)=>{}|undefined} handleCallBack 处理的回调函数,如果劫持请返回true */ hijackElementAppendChild(handleCallBack) { let originDocumentAppendChild = Element.prototype.appendChild; Element.prototype.appendChild = function (element) { if (element instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { if (!element?.src?.startsWith("http")) { log.success(["劫持iframe唤醒:" + element.src, element]); return; } } if (typeof handleCallBack === "function") { let handleResult = handleCallBack(element); if (handleResult) { return; } } return originDocumentAppendChild.call(this, element); }; }, /** * 劫持jQuery的append的iframe * + 百度地图(map.baidu.com) * * $().append(); */ hijackJQueryAppend() { let originAppend = $.fn.append; $.fn.append = function (params) { if (typeof params === "string") { params = params.trim(); if ( params.startsWith('