// ==UserScript== // @name 腾讯视频清爽脚本_new // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.2 // @description 在推文里插入按钮,点击按钮把推文ID发送到自己的服务端,对推文进行后续处理。(自行修改服务器地址) // @author You // @match https://twitter.com/* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @downloadURL none // ==/UserScript== var 主题色; var 深主题色; var 浅主题色; var VIP主题色; var 备案字体颜色; var 浅色字体; var 亮色字体; var 深色字体; //var 主题 = "青色" //初始化组件 (function () { 'use strict'; // 创建侧边栏开关按钮元素 const toggleButton = document.createElement('button'); toggleButton.className = 'toggle_button'; toggleButton.textContent = '<'; // 设置按钮样式 toggleButton.style.position = 'fixed'; toggleButton.style.top = '40%'; toggleButton.style.width = '15px'; toggleButton.style.height = '50px'; toggleButton.style.color = 'rgb(55, 99, 57)'; toggleButton.style.background = 'linear-gradient(to right, rgb(220, 240, 176), rgba(252, 247, 224, 0.5))'; toggleButton.style.cursor = 'pointer'; toggleButton.style.zIndex = '9999'; // 将按钮添加到页面的 body 元素中 document.body.appendChild(toggleButton); // 创建设置按钮 var settingButton = document.createElement('div'); settingButton.className = 'main_button'; settingButton.style.position = 'fixed'; settingButton.style.top = '50%'; settingButton.style.width = '15px'; settingButton.style.height = '50px'; settingButton.innerHTML = '设置'; settingButton.style.color = '#376339'; settingButton.style.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #DCF0B0, rgba(252, 247, 224, 0.5))"; settingButton.style.cursor = 'pointer'; settingButton.style.zIndex = '9999'; settingButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { dragMenu(settingButton, e); }); document.body.appendChild(settingButton); // setTimeout(function () { // // 获取按钮元素透明 // toggleButton.style.opacity = "0.1"; // settingButton.style.opacity = "0.1"; // }, 10000); // 10秒后执行 // 创建设置界面 var settingPanel = document.createElement('div'); settingPanel.style.position = 'fixed'; settingPanel.style.top = '47%'; settingPanel.style.left = '20px'; settingPanel.style.padding = '10px'; settingPanel.style.color = '#376339'; settingPanel.style.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #DCF0B0, #FCF7E0)"; settingPanel.style.border = '1px solid #000'; settingPanel.style.zIndex = '9999'; settingPanel.style.display = 'none'; settingPanel.innerHTML = ` <input type="radio" class="percentage" name="progressType" value="percentage" checked style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="percentage">使用百分比</label> <input type="number" id="percentageThreshold" value="85" style="width: 50px;"> <br> <input type="radio" class="percentage" name="progressType" value="time" style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="time">使用分秒时间</label> <input type="text" id="timeThreshold" placeholder="12:20" style="width: 50px;"> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="removewatermark" style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="percentage">去除视频水印</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="closesidebar" style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="percentage">首次关闭侧边栏</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="advertisement" style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="percentage">屏蔽广告</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="htmlbackground" style="cursor:pointer"> <label for="percentage">替换背景</label> <form action="/submit-form" method="post"> <select id="cars" name="cars"> <option value="月光色">月光色</option> <option value="青色">青色</option> <option value="神秘森林">神秘森林</option> <option value="辣红色">辣红色</option> <option value="芒果色">芒果色</option> <option value="金黄色">金黄色</option> <option value="金色">金色</option> </select> </form> <br> <button id="saveButton" class="button" style="font-weight: bold; color: #333333;cursor:pointer;">保存</button> `; // <br> // <div style="width: 100%; height: 1px;background-color: #5c6e32; margin-bottom: 2px;"></div> // <label for="percentage" style=" position: relative;top: 10px;">cookie:</label> // <textarea class="cookie_textrea" placeholder="填写你需要加载到浏览器的cookie。" style="width: 110px;resize: none; height: 60px;"></textarea> // <br> // <button id="tiquButton" class="button" style="font-weight: bold; color: #333333;cursor:pointer;position: relative;left: 95px;">提取</button> // <button id="jiazaiButton" class="button" style="font-weight: bold; color: #333333;cursor:pointer;position: relative;left: 100px;">加载</button> document.body.appendChild(settingPanel); settingPanel.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { dragMenu(settingPanel, e); }); // 定义一个变量用于保存计时器的 ID var timerId; // 给设置按钮绑定鼠标移入事件 settingButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () { // 显示设置面板 settingPanel.style.display = 'block'; // 清除计时器 clearTimeout(timerId); }); // 给设置面板绑定鼠标移入事件,避免鼠标移出设置按钮后立即隐藏设置面板 settingPanel.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () { // 清除计时器 clearTimeout(timerId); }); // 给设置按钮绑定鼠标移出事件 settingButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { // 开始计时,500 毫秒后隐藏设置面板 timerId = setTimeout(function () { settingPanel.style.display = 'none'; }, 500); }); // 给设置面板绑定鼠标移出事件,避免鼠标移入设置面板后立即隐藏设置面板 settingPanel.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { // 开始计时,500 毫秒后隐藏设置面板 timerId = setTimeout(function () { settingPanel.style.display = 'none'; }, 500); }); // 显示/隐藏设置界面 if (settingButton) { settingButton.addEventListener('click', function () { if (settingPanel.style.display === 'none') { settingPanel.style.display = 'block'; console.log('开始设置'); } else { settingPanel.style.display = 'none'; } }); } var tiquButton = document.querySelector('#tiquButton'); if (tiquButton) { tiquButton.addEventListener("click", function () { var cookieStr = document.querySelector('.cookie_textrea') if (cookieStr) { cookieStr.value = document.cookie } }) } var jiazaiButton = document.querySelector('#jiazaiButton'); if (jiazaiButton) { jiazaiButton.addEventListener("click", function () { 加载QQcookie(); }) } function 加载QQcookie() { var cookieDomain = ".qq.com" // 设置cookie字符串 var cookieStr = document.querySelector('.cookie_textrea') if (cookieStr) { // 分割cookie字符串 if (cookieStr.value != "") { var cookies = cookieStr.value.split(";"); if (cookies.length != 0) { // 遍历每个cookie,并设置为对应的键值对 cookies.forEach(function (cookie) { var keyValue = cookie.trim().split("="); var key = keyValue[0]; var value = keyValue[1]; // 设置cookie document.cookie = key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; domain=" + cookieDomain + "; path=/;"; }); } else (showToast("请不包含有cookie信息。")) } else (showToast("请填写cookie信息。")) } else (showToast("编辑框元素丢失了。")) } //取进度百分比的编辑框元素 var percentageThresholdInput = document.getElementById('percentageThreshold'); // 读取缓存percentageThreshold的值 var savedPercentageThreshold = localStorage.getItem('percentageThreshold'); //如果缓存没有内容就使用默认的数值 if (savedPercentageThreshold) { percentageThresholdInput.value = savedPercentageThreshold; } else { percentageThresholdInput.value = '85'; // 默认值 } // 读取缓存的timeThreshold的值 var timeThresholdInput = document.getElementById('timeThreshold'); var savedTimeThreshold = localStorage.getItem('timeThreshold'); if (savedTimeThreshold) { timeThresholdInput.value = savedTimeThreshold; } else { timeThresholdInput.placeholder = '12:20'; // 默认值 } var percentageValue = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('percentage')); if (isNaN(percentageValue) || percentageValue < 0) { document.querySelectorAll(".percentage")[0].checked = true } else { document.querySelectorAll(".percentage")[percentageValue].checked = true } var removewatermarkchecked = localStorage.getItem('removewatermark'); if (removewatermarkchecked === "false") { document.querySelector("#removewatermark").checked = false; } else { document.querySelector("#removewatermark").checked = true; localStorage.setItem('removewatermark', true); } var closesidebarchecked = localStorage.getItem('closesidebar'); if (closesidebarchecked === "false") { document.querySelector("#closesidebar").checked = false } else { document.querySelector("#closesidebar").checked = true localStorage.setItem('closesidebar', true); } if (closesidebarchecked === "false") { document.querySelector("#advertisement").checked = false } else { document.querySelector("#advertisement").checked = true localStorage.setItem('advertisement', true); } var htmlbackground = localStorage.getItem('htmlbackground'); if (htmlbackground === "true") { document.querySelector("#htmlbackground").checked = true; var cars = localStorage.getItem('cars'); document.querySelector("#cars").selectedIndex = cars; } else { document.querySelector("#htmlbackground").checked = false; localStorage.setItem('htmlbackground', false); } // 监听保存按钮的点击事件 var saveButton = document.getElementById('saveButton'); saveButton.addEventListener('click', function () { // 保存percentageThreshold的值到localStorage var percentageThresholdValue = percentageThresholdInput.value; localStorage.setItem('percentageThreshold', percentageThresholdValue); // 保存timeThreshold的值到localStorage var timeThresholdValue = timeThresholdInput.value; localStorage.setItem('timeThreshold', timeThresholdValue); //保存去水印设置 localStorage.setItem('removewatermark', document.querySelector("#removewatermark")?.checked); //保存屏蔽广告设置 localStorage.setItem('advertisement', document.querySelector("#advertisement")?.checked); //保存侧边栏设置 localStorage.setItem('closesidebar', document.querySelector("#closesidebar")?.checked); //主题替换功能 localStorage.setItem('htmlbackground', document.querySelector("#htmlbackground")?.checked); //主题配色选择 localStorage.setItem('cars', document.querySelector("#cars")?.selectedIndex); // // 判断是否所有的percentage都被选中 var percentageInputs = document.querySelectorAll(".percentage"); for (var i = 0; i < percentageInputs.length; i++) { if (percentageInputs[i].checked) { localStorage.setItem('percentage', i); } } }); //需要直接执行的代码 函数存放("页面样式修改"); 函数存放("去除游戏栏目"); 函数存放("加载时可删除广告"); 函数存放("轮播栏广告小图"); 侧边栏调整(); 监测全屏状态(); 监测激活状态(); 监测页面元素(); })(); // 检测视频进度达到阈值时执行点击下一个视频 function checkAndClickNext() { var jindu = document.querySelector(".txp_time_current"); var changdu = document.querySelector(".txp_time_duration"); // 解析进度和长度的分钟和秒钟 if (jindu && changdu) { var progressParts = jindu.textContent.split(":"); var durationParts = changdu.textContent.split(":"); var progressMinutes = parseInt(progressParts[0]); var progressSeconds = parseInt(progressParts[1]); var durationMinutes = parseInt(durationParts[0]); var durationSeconds = parseInt(durationParts[1]); // 将分钟和秒钟转换为总秒数 var progressTotalSeconds = progressMinutes * 60 + progressSeconds; var durationTotalSeconds = durationMinutes * 60 + durationSeconds; // 获取进度类型选择 var progressType = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('percentage')); var nextButton = document.querySelector('.txp_btn.txp_btn_next_u'); // 根据进度类型执行相应的进度判断 if (progressType === 0) { // 获取百分比阈值 var percentageThreshold = localStorage.getItem('percentageThreshold'); // 计算百分比 var percent = (progressTotalSeconds / durationTotalSeconds) * 100; //txp_tooltip txp_none // 如果进度达到阈值,则执行点击下一个视频的操作 if (percent >= percentageThreshold) { if (nextButton) { nextButton.click(); } } } else if (progressType === 1) { // 获取分秒时间阈值 var timeThresholdParts = localStorage.getItem('timeThreshold'); var timeParts = timeThresholdParts.split(":"); var timeThresholdSeconds = parseInt(timeParts[0]) * 60 + parseInt(timeParts[1]); // 如果进度达到阈值时间,则执行点击下一个视频的操作 if (progressTotalSeconds >= timeThresholdSeconds) { if (nextButton) { nextButton.click(); } } } } //clearInterval(intervalId); } //监测页面元素 function 监测页面元素() { var oldURL = document.URL; // 创建 Mutation Observer 实例 var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) { // console.log("蜀黍"); for (var mutation of mutationsList) { // 遍历每个被添加的节点 for (var addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) { // 判断是否为元素节点 if (addedNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { 监测去除广告(addedNode); if (oldURL !== document.URL) { console.log(oldURL, document.URL) oldURL = document.URL; } } } } }); // 监测整个文档树的变动 observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } var cartoonlistload; function 监测去除广告() { if (localStorage.getItem('advertisement') === "true") { //暂停视频的弹窗广告 var video_material = document.querySelector('.txp_zt_video_material'); if (video_material) { video_material.parentNode.removeChild(video_material); } else { // 暂停视频的弹窗广告 var pauseBanner = document.querySelector('.txp_zt_content.txp_ad_active_normal'); if (pauseBanner) { pauseBanner.remove(); } else { // 推荐视频里的广告 var pauseVideos = document.querySelectorAll(".video-card-module > div.card-wrap"); if (pauseVideos.length > 0) { pauseVideos.forEach(function (video) { video.remove(); }); } else { // 推荐视频里的广告关闭按钮 var close_btn = document.querySelectorAll(".close-btn SPAN"); if (close_btn.length > 0) { close_btn.forEach(function (button) { if (button.textContent === "广告") { button.parentNode.parentNode.remove(); } }); } else { // 暂停视频的弹窗广告 var pauselayer = document.querySelector('.creative-player-pause-layer'); if (pauselayer) { pauselayer.remove(); } else { var 侧边栏广告 = document.querySelector(".game_switch_page_next_wrapper.game-switch-ad") if (侧边栏广告) { 侧边栏广告.remove(); } else { var 挂件 = document.querySelector(".game_close_btn.svelte-a683jp") if (挂件) { 挂件.click(); console.log("移除了挂件广告。") } else { var cartoonlist = document.querySelector(".card.vertical") if (cartoonlist) { }else { var pauselayer = document.querySelector('[data-role="creative-player-full-screen-pause-layer"]') if (pauselayer) { pauselayer.remove() } } } } } } } } } } var interactiframe = document.querySelector('.interact_entry.player__interact-iframe'); if (interactiframe) { interactiframe.parentNode.removeChild(interactiframe); console.log("未知广告", "interactiframe"); } var txpzt = document.querySelector('.txp_zt'); if (txpzt) { txpzt.remove(); console.log("未知广告", "txpzt"); } } //监测全屏状态 function 监测全屏状态() { var targetNode = document.querySelector("body"); // 要监测的目标元素 // console.log("蜀黍", targetNode); var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) { for (var mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes') { // 如果发现目标元素的属性变化 if (mutation.attributeName === 'class') { console.log('类名发生了变化:', targetNode.className); const main_button = document.querySelector(".main_button"); const toggle_button = document.querySelector(".toggle_button"); if (targetNode.className === "tvplayer-fake-fullscreeen plugin_ctrl_fake_fullscreen") { main_button.style.opacity = "0"; toggle_button.style.opacity = "0"; } else { main_button.style.opacity = "1"; toggle_button.style.opacity = "1"; } } } } }); var config = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class', 'dt-params'] }; observer.observe(targetNode, config); } //手动调整侧边剧集栏,初次打开网页,会自动收起侧边剧集栏 function 侧边栏调整() { // 封装函数来处理侧边栏的显示和隐藏 function toggleSidebar(toggleButton) { var 展开侧边栏; //新版侧边栏,没有自带按钮 const 自带收缩按钮 = document.querySelector('.player__wide-btn'); const sidebar = document.querySelector('.page-content__right'); if (自带收缩按钮) { dinglan = document.querySelector('.site_head.dd.site_head_channel'); var 播放器 = document.querySelector('#player-container'); var episode = document.querySelectorAll(".container-episode").length //判断自带的关闭侧边栏按钮 var wideBtn = 自带收缩按钮; if (episode) { if (wideBtn) { wideBtn.click(); 展开侧边栏 = false; } } else { if (wideBtn) { wideBtn.click(); 展开侧边栏 = true; } } return; } else { var 播放器 = document.querySelector('#player-container'); if (!播放器) { return; } if (sidebar.style.display === 'none') { // 恢复侧边栏 sidebar.style.display = ''; 展开侧边栏 = true; } else { // 关闭侧边栏 sidebar.style.display = 'none'; 展开侧边栏 = false; } } //收缩展开侧边栏,并重新调整播放器大小 if (展开侧边栏 === true) { toggleButton.textContent = '<'; var 播放器框架 = document.querySelector(".container-main__left") // 从元素中获取原始宽度和高度 const originalWidth = 播放器.style.width; const originalHeight = 播放器.style.height; //新的高度site_head dd site_head_channel top-nav-wrap head_inner var dinglan = document.querySelector('.top-nav-wrap.head_inner'); var newVideoHeight = window.innerHeight - dinglan.offsetHeight - 30; // 计算新的宽度 //const newWidth = (parseInt(originalWidth) / parseInt(originalHeight)) * newVideoHeight; // 设置元素 player-container 的宽度 //播放器.style.width = `${newWidth}px`; 播放器.style.height = `${newVideoHeight}px`; console.log("新的播放器宽度", newVideoHeight) // 将修改后的宽度和高度保存在浏览器缓存中 //localStorage.setItem('modifiedWidth', `${newWidth}px`); localStorage.setItem('modifiedHeight', `${newVideoHeight}px`); } else { toggleButton.textContent = '>'; // 从缓存中获取修改后的宽度和高度 //const cachedWidth = localStorage.getItem('modifiedWidth'); const cachedHeight = localStorage.getItem('modifiedHeight'); // 设置元素 player-container 的宽度和高度 //播放器.style.width = cachedWidth; 播放器.style.height = cachedHeight; } } //侧边栏按钮点击 const toggleButton = document.querySelector('.toggle_button') toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function () { toggleSidebar(toggleButton); }); //绑定按钮元素移动 toggleButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { dragMenu(toggleButton, e); }); if (localStorage.getItem('closesidebar') === "true") { toggleSidebar(toggleButton); } } //元素移动函数 function dragMenu(menuObj, e) { e = e ? e : window.event; // || e.target.tagName === 'BUTTON' 判断是否为按钮元素 if (e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'SELECT') { return; } let dragData = { startX: e.clientX, startY: e.clientY, menuLeft: menuObj.offsetLeft, menuTop: menuObj.offsetTop }; document.onmousemove = function (e) { try { dragMenu(menuObj, e); } catch (err) { } }; document.onmouseup = function (e) { try { stopDrag(menuObj); } catch (err) { } }; doane(e); function stopDrag(menuObj) { document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; } function doane(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } } document.onmousemove = function (e) { let mouseX = e.clientX; let mouseY = e.clientY; let menuLeft = dragData.menuLeft + mouseX - dragData.startX; let menuTop = dragData.menuTop + mouseY - dragData.startY; menuObj.style.left = menuLeft + 'px'; menuObj.style.top = menuTop + 'px'; doane(e); } } //提示弹幕 var toastContainers = []; function showToast(message, isError) { // 创建新的提示框 const toastContainer = document.createElement('div'); toastContainer.style.position = "fixed"; toastContainer.style.top = "10%"; toastContainer.style.left = "40%"; toastContainer.style.fontSize = "20px"; toastContainer.style.position = "fixed"; toastContainer.style.zIndex = "999"; const toast = document.createElement('div'); toast.textContent = message; toastContainer.appendChild(toast); // 根据是否为错误提示框添加不同的样式 if (isError) { toastContainer.classList.add('toast-container', 'success'); toastContainer.style.color = '#3fc91d'; } else { toastContainer.classList.add('toast-container', 'error'); toastContainer.style.color = '#CC5500'; } // 将提示框添加到页面中 document.body.appendChild(toastContainer); toastContainers.push(toastContainer); // 获取页面高度的 20vh const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; const height = windowHeight * 0.15; // 设置当前提示框的位置 toastContainer.style.top = `${height}px`; // 调整其他提示框的位置 for (let i = 0; i < toastContainers.length - 1; i++) { const container = toastContainers[i]; container.style.top = `${height - (toastContainers.length - i - 1) * 30}px`; } // 在 3 秒后隐藏提示框 setTimeout(() => { toastContainer.classList.add('hide'); // 过渡动画结束后移除提示框 setTimeout(() => { const index = toastContainers.indexOf(toastContainer); if (index !== -1) { toastContainers.splice(index, 1); } toastContainer.parentNode.removeChild(toastContainer); }, 300); }, 3000); } //监测激活状态 function 监测激活状态() { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function () { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { // 浏览器窗口处于激活状态 console.log("浏览器已激活"); document.querySelector("body").click(); } else { // 浏览器窗口处于非激活状态 console.log("浏览器已非激活"); } }); window.addEventListener('load', function () { // 页面加载完成后执行的操作 console.log('页面加载完成'); checkAndClickNext(); // 定时检测视频进度并执行操作 setInterval(checkAndClickNext, 1000); if (localStorage.getItem('advertisement') === "true") { 函数存放("去除游戏栏目"); 函数存放("轮播栏广告播放"); } }); } function 函数存放(函数) { // txp_videos_container if (函数 = "轮播栏广告小图") { if (localStorage.getItem('removewatermark') === "true") { var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".focus-item"); elements.forEach(function (element) { if (element.tagName === "A") { // console.log("蜀黍", element.href); if (element.href === "javascript:;") { var 关闭广告 = document.querySelector(".close-creative"); if (关闭广告) { if (关闭广告.title === "关闭广告") { 关闭广告.click(); console.log("移除轮播栏的广告成功") return; } else { console.log("删除轮播栏的广告成功") element.remove(); 关闭广告 = document.querySelector(".close-creative"); if (关闭广告.title === "关闭广告") { 关闭广告.click(); console.log("移除轮播栏的广告成功2") return; } } } } } }); } } if (函数 = "轮播栏广告播放") { if (localStorage.getItem('removewatermark') === "true") { var 轮播广告栏 = document.querySelectorAll('.focus-wrap.large-focus') if (轮播广告栏) { var targetNode = document.querySelector(".close-creative"); 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